Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


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Release 9

1 Timeline for ILIAS 9

  • Feature freeze at April 30, 2023
  • Coding completed: all features have been implemented and test cases finished at October 27, 2023
  • Release 9.0 beta1 and release-9 branch were published at October 30, 2023
  • Testing phase started at October 31, 2023
    • Pretests from October 31 until November 10, 2023
    • Community testing starts at November 13, 2023
  • End of testing phase planned for Februar 02, 2024
  • Bugfixing and retests finished until April 26, 2024
  • First stable 9.0 release publishes at April 30, 2024
  • Full maintenance support for version 9: until December 31, 2025
  • Security bug fixes only: until June 30, 2027

Due to the delays in the completion of ILIAS 8, the schedule for ILIAS 9 had to be fundamentally changed. 

2 Important Information

3 List of New and Extended Features

The following features have been implemented for ILIAS 9:


  1. New administration node ‘Legal Regulations‘

Administrative Notification



Booking Tool

Category & Repository


Competence Management

Content Page

Course Management


Data Collection


Employee Talks





Global Screen Service



ILIAS Page Editor

ILIAS Resource Storage Service (IRSS)

Info Page

Item Groups


Learning Module ILIAS

Learning Sequence

Login, Auth & Registration


Media Pool




Online Help

Permanent Links



Privacy and Data Protection



Study Programme


Test & Assessment


User Interface



4 Changed Behaviour

This section lists changes of existing objects and components due to bug fixes made for ILIAS 9:

  • JavaScript Dependencies:
    • The JavaScript dependencies are not part of the ILIAS source code repository anymore. When setting up an ILIAS installation, the dependencies have to be installed by using NPM.
      • npm clean-install --omit=dev --ignore-scripts
  • Chat Server:
    • When updating to ILIAS 9 the chat server of older ILIAS versions cannot be used anymore. Furthermore the chat client of older ILIAS versions (ILIAS 8.x or previous versions) will not be able to communicate with an ILIAS 9 chat server.
    • Similar to the JavaScript dependencies of ILIAS, the dependencies of the chat server have been remove as well and must be additionally installed if an institution wants to use the ILIAS chat server.
  • Cron:
    • With ILIAS 9 a password is not required/must not be passed anymore when executing the main PHP-CLI script (cron.php). Please read: https://github.com/ILIAS-eLearning/ILIAS/blob/trunk/Services/Cron/README.md#cron-job-execution
    • Interface Changes
      • The PHP return type of `ilCronJob::getDefaultScheduleType` changed from `int` to `CronJobScheduleType`. Therefore plugins providing cron jobs have to change the return type providing a compatible version for ILIAS 9 as well.
  • Info Page:
    • The description of an object is only presented below the title on top, not as part of the info section again, see https://mantis.ilias.de/view.php?id=39079
  • Page Editor:

5 Abandoned Features

The following features are abandoned with ILIAS 9 and have been removed from the ILIAS source code:

  1. Abandon Content for Recapitulation - Type text
  2. Abandon Copying from Create Dialogue
  3. Abandon Creation of Async Reference Entry in Data Collection
  4. Abandon Custom LOM Quick Edit for SCORM Modules
  5. Abandon ECTS Grades in ILIAS Test
  6. Abandon Emoticons in Repository Chat and OnScreen-Chat
  7. Abandon Generate PDF by User in ILIAS Test
  8. Abandon Item Analysis Export for Pure Single Choice Tests
  9. Abandon Line Break Setting in Users Mail Setting
  10. Abandon Milestones from Calendar
  11. Abandon Multiple Definitions per Term in Glossary
  12. Abandon Page View in Survey
  13. Abandon PDFService
  14. Abandon Phrases in Survey
  15. Abandon Private Rooms (Separees)
  16. Abandon Question Materials
  17. Abandon RTL-Support
  18. Abandon Setting Scored Answers on single pages
  19. Abandon SOAP::distributeMails
  20. Abandon Sorting of Instruction Files
  21. Abandon Special Character Selector
  22. Abandon Taxonomy Filter as Navigation Tree
  23. Abandon Test Setting Digitally Sign Test Submissions and Plugin Slot to sign Tests
  24. Abandon the booking of different time slots within one reservation process
  25. Abandon Undocumented Plugin Slot in Survey
  26. Abandon Virtual Modes of Glossaries
  27. Abandon Workflow Engine
  28. Abandon Working Time in Test Questions and ILIAS Tests
  29. Abandon «Alphabetical Navigation in User Administration»
  30. Abandon »New« Status in Forums
  31. Abandon »Sticky Threads Sorting« in Forum
  32. Abandon ‘View Configuration‘ by UI Workflow in Data Collection
  33. Remove Settings-Templates for Tests
  34. Remove Setting «Limit Number of Concurrent Participants»
  35. Removing Legacy-UI » Toolbar » ‘Label‘ + ‘Legacy Dropdown‘ + ‘Label‘ + ‘Legacy Dropdown‘ + ‘Submit‘
  36. Removing Legacy-UI » Toolbar » ‘Label‘ + ‘Legacy Dropdown‘ + ‘Submit‘ (in ILIAS 9)
  37. Test: Remove Setting Result Filter

6 Migrations

Migration of glossary definitions after abolition of multiple definitions

> php setup/cli.php migrate --run glossary.ilGlossaryDefinitionMigration

> php setup/cli.php migrate --run glossary.ilGlossaryCollectionMigration

Copyright entries are migrated to a format compatible with the KS by the following. Without the migration, existing copyright entries are not shown on info screens, etc. Note that the migration might not be entirely lossless for entries that were edited or created manually, and whose format significantly differs from that of the entries that are supplied with ILIAS. Please carefully check your copyright entries after the migration.

> php setup/cli.php migrate --run md.ilMDCopyrightMigration

Migrations of certain LOM entries to assure full conformance with the LOM standard

> php setup/cli.php migrate --run md.ilMDLOMConformanceMigration

Migration of Exercise Instruction Files:

> php setup/cli.php migrate --run exercise.ilExerciseInstructionFilesMigration

Migration of Exercise Sample Solutions:

> php setup/cli.php migrate --run exercise.ilExerciseSampleSolutionMigration

Migration of Exercise Tutor Feedback Files:

> php setup/cli.php migrate --run exercise.ilExerciseTutorFeedbackFileMigration

> php setup/cli.php migrate --run exercise.ilExerciseTutorTeamFeedbackFileMigration

Migration of Profile Pictures:

> php setup/cli.php migrate --run user.ilUserProfilePictureMigration

Migration of Forum Attachements (Posting and Drafts):

> php setup/cli.php migrate --run forum.ilForumPostingFilesMigration

> php setup/cli.php migrate --run forum.ilForumDraftsFilesMigration

Decouple DataCollection from FileObject and use IRSS Resources directly

> php setup/cli.php migrate --run datacollection.ilDataCollectionStorageMigration

Last edited: 28. Aug 2024, 15:04, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]