Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


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Date and place

Monday, July 17, 2017 from 13:0018:00 at ILIAS-Verein office in Köln



13:00 - 13:15

1. Appointments

13:15 - 17:45

2. Developing 5.3

17:45 - 18:00

3. Miscellaneous


At ILIAS office:

Participated via VC:

If you like to participate at the Jour Fixe via Skype, please contact Amstutz, Timon [amstutz] to get invited to the call. His Skype-Username is timon.amstutz

1 Appointments

2 Developing 5.3

The option to suggest features for 5.3 has been closed at March 31, 2017. Over 300 features are on the list of suggested features.

2.1 Status of Development

Number of features scheduled for Release 5.3 and their status this morning:

  • A - in trunk: 10 (was 4)
  • B - approved: 10 (was 1)
  • C - waiting for approval: 21 (was 28)
  • D - in development: 20 (was 4)
  • E - contract settled29 (was 18)
  • F - option or agreement for funding: 19 (was 44)
  • G - partly funded: 6 (was 6)
  • H - funding needed: 13 (was 12)
  • Candidates for abandoned features:1 (was 1)
Notice: Features currently assigned to categories B to H have to be in the trunk until August 28, 2017 to become part of the official 5.3 release.

2.2 Feature Requests to be Discussed

The following features suggested for 5.3 were added to the data collection 'Suggestions for Jour Fixe Agenda' to be discussed today (see procedure documented in ILIAS community FAQ):

  1. Support of Positions in Surveys: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for 5.3. We would like to have the following changes:

    1. The feature 'Show User Data According to Position...' should be moved from 'Administration » Privacy...' to 'Administration » Organisational Units'. In 'Privacy' they should only be mirrored (like for 'Roles').
    2. The permission 'Access to ... according to Edit Settings' should be changed into a distinct permission 'Access Results' (in Survey and Test) or 'Access Submission and Grades' (in Exercise).
    3. The labels for all settings will be refurbished in cooperation with the PM and language maintainer, Matthias Kunkel.
    4. The settings in 'Position Permissions' are preset by the according org unit role template.
    5. In general we would like to have an activation of this 'Position feature' for all objects supporting 'Positions' - and in future for all features with related scenarios (access to learning progress or results).

  2. Allow superiors of participants to enter and view results: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.3. We would like to have the following changes:

    • Please remove the option 'Protect Permissions' as it is currently only available in container objects.
    • Please add a setting "Enable Positions..." to the IA's setting screen.
    • Please change the already existing permission 'Edit learning progress' into 'Set learning progress of other users'
    • Matthias will change the label for 'Edit learning progress' in all other components to 'Edit learning progress settings' to avoid misunderstandings.

  3. Centrally Administrating Mark Schemas: We like the suggestion but it needs some more shaping.
    Please describe the screen of the mark schema sub-tab and how the mapping works.
    Please add a percentage column to the screen in 3.2. Sorting of lines should follow the percentages.

  4. SAML Authentication: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for 5.3. In general, we would like to have a centralised authentication for 5.4 and to use the support of different authentication services offered by SimpleSAML. The following changes are still required for this feature:

    • The screen 'SAML IDP List' should be first tab in 'SAML' tab. Additionally, a text (and link) should be added about how to add a IDP to the list.
    • Matthias' requests for screen modification should be taken into account (as Michael has already noticed in his posting).
    • Fabian's suggestion to the related PR will be taken into consideration, too,.

  5. ILIAS as LTI tool provider: We highly appreciate the feature request to make ILIAS an LTI tool provider. Scheduling the entire feature depends from the last request New Objects-Settings for LTI-Provider that will be discussed on July 31.

  6. LTI-Outcome-Service: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.3 (assumed ILIAS as LTI tool provider is accepted in general).

  7. LTI Authentication: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.3 (assumed ILIAS as LTI tool provider is accepted in general). We would like to have the following change:

    • The authentication should not be done by IMS tool provider library but by SimpleSAML. Stefan can check if he is able to extract the rest of the missing library parts needed to launch the LTI object.

  8. LTI User Management: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.3 (assumed ILIAS as LTI tool provider is accepted in general).

  9. LTI Kiosk Mode: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.3 (assumed ILIAS as LTI tool provider is accepted in general). We would like to have the following changes:

    • The user button should be substituted by the close button (needs modification in KS description to allow LTI).
    • The button 'LTI Magazin' should be substituted by 'Navigation'.
    • Last visited should be stored for next session if user can clearly be identfied.
    • Tree icon should be shown when available for called object, e.g. course and group.
    • Side Bar should be shown.
    • When ILIAS sessions has ended, in info message should be presented (in case no return link has been configured). No button to restart session should be presented (would be task of the consumer).

  10. Administrating ILIAS as an LTI-Provider: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.3 (assumed ILIAS as LTI tool provider is accepted in general). We would like to have the following changes / extensions:

    • Secret should be created by ILIAS and not manually
    • An overview similar to "Released Courses" in ECS should be offered in the LTI administration

2.3 Status of ILIAS 5.3 development and open suggestions

Feature Requests With Interest in Funding

All Suggested features for 5.3

3 Miscellaneous

We noticed that we need to revise the Jour Fixe procedure to avoid that complex and risky development activities are discussed too late in the year. We will collect ideas how to improve this and discuss the procedure after the beta has been released.

Next Jour Fixes:

  • Monday, July 31, 2017, from 13:00 until 18:00 at the office of ILIAS-Verein in Cologne
  • Monday, August 28, 2017, from 13:00 until 18:00 at the office of ILIAS-Verein in Cologne
  • Monday, September 11, 2017, from 13:00 until 18:00 at the office of ILIAS-Verein in Cologne

Last edited: 19. Apr 2023, 12:28, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]