Feature Wiki
(Project) Medical Portfolio Improvements for ILIAS 8
Page Overview
[Hide]This is a project page that bundles several feature wiki pages which belong to a larger development activity for the ILIAS component Portfolio.
Feel free to join the Special Interest Group Portfolio & Competence Management.
1 Aim of Project
- Single-purpose tools like Mahara or ScorionTM offer great usability and bespoke functionality. Students enjoy this.
- The ILIAS Portfolio is part and parcel of a comprehensive software product. Administrators enjoy this.
To reach the above mentioned goals, we suggest following strategies:
- Pushing automation - instead of personally creating and filling in a portfolio, for each user of a certain global role a portfolio is automatically derived from a template upon frist login, which accompanies him throughout the studies.
- Structured layout for portfolio-page or blog - while adding new portfolio-pages or blogs users should get a well-structed and intuitive to use templates (e.g. forms) in order to be able to focus on the content, not on the layout of the page.
2 Involved Maintainers and Stakeholders
- Medical Faculty / University of Freiburg medical ePortfolio Contact elearning.medizinstudium@uniklinik-freiburg.de
- Maintainer Killing, Alexander [alex] leifos GmbH
3 Timeline
ILIAS 8 (Spring 2022) | Portfolio Page Elements, Emphasis on Content |
4 Related Feature Requests and Status
4.1 Portfolio Features
Feature Request | Suggested by | Funding | Planned Release | Status |
Uni Freiburg | Uni Freiburg | ILIAS 8 | Published in Trunk |
4.2 Portfoliotemplate Features
Feature Request | Suggested by | Funding | Planned Release | Patch needed | Status |
Uni Freiburg | Uni Freiburg | ILIAS 8 | Patch for 7 | Published in Trunk | |
Uni Freiburg | Uni Freiburg | ILIAS 8 | Patch for 7 | Published in Trunk |
4.3 Assignment Type Portfolio
Feature Request | Suggested by | Funding | Planned Release | Patch needed | Status |
Uni Freiburg | Uni Freiburg | ILIAS 8 | Patch ILIAS 7 | Published in Trunk |
4.4 Competence Management
Feature Request | Suggested by | Funding | Planned Release | Patch needed | Status |
Link in competence records directs to competence results tab | Uni Freiburg | Uni Freiburg | ILIAS 8 | Patch ILIAS 7 | |
Uni Freiburg | Uni Freiburg | ILIAS 7 | Published in trunk |
4.5 Survey
Feature Request | Suggested by | Funding | Planned Release | Patch needed | Status |
Uni Freiburg | Uni Freiburg | ILIAS 8 | Patch ILIAS 7 | ||
Uni Freiburg | Uni Freiburg | ILIAS 7 | Published in trunk |
5 General Discussion
Please discuss specific questions of feature requests on the related feature wiki pages. This discussion section is only for a general discussion of the project and its realisation.
07.12.2020: Statement by TB: We would like to see the feature go live for the next release. We highly encourage stakeholders to push the project. The technical impact outside of portfolios might be somewhat limited, we therefore do not set a special priority to this project.
Last edited: 18. Oct 2024, 17:43, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]