Feature Wiki
Display message when chat user is writing
Page Overview
[Hide]1 Initial Problem
Nowadays it is quite normal in chat services to see when one or more conversation partners write something.
For example, Slack, Facebook OSC, BBB Chat, ... and many more.
2 Conceptual Summary
- In Repository Chat the message is shown above input field for everybody in the chatroom.
- In OnScreenChat the same message should be displayed above the input field of the relevant conversation.
If the user interrupts typing for more than 5 seconds, the message "[User XY] has stopped typing" is displayed. This information is no longer available after the session ends.
If more than one conversation partner is typing, the message "More than one person is typing" is displayed. No details about who exactly is typing.
3 User Interface Modifications
3.1 List of Affected Views
- Repository Chat (repository object)
- OnScreenChat (effective everywhere)
3.2 User Interface Details
Message should display above input field.
3.3 New User Interface Concepts
This specific "note text" is not a KS element and presumably must not be integrated into the KS.
3.4 Accessibility Implications
For A11Y we'll wrap this information in a ARIA Live Region.
4 Technical Information
5 Privacy Information
There is no new user data stored with the changes proposed in this request. Users can see when their conversation partners write something in their common conversation. The required information will be sent from the chat client (browser) to the chat server (Node.js) and emitted as events (1. User starts typing 2. User stops typing) to all subscribed sockets (other participants).
6 Security Implications
We do not see any changes for security issues.
7 Contact
- Author of the Request: Jansen, Michael [mjansen]
- Maintainer: Jansen, Michael [mjansen]
- Implementation of the feature is done by: {The maintainer must add the name of the implementing developer.}
8 Funding
- DHBW Karlsruhe
9 Discussion
JF 31 Mar 2014: We think this would be a good feature for the envisaged On-Screen Chat. We are unsure if this is technically possible within the existing chat. Please contact the maintainer Michael Jansen (mail: mjansen (at) databay.de) and ask him to post his opinion here. Afterwards, please re-schedule the topic on the agenda. If he supports the idea, we could schedule this for 4.5.
Dear Oliver, dear Michael,
I have two additional questions regarding the privacy information given in this request:
- Will there be logs on the server regarding the typing activity? Can we name them, so administrators know where the information is stored and treat the logs accordingly?
- Will there be some way to deactivate that feature, be it platform wide or for individual users? This is something that many apps have introduced for individual users afaik.
Best regards!
Thanks for you feedback Klees, Richard [rklees].
- Regarding the logs: Good point, there is no explicit logging planned, but of course logging could be required (at least for DEBUG log level) if we consider it as useful during testing/approval. The log message would include the scope (room id or conversation id, and the id of the event subject).
- Regarding Deactivation: A user related setting could be introduced in the personal settings (see: screenshot)
- Is there anything against placing the typing hint directly in the message window?
Especially in the repository chat, it is noticeable that the hint (someone else is typing) and where the message will appear are very far apart. If this typing hint were in the message window (where the message also appears), I think there would be a clearer separation between "here is my area where I can formulate my message" (my message) and "here I can see who is writing what" (message window).
To prevent the text from being difficult to read when scrolling, however, an additional white space would have to be added at the bottom. Or you show the hint "Someone is typing" only at the very end of the conversation. - Instead of "[User XY] has stopped typing" wouldn't it be simpler to simply not display the note "[User XY] is typing" at all when someone stops typing?
- to follow Yvonne's suggestion to place the typing info within in the so-called "message area" and not straight above the text input.
- to show only when a user is typing text and not also when she/he stopped typing.
- to have an option in the Personal Settings to activate this feature personally (default = deactivated in respect of privacy regulations).
10 Implementation
Implemented as described above.
Test Cases
Approved at 2021-09-28 by Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila] (Databay AG) as agreed with DHBW Karlsruhe.
Last edited: 20. Mar 2023, 09:15, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]