Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


New Page Editor

This page bundles several feature wiki entries belonging to a larger development activity for the ILIAS Page Editor.

1 Aim of Project

  • documenting the discussion of the "New Page Editor" project 
  • gathering, tracking and prioritizing the status of the individual developments 

Maintainer and Development: Killing, Alexander [alex]

Concept: Working Group(s) of

2 Timeline and Status

2.1 Release ILIAS 10 (March 2025)

This is a list of editor improvements planned for ILIAS 10. Please note that the roadmap for ILIAS 10 will include some other important projects like the Remove Legacy UI project or the integration of the IRSS. This will probably result in a smaller number of editor developments being implemented with this release.

Feature Request


JF Status / Status of Concept


Page Editor » File List Editing


Accepted for 10


Responsive Interactive Images


Accepted for 10


Page Editor » Link Area Editing


Needs JF Approval


Introducing Page Templates in Content-tab


Needs JF Approval


Configuring the availability of general purpose page elements


Accepted for 10


Contexts of the editor and entering



2.2 Release ILIAS 11 or later



Page Editor » Text Editing on small devices


has been accepted for ILIAS 8, will not come before ILIAS 11 due to necessary Javascript refactorings

Page Editor » Shortcuts in Editing Text and Mark Down


needs full concept

Page Editor » Accordion Presentation


needs full concept

Page Editor » Media Editing » Part II


revision of feature request necessary, parts are obsolete

Page Editor » Column Layout Part II 


Accepted for ILIAS 9

Page Editor » New Create Menu for Page Elements


needs drilldown in dropdown

Page Editor » Reorganise Setting "Text Content Menu" in Editor Administration


Page Editor » Calling Advanced Settings of Page Elements


needs full concept

Page Editor » Visual Editing of Links


needs full concept

Page Editor » Spacer & Section Editing: Multi-selection of style classes


needs full concept

Page Editor » Content Snippet Editing


needs revised mockups, depends on tree picker

Page Editor » Page Element Page List (Wiki)


needs concept

Regulation of individual styles via RBAC / via Edit Settings


needs full concept

Revision of Language Handling in Page Editor


needs full concept

Revision of Clipboard


needs concept

2.3 Other Components

The following improvements are considered being parts of other components and can be implemented independetly by the corresponding authorities. They should also be moved to the components that provide the main content of the page element.

Feature Request

New Page Element »My Badges« (Badge Component)

Improve Page Element »Certificate« (Certificate Component)

Select Content Style for Single Views of Data Collection

Page Editor » Page Element Personal Data (User Component)

Page Editor » Page Element Page List (Wiki)

Page Editor » Page Elements of Portfolios (Portfolios)

Page Editor » Page Element Question (Test)

2.4 Related topics in KitchenSink (selected)

  •  illustrated Drilldown of Create-Button
  • extending the forms
  • hints in blank slate
  • radio buttons with thumbnails
  • auto save signal
  • drop zones
  • accordions in creation dialogue
  • extending dropdowns (e.g. for data table)
  • full screen mode for images as a greybox 
  • . . .

3 Additional Information

4 General Discussion

Please discuss specific questions of feature requests on the related feature wiki pages. This discussion section is only for a general discussion of the project and its realisation.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 21 FEB 2022: Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila] presented the project at the Big Projects Jour Fixe and answered questions.

  • Relevance for strategic ILIAS development: Content creation within the system important for ILIAS; continuation of developments started since 7
  • Plan for ILIAS 9: see project page
  • Chance of realisation: financially good; personnel: depends on workload Alexander Killing. Is important for maintainer and he gives project therefore high priority!
  • Dependencies: no dependencies on other developments, but needs further KS elements
  • Impact on other development activities: No impact on other developments

Statement Technical Board, 2022 Apr 6: With this proposal, the Page Editor revision enters its third iteration since the initial push with ILIAS 6. The project will certainly involve many people, but only a few of them maintainers. We would be very happy if very concrete goals are formulated and implemented here for ILIAS 9 and if after the completion of this iteration the "revision" is finished or the work is continued in a taskforce. From a product-strategic point of view, the editor is of course a critical tool for content creation and therefore deserves a lot of attention. We thank you very much for this contribution.

Statement UX/UI/A11y-Experts, 2022 Apr 6: The editor is not accessible yet and from a user perspective quite a few issues are still open so that the general appearance is inconsistent for them. This leads to some confusion. This important next step will allow us to considerably streamline the experience. We already see the need to further pursue this project with ILIAS 10.

Last edited: 5. Aug 2024, 12:40, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]