Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


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Release 8

1 Timeline for ILIAS 8

  • Feature freeze at 30 APR 2021
  • PHP-8-Reviews completed until 28 APR 2022
  • Coding completed for refactored components: 11 MAY 2022
  • Incorporating results of reviews: 26 MAY 2022 to 13 JUN 2022
  • Final check of components by their maintainers on 14 and 15 JUN 2022
  • Pre-Testing from 16 JUN 2022 until 22 JUL 2022
  • Incorporating of Pre-Test results: 20 JUN 2022 until 28 JUL 2022
  • Release 8.0 beta1 and release-8 branch published at 29 JUL 2022
  • Begin of testing phase started at 01 AUG 2022
  • End of testing phase[1] at 14 DEC 2022
  • First stable 8.0 published at 31 MAR 2023 
  • Full maintenance for version 8: until 31 DEC 2024
  • Security bugfixes only: until 31 DEC 2025

2 Important Information

3 List of New and Extended Features

3.1 General Topics

3.2 Core and Services



Competence Management

Cron Jobs



ECS Interface


Global Cache

Global Screen Service

ILIAS Page Editor

ILIAS Resource Storage Service

Info Page

Language Service

3.3 Modules

Bibliographic List Item


Category and Repository


Cloud Object

Content Page




Learning Module HTML

Learning Module ILIAS

4 Changed Behaviour

This section lists changes of existing objects and components due to bug fixes made for ILIAS 8:

5 Abandoned Features  

The following features are abandoned with ILIAS 8 and have been removed from the ILIAS source code:

5.1 Migrations

Data of External Webfeeds is removed by the following migration:

> php setup/cli.php migrate --run externalfeed.ilExternalFeedRemoveMigration

Files of Bibliografic Listb Item to Resource Storage Service

> php setup/cli.php migrate --run bibliographic.ilBibliographicStorageMigration

Migration to convert tables from MyISAM to Innodb service

> php setup/cli.php migrate --run database.ilMysqlMyIsamToInnoDbMigration

The following Migration should have been executed in ILIAS 7, but are still available:

> php setup/cli.php migrate --run resourcestorage.ilStorageHandlerV1Migration

> php setup/cli.php migrate --run ilFileObjectMigrationAgent.ilFileObjectToStorageMigration

Copyright entries are migrated to a format compatible with the KS by the following. Without the migration, existing copyright entries are not shown on info screens, etc. Note that the migration might not be entirely lossless for entries that were edited or created manually, and whose format significantly differs from that of the entries that are supplied with ILIAS. Please carefully check your copyright entries after the migration.

> php setup/cli.php migrate --run md.ilMDCopyrightMigration

[1] All test cases have been run once. Only retests done afterwards.

Last edited: 23. Apr 2024, 14:31, Killing, Alexander [alex]