Feature Wiki

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Configuration of assignment automation: Repeated enrolment only if relevant assignment criteria still exist

1 Initial Problem

Users can be automatically assigned to a study programme based on criteria.
Once you achieved the "Completed" or "Accredited" status, you will receive a valid qualification.
If an automated reassignment is configured, then such users having been assigned automatically will be assigned once again, even if the original assignment criterion no longer exists.

A user had an assignment-relevant role at the time of the first assignment.
The user completes an associated course and, thus, achieves a valid qualification.
The study programme is configured in a way that users are automatically assigned again when the qualification validity ends.
By the time this takes place, the user no longer has the assignment-relevant role but, no matter of that, he/she is assigned once again.

2 Conceptual Summary

The configuration of the automatically repeated assignment in the settings of the study programme can be configured regarding automatically assigned users:
Only if there is still a relevant assignment criterion, a new assignment takes place.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Study Programme > Settings

3.2 User Interface Details

The "Restart obligatory" option offers an additional sub-setting (checkbox) "Check Enrolment Criteria Every Time".
In case the checkbox is activated, those users who have been assigned automatically will only be assigned again if there still is an active assignment criterion they comply with.

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


3.4 Accessibility Implications


4 Technical Information


5 Privacy


6 Security


7 Contact

8 Funding

  • If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.


9 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 02 OCT 2023: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 9.

10 Implementation

The configuration and implementation of the feature exists as described.

Shows the position of the configuration for the new feature in the group "Validity of achieved Qualifications" as a suboption to "Restart obligatory". Option reads: "Check prerequisites again. 
For assignments made via an automatism, the system rechecks whether criteria for the assignment still exist."

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2023-10-26 by Suittenpointner, Florian [suittenpointner]

  • C63600: Erneute Zuweisung automatisiert - Voraussetzungen erneut prüfen 


Approved at 2023-10-30 by Zimmermann, Markus [markus.zimmermann]

Last edited: 30. Oct 2023, 12:37, Zimmermann, Markus [markus.zimmermann]