Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features



1 Projects

This is a list of bigger development activities for ILIAS. These projects consist of a couple of feature requests that are often implemented in the frame of several ILIAS versions. These could be projects to refactor components over multiple versions or so-called big projects that request the coorporation of multiple maintainers and at least a mid-double-digit amount of person days to implement this project.

'Big projects' –new ones as well as ongoing projects – that should be realised for an upcoming ILIAS version are discussed on the 'Big Project Jour Fixe' once a year. This takes place usually in November before the Feature Freeze of a version.

New projects can be suggested in the following list. Please add a wiki link for your new page, then click on it and choose the template for a new project page to describe your project.

1.1 New Projects

1.2 Ongoing Projects

1.3 Projects on hold

1.4 Completed Projects

1.5 Rejected or outdated Suggestions

Last edited: 27. Dec 2023, 10:07, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]