ILIAS Development Conference

Group of the biannual conference for developers and power users



Interested in the ILIAS Development Conference? Login and click the "Join" button for more information.

The ILIAS Development Conference is the biannual conference of all people who are involved in the development of ILIAS or want to become involved in the future. No matter if you are a developer, designer, concepter, system administrator, project manager or teacher, tutor or learner, the development conference will allow you to get insights into the actual creation of the ILIAS software. Get a grip on how you could take part in the ILIAS development process and get ideas for your own plugins or skins.

The Call-for-Papers has started!
Contribute to the programme of the upcoming Development Conference and submit your suggestion for a presentation, workshop or hands-on-tutorial. Deadline is 19 August, 23.00 CEST.

Development Conferences


Data Collection
Contributions by the community to the programme of the Development Conference at 04 September in Graz | Deadline: 19 August 2024
Here you find all information about development conferences and topics