Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features



Planned projects for ILIAS 11 will be discussed at the Jour Fixe at 25 November 2024. If you want to present a project, please create an entry in the related data collection 'Big Projects for 11'.

1 Projects

This is a list of bigger development activities for ILIAS. These projects consist of a couple of feature requests that are often implemented in the frame of several ILIAS versions. These could be projects to refactor components over multiple versions or so-called big projects that request the coorporation of multiple maintainers and at least a mid-double-digit amount of person days to implement this project.

'Big projects' – new ones as well as ongoing projects – that should be realised for an upcoming ILIAS version are discussed on the 'Big Project Jour Fixe' once a year. This takes place usually in November before the Feature Freeze of a version.

New projects can be suggested in the following list.

  1. Open this page in edit mode and add a wiki link for your new project page below.
  2. Use (Project) at the beginning of the page title, e.g. ‘(Project) PHP 9 Support'
  3. Now save the page and then click on the new link.
  4. Choose the template for a new project page.
  5. Finally, describe your project on this new page and assign the correct metadata to this request (right column).

  •  …

1.1 Projects for ILIAS 11

The following projects will be tackled with ILIAS 11:

1.2 New Projects

These are projects that are suggested for the first time and might be realised with the next upcoming version of ILIAS:

1.3 Ongoing Projects

These projects have already been suggested and discussed in one of the last Big Project Jour Fixes. They might be realised for the upcoming version of ILIAS and parts of them even in later versions.

1.4 Projects on hold

These are projects that already have been discussed but are currently not been tackled with the upcoming version of ILIAS. They might be picked up again in a later ILIAS version.

1.5 Completed Projects

These projects have been realised and (some of the) related features were already implemented for ILIAS. No additional plans for related development activities do currently exist.

1.6 Retired Projects

These are projects that never were tackled and no plans exist to bring them back on the agenda.

Last edited: 27. Nov 2024, 14:37, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]