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Revamp Thread-Tab of Forum

1 Initial Problem

The Forum has a very administrative View.

Everything could be presented much more clearly and mobilely. Besides, you can do far too many things that you rarely need.

2 Conceptual Summary

Main Goals of Changes in "Thread"-Tab

  • Cleaning up the view
  • Better separation of (A) consuming and simply communicating and (B) managing, moderating, structuring user generated content
  • Removing clutter
  • Better display on small/mobile devices

Revamped Thread-Tab with limited scope of functions and reduced amount of information.

  • Use of one "Item" per Thread in a Standard Listing Panel
    • Effects on Actions
      • Only actions that make sense for a single thread are offered
      • A reduced scope of actions is offered.
      • The multi-action and the line selector are omitted.
      • Details:
        • 'Make Threads Sticky' OR 'Make Threads Non-Sticky'
        • 'Close' OR 'Reopen'
        • 'Delete'
        • 'Edit Title'
        • 'Move Thread to another Forum' 
        • 'Merge Postings into other Thread'
        • »» Details of the decision, see the following section.
    • Effects on Presentation
      • Mobile views are supported with the KS Item. The inner column structure is very helpful.
      • Less function to manage brings more focus on the content and interaction with it.
      • Details of Item:
        • Thread Title is used for Item Title {Status [closed] if it is}
        • It is difficult to guess which properties are required for all conceivable UseCases. Therefore, we could also provide two views of different details, which could be controlled via a ViewControl Mode.
        • View Control Mode [Compact | Complete] or [Overview | Details] or better wording
          • Compact / Overview
            • Articles : {#} Unread: {#}
            • Rating : {Stars}
          • Complete / Details
            • Created by : {User Data}
            • Articles : {#} Unread: {#}
            • Latest Article : {dd. Mon yyyy, mm:hh} | From: {User Data}
            • Visits : {#}
            • Rating : {Stars}
  • Use a "View Control Sortation"
    • Possible Selection
      • Thread Title A→Z
      • Thread Title Z→A
      • Last Posting Ascending
      • Last Posting Descending
      • Rating Ascending
      • Rating Descending
      • »» Details of the decision, see the following section.
    •  Positioning
      • The following mock-ups show this in the toolbar.
      • Due to the possibility of customizing the page between the toolbar and the thread panel, we would like to place the view control sortation in the thread panel, so the control is placed much closer to the content to be controlled.
  • Use a "View Vontrol Pagination"
    • Amount of entries per page: 25 (No selection menu for number of lines as with the table)
    • View Control is hidden if there is only one page.

In order to abandon the table view, the question is how to deal with the functions in this view.  The essential elements of the implementation to date are: 

  • The Actions in the Multi-Action
  • Performing these Actions for one ore more Threads
  • The Sorting of the Threads

Which functions exist, how are they to be transferred to an item representing a thread or even removed? 

  • Actions in the Multi-Action and performing these actions for one ore more Threads
    • Enable Notification for this Thread (Option is available in Top-Action of each thread. Enable and Disable works as toggle. Information in Thread-Overwies loads unnecessarily.)
    • Disable Notification for this Thread (Same here.)
    • Make Threads Sticky (Option is moved to Action-Menu of Thread-Item. Make Sticky and Non-Sticky works as toggle.)
    • Make Threads Non-Sticky (Same here.)
    • Edit Title (Option is moved to Action-Menu of Thread-Item. The action can only be executed for one thread anyway.)
    • Close (Option is moved to Action-Menu of Thread-Item. Close and Reopen works as toggle.)
    • Reopen (Same here.)
    • Move Thread to another Forum (Option is moved to Action-Menu of Thread-Item.)
    • Export as HTML-File (Option is moved to Export-Tab. Using a Modal with selection of Threads to export.)
    • Delete (Option is moved to Action-Menu of Thread-Item.)
    • Merge Postings into other Thread (Option is moved to Action-Menu of Thread-Item. The action can only be executed for one thread anyway.)
  • The sorting of the Thread-Rows moves to View Control Sortation:
    • Threads (changed to 'Thread Title A→Z' and 'Thread Title Z→A')
    • Articles (#) (no longer sortable)
    • Visits (#) (no longer sortable)
    • Latest Article (changed to 'Last Posting Ascending' and 'Last Posting Descending')
    • Rating (changed to 'Rating Ascending' and 'Rating Descending')
    • »» Not sortable in ILIAS 8: 'Created by' and 'Drafts' (#)
  • Informations in Rows and how to transfer them to Properties of an Otem:
    • Threads (Thread become Title of Item)
      • 'Notification enabled' (Information is not longer shown in Properties of an item)
      • 'closed' (Information become Suffix of Title of Item)
    • Created by ({User Data}) Property is only visible in mode "Complete"|"Detail")
    • Articles (#)(Number of Articels is shown in possible combination with number of unread Articles) 
    • Visits (#)(Property is only visible in mode "Complete"|"Detail")
    • Drafts (#) (Information is not longer shown in Properties of an item)
    • Latest Article (dd. Mon yyyy, mm:hh | From: {User Data}) (Property is only visible in mode "Complete"|"Detail")
    • Rating (Stars) (Star-Rating is shown as one Property)

Action "Edit Title" is called in a Modal

The former implementation with a separate screen to edit the thread title is transfered to a modal. It contains only one form input.

Action "Merge Postings into other Thread" is called in a Modal with all Thread Items

  • Select "Merge Postings into other Thread" via Action Menu of a Thread Item.
  • A Modal with explanations and all Thread Items is called. Items are reduced to 'Title', 'Created by' and 'Latest Article' for a better identification of the correct thread.
  • Target Thread is selected by click on Thread Item Title (Items listed in an Listing Panel)
  • Second Modal Step is called to confirm the merge process. Modal contains explanations, selected thread to merge and target thread.
  • Thread Tab with success message is called after confirmation.

Sticky Threads Sorting

Tab and functionality of view "Sticky Threads Sorting" is to be abandoned.

See separate Abandon Request: Abandon »Sticky Threads Sorting« in Forum

Action "Move Thread to another Forum"

Nothing will be changed in the workflow of the "Move Thread" and its views.

It will no longer be possible to move several threads to another forum at once.

'Export HTML FIle' is now available in 'Export'-Tab

Toolbar in Export-Tab is supplemented with an Option to select [HTML-Export] to create an Export-File.

With this modification, all threads are exported in one process. Each thread is to be stored in a separate file within a zip file. (Nothing changes in the export content of every single thread). 

It will no longer be possible to export single threads to HTML.

'Drafts' created by the user are no longer displayed above the old thread table or the new thread panel.

The number of available drafts will be made available via a modal called from a button 'Drafts' the toolbar. The button 'Drafts' is only available if at least one first draft has been created. ('Drafts' are displayed independently of further-reaching permissions or roles.)

In the Modal all Drafts of a User are shown as a list of Shy Items with Properties ("Edited on" is the only property). Further editing of the Forum Post is available by clicking the title. Alternatively, the modal can be cancelled.

The editing of the draft of the thread (or better its first post) is extendet with an action "Reject draft", because it is no longer possible to delete in any other place.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Thread-Tab of Forums with newly splitted subtabs "Show" and Manage"

3.2 User Interface Details

Revamped Thread-Tab

  • UI-Framework KitchenSink:
    • Using Standard Listing Panel within Standrad Item with Lead Image to show "Sticky-Threads" (engl., in german: "Top-Themen")
    • Using View Control Sortation
    • Using View Control Pagination (hidden if there is no more than one page)

Revamped Thread-Tab
Revamped Thread-Tab with shown options for Sortation and maximum available Actions on a single Threads.  (… Sticky OR … Non-Sticky, Close OR Delete)
ViewControl Sortation within the Listing Panel

Action "Edit Title" is called in a Modal

Status quo in ILIAS 8: A separate screen is shown to edit the thread title.
A modal is used to edit title

'Export HTML FIle' is now available in 'Export'-Tab

Status quo in ILIAS 8
Action [Export as HTML-FIle] is moved to Export-Tab.
select [HTML-Export] or [XML-Export] to create Export-File

Action "Merge Postings into other Thread" is called in a Modal with all Thread Items

Status quo in ILIAS 8
Choose a thread as merge target
Confirm "Merge Postings in to other Thread"

'Drafts' created by the user are no longer displayed above the old thread table or the new thread panel.

Status quo in ILIAS 8: an additional table with all drafts is shown above the threads
Drafts are available via a button in the toolbar.
A modal is offered for choosing a single draft entry.
Option 1 to delete a draft: Using a toolbar above form.
Option 2 to delete a draft: Extend Actions of form. (Option 2 is the preferred solution)

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

Nothing new.

3.4 Accessibility Implications

no spicific aspects

4 Technical Information


5 Privacy

no special privacy aspects

6 Security

no special security aspects

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 03 APR 2023 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 9. Please add a notice to the feature description that

  • it will no longer be possible to move several threads to another forum at once.
  • it will no longer be possible to export single threads to HTML.

10 Implementation

Thread Overview
Thread Overview
Sortation ViewControl
Sortation ViewControl
Draft Overlay
Draft Overlay

Test Cases

Edited Test cases completed at 2023-10-26 by Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila].

  • C5268 » Titel eines Themas bearbeiten
  • C5223 » Forenthema zu Top-Thema machen
  • C5224 » Forenthema schließen
  • C5225 » Forenthema in anderes Forum verschieben
  • C5226 » Forenthemen exportieren
  • C5249 » Posts mit anderem Thema verschmelzen
  • C5227 » Forenthema löschen
  • C7438 » Sortierung von Forenthemen
  • C6006 » Löschung eines Themas


Approved at 2023-10-26 by Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila].

Last edited: 27. Oct 2023, 08:45, Vollbach, Guido [gvollbach]