ILIAS Society

Homepage of ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V.

Developing knowledge together 

The ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V. ensures the sustainability of the software you use. And it guarantees transparency.

  • Strategic development of ILIAS
  • Coordination of software development
  • Process design, quality control
  • Community events such as Development Conference
  • External presentation of the software
  • Release management, bug tracking, coordination of documentation


Next General Assembly:

  • 28 March 2025 at HSPV in Duisburg

Become a Member now!

The society enables private individuals, companies, institutions and service providers to get involved with ILIAS and ensure its further development. Get in touch with us:

ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V.
Fax: +49 (0) 221 56 07 84 58

Would you like to become a member of the society directly? Click here for the membership applications for private individuals, institutions, companies and service providers:

Become a member

Society bodies

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Board of ILIAS society
Tasks and projects of the Technical Board in the ILIAS Society
Representation of institutional members and service providers within the society


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Hier finden Sie die Satzung und weitere Dokumente zum Verein in Englisch und Deutsch
Preisträger seit 2009

Who's in?

Over 200 companies, institutions and private individuals have already joined the association. You can find a current list » here!

Society management

ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V.
Mail: Berrenrather Straße 177 • 50937 Köln
Fax: +49 (0) 221 5607 8458

Employees of the society: