Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Improvement of Portfolios and Competence Management ILIAS 9

This is a project page that bundles several feature wiki pages which belong to a larger development activity for the ILIAS component Portfolio and Competence Management.

1 Aim of Project

Preparing a Portfolio as well as building compteneces are lengthy and multi-layered processes. They need a good usability. 

2 Involved Maintainers and Stakeholders

  • Stakeholders: University of Freiburg,  University of Cologne

3 Timeline


October 2023

Usability Tests 

Spring / Summer 2023

4 Related Feature Requests and Status

4.1 Portfolio

Feature Request

Suggested by



Separation of portfolio creation and creation of a portfolio from a template  

University of Cologne

Contract settled

Scheduled for Release 9

Add link to submitted portfolio in notification mail  

University of Cologne

Contract settled

Scheduled for Release 9

Change Shared status after submitting a portfolio  

University of Cologne

Contract settled

Scheduled for Release 9

Add Mailto Feature in list of Portfolio of Other Users  

University of Cologne

Contract settled

Scheduled for Release 9

Notification mail to submitter of portfolio after allocation of evaluation status 

University of Cologne

Contract settled

Scheduled for Release 9

Confirmation Mail to Sharer after Sharing a Portfolio

University of Cologne

Contract settled

Scheduled for Release 9

4.2 Competence Management

Feature Request

Suggested by



Improvement of deleting competences 

Uni Freiburg

contract settled 

being implemented for 9 

Streamline Competence Profiles in Courses and Groups 

Uni Freiburg

contract settled 

pulished in trunk 9

Streamline Competence Entries on Competence Records-Tab

Uni Freiburg

contract settled 

pulished in trunk 9

Edit target levels of competences in profiles 

Uni Freiburg

contract settled 

pulished in trunk 9

Display learning materials of the Profil Target Level and all levels below 

Uni Freiburg

contract settled 

pulished in trunk 9

4.3 Exercise

Feature Request

Suggested by



Assignments with Individual Deadlines

Uni Freiburg

contract settled

being implemented for 9 

Moving Overview of Assignments and Peerfeedback to Panels 

Uni Freiburg

contract settled

being implemented for 9 

Comment Service get extented by Feedback Messages for Exercises 

Uni Freiburg

contract settled

being implemented for 9 

5 Further Results

6 Additional Information

7 General Discussion

Please discuss specific questions of feature requests on the related feature wiki pages. This discussion section is only for a general discussion of the project and its realisation.

Last edited: 24. Sep 2023, 16:41, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]