Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Booking Tool Revision for 9

This is a project page that bundles several feature wiki pages which belong to a larger development activity for the ILIAS component Booking Tool.

1 Aim of Project

Not least due to Corona, the booking tool is increasingly used. Many processes, some of them very complex, are to be digitized with the help of the Booking Tool.

Before the Booking Tool is extended with settings and additional possibilities, the code should be refactored and some views should be revised. This project collects important feature requests and tries to develop an overall concept for the Booking Tool. 

1.1 General Architectural Goals

The increased popularity of the tool with the recent years has shown, that the general architecture fails to serve a higher load of data and request. Thus major performance improvements should be achived when while implementing feature and or UI related change requests.

  • Refactor data persistence / retrieval: Move from the object oriented "single item retrieval" architecture to a repository pattern with preloading of bulk data / caching.
  • Clear separation of a business logic layer: Any BL should be removed from GUI classes and foster re-use and decent business rules in pure business logic oriented classes.
  • Improved Data Structures: Stronge typisation through data object instead of associative arrays providing iterators or similar access structure.

2 Involved Maintainers and Stakeholders

3 Timeline

Due to the high number of other projects and the workload, no concrete schedule can be presented at the current time.

4 Related Feature Requests and Status

Feature Request

Suggested by


Planned Release

Import Booking Objects into Booking Tool

Hochschule Bremen

Hochschule Bremen

Implemented for ILIAS 9

Improvement of the booking process in Booking Tools with Fixed Schedules

Glaubitz, Marko [mglaubitz], Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]

Universität Freiburg

Implemented for ILIAS 9

Week View for Booking Tool

Glaubitz, Marko [mglaubitz], Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]

Hochschule Bremen

Implemented for ILIAS 9

Abandon the booking of different time slots within one reservation process

Glaubitz, Marko [mglaubitz], Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]

Universität Freiburg

Implemented for ILIAS 9

Display of POST Booking Information in the tab 'Reservations'

Glaubitz, Marko [mglaubitz], Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]

Universität Freiburg

Implemented for ILIAS 9

Introduction of booking confirmations

Hackfort, Marvin [m.hackfort],
Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]



Show own reservations in the booking overview

Glaubitz, Marko [mglaubitz], Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]



Export Booking Pools

Killing, Alexander [alex]



5 Further Results

6 Additional Information


7 General Discussion

Please discuss specific questions of feature requests on the related feature wiki pages. This discussion section is only for a general discussion of the project and its realisation.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 21 FEB 2022: Killing, Alexander [alex] presented the project at the Big Projects Jour Fixe and answered questions.

  • Relevance for strategic ILIAS development: Important administrative tool that can only survive if it can cope with intensive use.
  • Plan for ILIAS 9: see project page
  • Chance of realisation: step-by-step implementation; funding interest justified; maintainer willing to allow time for 9
  • Dependencies: no dependencies on other developments
  • Impact on other development activities: none

Statement Technical Board, 2022 Apr 6: We believe this project to involve a limited number of stakeholders. We see that there are related feature requests, however we are also not sure how large the impact on other services or modules will be. There is definitely a lot of room for improvement, and we hope the projects will achieve the outlined goals. The Technical Board will assign no special priority to this project.

Hackfort, Marvin [m.hackfort] 1. June 2023: We abandoned the idea "Introduction of booking confirmation" as the funding needed was too high. 

Last edited: 9. Nov 2023, 16:08, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]