Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


(Project) Improvement of Taxonomy Services

This is a project page that bundles several feature wiki pages which belong to a larger development activity for the ILIAS component Taxonomy Service.

1 Aim of Project

What are taxonomies?

A taxonomy is an abstract structure that contains a classification of terms. Taxonomies try to represent relations of things without going into more detail about the specific relations between these things (differentiation to ontology).
The term is derived from táxis and nomos, which means law of order.

In the literature taxonomies are always structured as follows:
There is always exactly ONE root, the top level of the taxonomy.
From this, so-called child terms (or child concepts) are derived, which in turn can have their own child concepts. Accordingly, the higher level term is called parent term (or parent concept). Concept and Term are to be used synonymously. (german: Konzept / Begriff)

Taxonomies in ILIAS

ILIAS already supports taxonomies in categories, question pools and glossaries. You can use so-called "nodes" at the same and on lower levels. You can use these nodes to filter the objects (or questions or items).

However the usabilty of taxonomies (especially in categories) is not very user-friendly. Users have to open alot of different tabs and they have to know where to find the different functions (p.e. nested nodes) to set taxonomies and nodes. Furthermore the usage of taxonomies from a user point of view is worthy of improvement, as it's not intuitive at the moment.

The aim of the project is to make the Taxonomy Service more user-friendly and intuitive to use. We have identified three areas of taxonomies that need to be revised:

  1. adding process
  2. presentation of taxonomies
  3. taxonomies in use

In general there are three ways to revise these areas:

  • Usability fixes 
  • Streamlining (parts) of categories, glossaries and question pools
  • new features

Think Tank

The following aspects serve to illustrate the status quo and CAN be taken up in the form of streamlining, usability fixes and features, but do not HAVE to be. Parts can already be found in Chapter 3.

Where to find and set up Taxonomies:

  • Categories: Metadata - Taxonomy Definition AND Metadata - Taxonomy Settings
  • Glossaries: Settings - Taxonomy
  • Question Pools: Settings - Taxonomies

Enabling of Taxonomies:

  • Categories: Settings: "Taxonomies" (without a subline/explanation)
  • Glossaries: Settings: "Show Taxonomy"
  • Question Pools: Settings: "Show Taxonomies" (plus function: taxonomies as navigation tree)

Where to use Taxonomies:

  • Categories: displayed in side block (if activated (Settings) AND manually shown (Metadata - Taxonomy Settings))
  • Glossaries: displayed in main menu slate (if activated (Settings))
  • Question Pools: displayed in inner content on the left side (if activated and used as Navigation Tree (Settings)) OR in filter (if activated (Settings))

Behavior of Taxonomies:

  • Categories:
    • more than one taxonomy can be used in this context
    • click on node opens a new filtered category page (without page content)
    • click on more than one node opens all objects that are assigned to at least one of the marked nodes (NOT summed up)
    • click again on node deselects node
    • deselect all nodes DOESN'T lead back to category. You kind of get lost in an empty page. (Bug)
    • using "back" button DOESN'T deselect the nodes. You have to deselect first and click on back afterwards (Bug: https://mantis.ilias.de/view.php?id=31746)
  • Glossaries: 
    • only one taxonomy can be used in this context
    • click on node filters Glossary: only assigned items are shown
    • click again on node DOESN'T deselect node
    • click on taxonomy (on top) to "deselect" nodes
  • Question Pools: 
    • more than one taxonomy can be used but only one taxonomy can be used as navigation tree
    • click on node filters Question Pool: only assigned items are shown
    • click again on node DOESN'T deselect node
    • click on taxonomy (on top) to "deselect" nodes

  • adding taxonomies and nodes in categories is user-unfriendly
    • you have to open a lot of different tabs in a lot of different objects 
    • there is no place where you can edit them directly
    • its not obvious, that you can add sub-nodes in categories
    • the slate (with taxonomy tree) should be open per default while editing a node; it should be shown while adding a new node so that users know, in which level they are right now. Furthermore the dropdowns including new subnodes should be open per default. (NEW)
  • you cannot add global taxonomies
  • you cannot ex- or import taxonomies in categories
  • you cannot add multilingual taxonomies
  • you cannot use system generated taxonomies (p.e. Boolean - beholder has/has not put to favourites yet; beholder is/is not member,...)

  • you have two comparable filter options in categories: Filter and Taxonomies
    • Taxonomies should be moved to the filter

  • you kind of get lost after using a node in a Category
    • you have to deselect all nodes AND have to click on "back" (UX bug, see chapter 3)
    • it would be user-friendlier, if deselect all nodes would automatically lead you back to the category (not important after moving Taxonomies to the Filter)
  • you cannot select multiple nodes to narrow down your search, it gets summed up 
  • interaction with Filter and Taxonomies is confusing and not working correctly
  • you cannot save your choice: save your selected nodes for next time would be helpful
  • show content narrowed down by selected nodes in tile view, when tile view is enabled in category --> different presentation can confuse the user

2 Involved Maintainers and Stakeholders

3 Related Feature Requests and Status


1 > 3


Reported by


Planned Fix




Bug 31746 "Back to Category doesn't work"

Seibt, Alina [alina.seibt]

8, 7, 6




35574: No navigation back to category without a second tab accessible

Suittenpointner, Florian [suittenpointner]

7, 8




35117: Usability-fix: Add shy button "Add/Edit sub-nodes"

Seibt, Alina [alina.seibt]

8, 7, (6?)



Usability-fix: 35589: add a byline to taxonomy function in settings tab of category

Seibt, Alina [alina.seibt]

7, 8

fixed for 8+



Usability-fix: Message-boxes to make taxonomies more user-friendly 35594: in sub-tab Taxonomy-Assignments, 35591: in subtabs Taxonomy of qpl, glo and cat

Seibt, Alina [alina.seibt]

7, 8



Usability-fix: 35592: add a word in qpl filter to create more understanding

Seibt, Alina [alina.seibt]

7, 8

won't fix - not relevant for ILIAS 9 and higher



Improve Language Variables: 35585: in categories, 35587: in glossaries, 35588: in question pools

Seibt, Alina [alina.seibt]

7, 8

#35587 fixed


Feature Request

Suggested by


Planned Release



Transferring Taxonomies in sub-tab Taxonomy of glo, qpl and cat to Listing Panels

Seibt, Alina [alina.seibt]


Release ILIAS 9


Activating Taxonomies in glossaries and question pools

Seibt, Alina [alina.seibt]


Release ILIAS 9


Abandon Taxonomy Filter as Navigation Tree

Strassner, Denis [dstrassner]


Release ILIAS 9


Changing operator of taxonomies from OR to AND

Seibt, Alina [alina.seibt]


Release ILIAS 10


(Project) Rollout Metadata service to all possible objects within a category

Seibt, Alina [alina.seibt]

new project


Improvements of taxonomy assignments modal

Seibt, Alina [alina.seibt]


on hold: KS-element "Tree Picker" is needed first


Make Taxonomy more like Filters

Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]


on hold: KS-element "Tree Picker" is needed first


global de-/activation of Taxonomies

Seibt, Alina [alina.seibt]


needs further conceptual work


Global Taxonomies

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]


needs further conceptual work


Considering taxonomy assignments in export and import

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]


needs further conceptual work


Taxonomies for Categories: Improvements

Seibt, Alina [alina.seibt]


needs further conceptual work

4 Further Results

5 Additional Information

6 General Discussion

Please discuss specific questions of feature requests on the related feature wiki pages. This discussion section is only for a general discussion of the project and its realisation.

Last edited: 28. Nov 2024, 08:49, Seibt, Alina [alina.seibt]