Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


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Release 10

1 Timeline for ILIAS 10

  • Feature freeze at 30 April 2024
  • Coding completed at 25 October 2024
    • New features implemented and related test cases completed
    • Existing test cases updated/revised
  • Release 10.0 beta1 and release-10 branch planned for 28 October 2024
  • Beginn of testing phase scheduled for 30 October 2024
    • Pretest: 30 October – 12 November 2024
    • Community testing: 13 November 2024 – 05 February 2025
  • End of testing phase planned for 05 Februar 2025
  • First stable 10.0 release planned for 13 March 2025
  • Full maintenance support for version 10: until 31 December 2026
  • Security bug fixes only: until 31 December 2027

2 Important Information

Required and Supported Software ILIAS 10

3 Projects

The following large development projects have been announced for ILIAS 10 (implementation depends on resources and funding):

  1. ILIAS Resource Storage Service (Project)
  2. Removing of Legacy-UIComponents-Service and Table
  3. Continuous Refactoring Initiative
  4. ILIAS Refinement
  5. Revision of Test Question Creation
  6. Component Revision
  7. LTI Support in ILIAS
  8. Introduce Activities

4 List of New and Extended Features

Below you can see which features have already been scheduled for ILIAS version 10 and how their status is. If you can offer funding for features shown in list G and H, please contact the ILIAS product manager.

A : The following features are implemented and become part of trunk in release 10:

B : The following features are implemented and approved by the customer. They will be committed to trunk soon.

C : The following features are implemented and waiting for approval by the customer:

D : The following features are currently in development:

E : The following features are already settled for release 10. Funding is available and an appropriate contract with a service provider has been concluded to implement the feature.

F : The following features are scheduled for release 10 and have a declared interest in funding by one or more customers. But they only will make it into the trunk if appropriate development resources are ensured, e.g. by contract with a service provider.

G : The following features are only partly funded and need additional financial support to be implemented as described:

H : The following features are scheduled for ILIAS 10 but still require funding! Without funding these features cannot be implemented for ILIAS 10 and have to be postponed to a later version. Any funding for one of these features is highly appreciated!

  1. Accessible KS-Bar Charts for Survey
  2. Accessible Launcher for Request for Membership and Improved Join Tab
  3. Administration and User Action Context for Staff
  4. Component Framework/Setup: Make Setup handle Legacy Plugins
  5. Configuring the availability of general purpose page elements
  6. Content Tab for Poll
  7. Data Collection : Provision of an Import Template
  8. Data Collection : Role-based View Limitation
  9. Exercise: Migrate Submission and Grades View to KS Data Table
  10. Expandable Panel for Item Groups
  11. Fuse tables «Consultation Hours Appointments» and «Bookings»
  12. Improve Communication in Consultation Hours Service
  13. Improve Managing Consultation Hours in Agenda-Tab
  14. Improved look of Staff List
  15. Improved look of Staff » Certificate
  16. Improved look of Staff » Competences
  17. Improved look of Staff » Course Memberships
  18. Improved look of Staff » Course Memberships of single User
  19. Improving language coding scheme
  20. Introducing KS-Charts for Poll
  21. Introducing Page Templates in Content-tab
  22. IRSS: Migrate Booking Tool to IRSS
  23. IRSS: Migrate Media Objects to IRSS
  24. Learning Modules: Migrate Page/Chapter Overview to Data Table
  25. Let Anonymous Users Vote in Poll
  26. Mail Attachments: Change from »Edit« to »Add«
  27. Migrate Blog Overview View to KS
  28. Migrate HTML Export To IRSS And New Zip Process
  29. Move Custom Fields Table to DataTable
  30. Move Personal Learning Progress-tab in Main Bar to KS
  31. Move Role-Permissions-Table to DataTable
  32. Move Search Header to Kitchensink Filters
  33. Move Translations Table to DataTable
  34. Move User Search Results to KS
  35. Move «Results: Per Participant» to KS
  36. Moving «Users» and «Summary» of Learning Pogress to KS
  37. Multiactions for Learning Progress
  38. New tab ‘Media‘ and revised tab ‘Questions‘
  39. Page Editor » File List Editing
  40. Permanent Link for tab ‘Agenda‘ of Course and Group Calendar
  41. Present Users Learning Progress as Secondary Panel in Course
  42. Refactor Survey Export
  43. Removing Legacy-UI » ilConfirmationGUI  » Interruptive Modal for Confirmation
  44. Removing Legacy-UI » Toolbar » ‘Label‘ + ‘Input‘ + ‘Legacy Dropdown‘ + ‘Submit‘
  45. Removing Legacy-UI » Toolbar » ‘Label‘ + ‘Legacy Dropdown‘ + ‘Submit‘ (in ILIAS 10)
  46. Replace «Send Participantion Confirmation»-Button by Automatism
  47. Responsive Interactive Images
  48. Responsive Learning Progress Presented to Users
  49. Revamp of glossary presentation
  50. Send Mail directly to bookers of consultation hours
  51. Set Landing Page for Anonymous Access
  52. Show Poll in Object Lists
  53. Split-Up Standard Fields Table and Move to DataTable
  54. Transfer Repository Objects to KS Items
  55. Transfer «Info-Page» to KS-Panels and -Items

5 Changed Behaviour

This section lists changes of existing objects and components due to bug fixes made for ILIAS 10:

  • Object: Titles and Desciptions will always be interpreted as strings. Contained html-tags are encoded and shown in their literal form.

6 Abandoned Features

6.1 Candidates

Jour Fixe has already accepted to abandon the following features. But code still need to be removed from ILIAS.

6.2 Removed Features

The following features are abandoned with ILIAS 10 and have been removed from the ILIAS source code:

7 Migrations

Migration of Exercise Submission Files to IRSS:

> php cli/setup.php migrate --run exercise.ilExerciseSubmissionMigration

Migration of Exercise Peer Feedback Files to IRSS:

> php cli/setup.php migrate --run exercise.ilExercisePeerFeedbackMigration

Last edited: Yesterday, 20:25, Killing, Alexander [alex]