Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


OER-friendly Infrastructure ILIAS 10

This is a project page that bundles several feature wiki pages which belong to a larger development activity for the ILIAS component Metadata, Export, Search, Administration, Cron Service.

1 Aim of Project

  • Improving findability of OER-licensed resources, improving their chance of getting noticed
  • Publishing learning resources in ILIAS as OER needs ro be made more straightforward and smooth
  • Adding Metadata and selecting licenses needs to be simplified and made easier
  • Gathering OER-resources from repositories needs improving
  • OER-Harvester should be available to more types of objects 
  • Contributing to implementing ORCA Workflows.

2 Involved Maintainers and Stakeholders

3 Related Feature Requests and Status

Feature Request

Suggested by


Planned Release


Moving LOM Metadata Editor to Kitchensink

Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]

contract settled  


published in ILIAS 9

Abandon Custom LOM Quick Edit for SCORM Modules

Schmitz, Tim [tschmitz]



published in ILIAS 9

File Upload: CC Selection as Modal

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]

contract settled  


published in ILIAS 9

Improved Creative Commons Support : add CC0-licence

Seibt, Alina [alina.seibt]

contract settled  


published in ILIAS 9

Moving Editing of Available Copyrights to Kitchensink

Schmitz, Tim [tschmitz]

contract settled  


published in ILIAS 9

Fully LOM-conformant Metadata

Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]

contracts settled
HSU, U Freiburg,  FH Bielefeld

9 & 10

partially published in ILIAS 9 

Feature Request

Suggested by


Planned Release


Fully LOM-conformant Metadata

Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]

contracts settled HSU, U Freiburg, FH Bielefeld


partially published in ILIAS 9, finished in ILIAS 10

Metadata interface for querying by referatories

Kohnle, Uwe [ukohnle]

contract settled HS Bremen 


Jour Fixe approved for ILIAS 10, 10.01.2024

OER-Harvester collects more object types

Vorkauf, Klaus [KlausVorkauf]

contract settled FH Dortmund 


Jour Fixe approved  for ILIAS 10, 18.03.2024

Learning Object Metadata for Mediacast, Mediapool, and Blog

Vorkauf, Klaus [KlausVorkauf]

contract settled FH Dortmund 


Jour Fixe approved  for ILIAS 10, 18.03.2024

Learning Object Metadata for Data Collection

Vorkauf, Klaus [KlausVorkauf]

contract settled FH Dortmund 


Jour Fixe approved  for ILIAS 10, 18.03.2024

Infrastructure for Adding Metadata from Controlled Vocabularies

Vorkauf, Klaus [KlausVorkauf]

contract settled FH Dortmund 


Jour Fixe approved  for ILIAS 10, 29.04.2024, depends on Fully LOM-conformant Metadata

Public Access Export Files for All Objects

Schmitz, Tim [tschmitz]

contract settled FH Dortmund


Jour Fixe approved  for ILIAS 10, 29.04.2024, depends on Managing the Exportfiles via IRSS

OER-Harvester automatically creates Exports

Schmitz, Tim [tschmitz]

contract settled FH Dortmund


Jour Fixe approved  for ILIAS 10, 13.05.2024, depends on Managing the Exportfiles via IRSS

Matching Copyright on Import

Schmitz, Tim [tschmitz]

contract settled ILIAS e.V.


Jour Fixe approved  for ILIAS 10, 29.04.2024

Managing the Exportfiles via IRSS

Vorkauf, Klaus [KlausVorkauf]

contract settled FH Dortmund 


Jour Fixe approved  for ILIAS 10, 13.05.2024

Abandon Setting LOM of Courses/Groups/Weblinks via SOAP

Schmitz, Tim [tschmitz]

requires funding


not Jour Fixe ready, yet

Import Destatis Classification

Vorkauf, Klaus [KlausVorkauf]

contract settled FH Dortmund 


No Jour Fixe necessary

Copyright filter for media objects

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]

interest in funding ILIAS e.V.


requires KS-Filter Elements to be implemented first

Support of CC Licences in Search

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]

interest in funding ILIAS e.V.


requires KS-Filter Elements to be implemented first

Overview Over LOM Copyright Information of Subobjects

Schmitz, Tim [tschmitz]

requires funding

>= 11

not Jour Fixe ready, yet

Option for querying other ILIAS installations / repositories / referatories

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]

Development of Concept is contracted

>= 11

not ready, needs conceptual work 

Feature Request

Suggested by


Planned Release


Allow OER Harvester to collect export files

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]

interest in funding


superseded by Public Access Export Files for All Objects and OER-Harvester automatically creates Exports

4 General Discussion

Please discuss specific questions of feature requests on the related feature wiki pages. This discussion section is only for a general discussion of the project and its realisation.

Schmitz, Tim [tschmitz] 03 APR 2024, The main OER improvements planned for ILIAS 10 were discussed and worked out in a series of workshops from 06 MAR 2024 to 03 APR 2024. For details and minutes, see the corresponding sessions in the Feature Workshop group: workshop 1, workshop 2, workshop 3

Notes on Workshop 2022-12-13

Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]:

Fred Neuman gave a very helpful and instructive presentation on 2022-12-13.

  • He reflected on the OERinForm-Project. Presented the projects' topical and technical results.
  • The project developes training and consulting products which latched on to the "Producing Content" and "Using Content" scenarios. Which seemed to be a smart and well thought through approach.  

Slides of Fred Neuman OERinForm Plugin

  • Fred presented the plugin he prepared and discussed OIA as an option to get to referatories. 
  • The plugin is presented in the "Export"-tab. It is thus quite hidden and was not widely used. 
  • There is an extensie Checklist to be worked through. This may spook people.
  • Tha OER Harvester presents the opposite, very lightweight approach. Some people think that OER is only produced under grant agreements. 
  • The plugin solves the license issue.
  • For referatories a classification would be important
  • Walk though Plugin: jOAI is the standard, the server that allows being queried. JOAI checks per Cron Job, what is published as OER in ILIAS and then pushes it to the referatory.
  • Fred implemented 3 different variants. 

Questions Fred posed for discussion

  • Offering entire Courses would come with own challenges
  • Should an export-file be offered or online access to resources? With FAU the resources ar linked to a category with Anonymous Access. 
  • How should versioning be dealt with? 

Last edited: 6. Aug 2024, 16:29, Schmitz, Tim [tschmitz]