Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Page is read-only.

Template for a new Project Page

This is a project page that bundles several feature wiki pages which belong to a larger development activity for the ILIAS component [[]].

1 Aim of Project

( Which initial problems shall be tackled and solved? What are the suggested solutions? Short concept )

2 Involved Maintainers and Stakeholders

3 Timeline

4 Related Feature Requests and Status

Feature Request

Suggested by


Planned Release


5 Further Results

6 Additional Information

7 General Discussion

Please discuss specific questions of feature requests on the related feature wiki pages. This discussion section is only for a general discussion of the project and its realisation.

Technical Board, … :

UI-/UX-Experts, … :

Last edited: 27. Dec 2023, 10:41, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]