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Changed language entries for ILIAS 10

This is not a feature request but a general information on changes in the English and German language file for ILIAS version 10. Several of these changes are part of the project for gender mainstreaming funded by ILIAS.nrw.

1 Components and Language Entries

The following changes have been made for ILIAS 10 to improve the usability of ILIAS:

1.1 Changes due to Gendermainstreaming of German Language File

We have been looking at the term 'Teilnehmer' in many contexts.
Work in progress!

1.1.1 Certificate

  •  → no Teilnehmer anymore
  • placeholders have been stripped of their repetitive "des Teilnehmers oder der Teilnehmerin".
    Instead, the byline explains whose name, birthday, adress etc. it is ("Person, die das Zertifikat erhält")

1.1.2 Dateplaner

  •  → no Teilnehmer anymore
  • table column "gebucht von"
  • "Teilnehmer zuordnen" now: "Für andere buchen"
  • "Personen, die bereits einen Termin gebucht haben", "Angemeldete Personen"
  • abandoned features lead to less variables

1.2 Updates to the English Language Files

Changes have been made to the English language of following Objects, services and concepts in ILIAS, in order to correct errors and improve accuracy and usability. In some cases, appropriate changes have also been made to the German language files where errors were detected or improvements could be made based on the new English variables.

1.2.1 Blog

The Blog Object in ILIAS has been given a complete overhaul. Due to 'posting' being completely wrong, the corrections to the Blog language files have also been applied retrospectively to ILIAS9.

Main Changes

a. Posting / Post. 'Posting' is incorrect. Quite unpleasantly so. Therefore all 'Postings' have been changed to 'posts'.

b. General improvement of specificity and usefulness of info lines, for example regarding the approval of blog posts. Previously there existed a degree of confusion regarding the terms 'publish' and 'approve', with the info texts being slightly contradictory.

c. In line with the current work on the part of the German gender-mainstreaming team, the term 'Tutor' has been replaced with the more accurate 'Editor'. 

Detailed List of Changes - for translators into other languages

2 Contact

3 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

4 Discussion

5 Implementation

Test Cases

{ The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible. }

No test cases necessary. Only changes in language file will be made.


Approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 2. Sep 2024, 08:06, Strassner, Denis [dstrassner]