Feature Wiki

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(Project) Revision of Test Question Creation

This is a project page that bundles several feature wiki pages which belong to a larger development activity for the ILIAS component Test & Assessment.

1 Aim of Project

Currently, for every one of the 15 question types in the ILIAS core, the creation works differently. This is the product of the long history of the Test & Assessment. Some questions types are older than others. Features have been added over time and changing paradigms have never been backported to existing questions.

This cumlminates in many problems:

  • Not every form is reachable by keyboard.
  • The inputs must be sanitized individiually and often this goes wrong (I look at you --> Cloze Question).
  • We have 3 different editor options: Unformatted input field, TinyMCE and IPE.
  • We have different ways to integrate pictures into answer-options.
  • aso.

Maintaining this is nearly impossible.

Furthermore, we have already analyzed the whole process of creating questions.
This analysis (Paper) lead to the conslusion, that plenty of clicks and page loading is needed in ILIAS to create one question. In comparison to other tools: far more and far too many. We lack bulk actions for things like changing the Lifecycle or adding taxonomies. Thus, we need to focus on minimizing the steps needed to create and change questions and also simplify adding data to e.g. a whole question pool of questions.

Our plan is to revise the process as a whole, to harmonise and simplify the forms for every question type in order to speed up question creation, to remove the TinyMCE from the Test and the Test Question Pool and to use new UI-Components and forms to achieve our goals. All questions need to be migrated to the new forms. Output of elements that cannot be migrated wil need to be displayed in their current state for a transitional period (e.g. one release) or for as long as it is not actively changed.

2 Involved Maintainers and Stakeholders

3 Timeline

Picture of the number 10 which symbols Tasks in ILIAS 10

  • Decision of the Editor-Question
  • Analyse the tasks

Picture of the number 11 which symbols Tasks in ILIAS 11

  • Add Picture Upload and Tables to Markdown Editor
  • Analyze UI Components and create new UI Components if necessary
  • Revise the Creation Process in Test and Pool (not the single Question)
  • Abandon TinyMCE for the creation of revised question types, hints and feedback
  • Revise the Cloze-Question and integrate the Long-Menu Question into it

an arrow which symbols the ongoing project
Picture of the number 12 which symbols Tasks in ILIAS 12

  • Revise the other Question-Types
  • Complete the project

4 Related Feature Requests and Status

Feature Request

Suggested by


Planned Release


Abandon TinyMCE in Test & Assessment

Strassner, Denis [dstrassner]


Revision of Test Question Creation

Strassner, Denis [dstrassner]

5 Further Results

6 Additional Information

7 General Discussion

Please discuss specific questions of feature requests on the related feature wiki pages. This discussion section is only for a general discussion of the project and its realisation.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 27 NOV 2023 : Denis presented the project at the Big Project JF. Removal of the TinyMCE and refactoring of the gap question are minimum goals of the project for ILIAS 10. Denis hopes that all question types can be migrated with ILIAS 10.

We strongly endorse the goal to reduce the number of issues and improve the workflow around tackling them. However, we believe this to be an effort to be worked on continuously. Since we believe this to be a necessary task for all future versions of ILIAS, we do not give this special priority for the next ILIAS version. However, we fully support and endorse activities around it for ALL upcoming ILIAS versions. Since we believe “ILIAS Refinement” to be a continuous project, we should take care to only support measures that we have the capacity to sustain for all releases in years to come. We see that this project can and should be considered whenever a component is updated or expanded.

Statement UX/UI/A11y-Experts, 6 DEC 2023

Refinement can help to ensure that important but still open issues are not forgotten/lost in the mass of issues. Prioritizing and fixing issues that are still present in current versions contributes to code quality. We therefore welcome this Big Development Project and would give this a prioritization level 3.

The product manager sees the refinement of the ILIAS code less as a big project but more as a fundamental approach to ILIAS software development. It is a big project with an open end, so to speak. However, in order to give the necessary attention to the ongoing handling of outstanding bug reports, it makes sense to tackle the refinement initiative as part of our Big Projects.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 25 NOV 2024: Denis gave an overview of the plans for implementing a new creation of test questions with ILIAS 11.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 27 NOV 2024: As a product manager, I am expressly in favour of this project. After the important consolidation and stabilisation of the Test&Assessment with the last versions, this project is a promising approach to make the existing component more user-friendly, more modern and also easier to maintain.

Statement UX/UI/A11y-Experts, 05 DEC 2024

We appreciate the aims of this project towards a broad usage of Kitchensink UI elements (like Markdown) and a standardisation in general, thereby helping usability. A reduced volume of support requests could be one result in the long term. Especially the listed improvements of accessibility issues are appreciated so that various usergroups can actually benefit from this project.

Statement Privacy Clinic, 09 DEC 2024

From the perspective of the Privacy Clinic, we have carefully reviewed the project and found no issues or concerns that would warrant any objections. As such, we fully support the proposed project and have no reservations regarding its implementation.

Last edited: 9. Dec 2024, 11:21, Seidel, Elyesa [seidel]