Feature Wiki

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Complete XML Templates

1 Requirements

It should be possible to customize the setting page of each ILIAS Object by ILIAS Administrators. For Surveys and Tests, ILIAS already allows you to add templates to hide some settings and/or set some default settings. Furthermore it is possible to add templates for objects to set their permissions. We proposes to make “default values of settings”, “visibility of settings” and “permissions” templates available for all objects and to combine them into one configuration in the ILIAS Administration.
E.g. You have the following use case. You manage courses outside ILIAS in a management system. Then you set the course title and the registration settings by this external management system and you like to prohibit to change those settings by course administrators. With this proposal it would be possible, to make a configuration for ILIAS Courses with non editable title field and without the section "Registration Settings".
See the attached file for further information.

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: your name / your e-mail ot@studer-raimann.ch

4 Discussion

JF 13 May 2013: The current implementation of the settings templates has added a lot of complexity to the code, e.g. in the survey module. We think that the maintenance effort to support this for all object types will be too high. We agree that a combination of didactic and settings templates in general makes sense, but we need an elegant way to support this kind of functionality in the code without the need to add many if-structures. The diversity of input GUI classes ("multiple" fields, dates, files, ...) makes it hard to do this in a general way.
We would like to make this a topic on the developer meeting.

5 Implementation

See the attached file.

Last edited: 13. May 2013, 17:05, Killing, Alexander [alex]