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Moving Overview of Assignments and Peerfeedback to Panels

1 Initial Problem

  • Participants of exercises cannot see clearly the next steps of submission or peer feedback. While a deadline is communicated, the process in its entirety remains opaque.
  • The status of a given asigment is not always easily determined.

Overview of Assignments
Opened Accordion
Overview of Peer Feedbacks to be provided

2 Conceptual Summary

2.1 Assignment Overview

The Assignment Overview is implemented as Items with Lead Text. 

Mock-Up generally outlining what-goes-where

Point in Time

Corresponding Lead Text


Before absolute Start Date

Starting on DD.MM. YYYY

Startet am TT.MM.JJJ

Before absolute End Date

x Months, x Days  to Submit
X hours to Submit

In x Monaten, x Tagen abgeben
In x Stunden abgeben

No End Date

Submit anytime 

Jederzeit abgeben

Before Relative Start

Submit x Days after start, DD.MM. YYYY the latest

X Tage nach Starten abgeben, spätestens am TT.MM.JJJ, SS:MM

After Relative Start

x Days  to Submit

In x Tagen abgeben

After absoulte End Date without Peer feedback



Absolute Deadline Passed, before Peer Feedback end date

x Months, x Days  to Give Feedback 
X hours to Give Feedback 

In x Monaten, x Tagen Feedback geben
In x Stunden Feedback geben

Key Value Pairs shown in this order


Edit Until: DD. Mon YYY, HH:MM / Ended On: DD. Mon YYY, HH:MM / No Deadline / days after start

Always shown

Requirement: Mandatory / Optional

Always shown

Submission: last submitted DD. Mon YYY, HH:MM
Submission: not submitted, yet

Always shown

Type: Assignment Type

Always shown

Grading: Passed / Failed / not graded yet

only in "Ongoing" and "Done"

Mark: Text 

only in "Ongoing" and "Done"

Given Peer Feedback: x of y

Received Feedback: z




relative Start Date

Start Assignment

Übungseinheit starten

Edit Submission

Edit Text
Hand In / Edit Submission
Create Portfolio / Edit Portfolio
Create Blog / Edit Blog
Create Wiki / Edit Wiki

Text bearbeiten
Datei abgeben / Eingereichte Lösung ändern
Portfolio erstellen / Portfolio bearbeiten
Blog erstellen / Blog bearbeiten
Wiki erstellen / Wiki bearbeiten

Text, Portfolio, File

Give Feedback

Feedback geben

Wiki, Upload as Team

Create Team

Team erstellen

Type of Assignment




Show Text (after Deadline)
Show Received Feedback

Text anzeigen (nur nach Deadline)
Erhaltenes Feedback anzeigen


Show Received Feedback

Anderes Portfolio benutzen
Portfolio entfernen
Erhaltenes Feedback anzeigen


Use Different blog

Anderes Blog benutzen




Upload as Team

Delete Team
Manage Team

Team löschen
Team verwalten


Delete Team
Manage Team

Team löschen
Team verwalten

View Control

The Items with Lead Texts have a view control allowing to filter the assignments.

Mock-Up View Control

  • (DEFAULT) "Ongoing" / "Aktuell" will present assignments that either
    • have no deadline
    • or Submission or Peer Feedback deadline are not past
    • eventual individual deadlines and grace periods are not past 
    • still require Peer Feedback to be provided.
  • "Upcoming" / "Bevorstehend" start date not yet reached
  • "Done" / "Abgeschlossen" will present assignments that were submitted or the deadline is passed and eventual all feedback requirements were met / feed back was 
  • "All" / "Alle" will present all assignments in the order the tutor gave them or the settings gave them.

Example of several different assignments

Mock-Up with several Items with Lead Text.

  • If there is nothing left to do, because the assignment is done, there is no most important action button only the action dropt down. 
  • If the assignment has not started,  there is no most important action button and no the action dropt down. 

2.2 Assignment Details 

The Assignment Details are called for by clicking upon the Assignment Title in the Assignment Overview.

Assignment Details are presented in an underworld. The tab is labeld Instructions. 

A Report Panel hold the Assignment Details. 

  • Report Title is the Assignment title
  • A Sub Panel panel carries Work Instructions. Schedule information in presented in the Card. 
  • A Sub Panel presents the Submission information and interactions. 
  • A Sub Panel holds a summary info on Feedback.
  • A Sub Panel presents evaluation by tutor. 
  • A Sub Panel holds link to sample solution 

Assignment details in and underworld

2.3 Feedback Overview

The overview of Peer Feedbacks to be implemented as Listing Panel.

Those Listing Panels that do not hold valid feedback get a coloured pole. 

  • Title ist "Give Feedback" 
  • Item headed "Feedback for Recipient x"
  • Status: Missing / Valid 
  • Last Edited: DD. Mon YYYY
  • Actions:  "Edit Feedback"

2.4 Received Feedback 

The presentation of Received Feedback is implemented as Panels.

  • The first Panel hold the Submission of the user. 
  • The following Panels hold a feedback each.  

Received Feedback as Panel

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Exercise > Assignment > View
  • Exercise > Assignment > Peer Feedback 

3.2 User Interface Details

See above

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

Items would get a separeted action beside the action dropdown (needs PR).

3.4 Accessibility Implications

We do not foresee any accessibility issues. 

4 Technical Information

No technical issues.

5 Privacy

This does not change any personal data saving at all. This is merely about new presentation vehicles not about additional data being presented.

6 Security

There is no foreseeable security issue.

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

Notizen aus Workshop

  • Akkordeon ist nicht in Kitchensink und Accessibility-mäßig ist das ein Button
  • Curriculum ist schwer einer Übungseinheit zuordnen
  • Option: Listing Panel und Unterwelt für einzelne Übungseinheit dann gerne auch mit Workflow
  • Option: Presentation Table

Killing, Alexander [alex], 25. May 2023: We should split up this page into two feature requests, the Peer Review screen revision should be handled in a separate FW article.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 15 AUG 2023: Has the page been split up as recommended by the maintainer? Please give a short feedback.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 21 AUG 2023: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 9.

10 Implementation

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2023-09-24 by Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]

  • 63480 : Kein Abgabedatum für ÜE Text
  • 63482 : Festes Abgabedatum für ÜE Text
  • 24968 : ÜE Text mit relativem Abgabedatum
  • 5538 : ÜE "Datei als Team" Teinehmer organisiert
  • 63486 : ÜE "Datei als Team" Tutor-organisiert
  • 24697 : ÜE "Datei als Team" Tutor-organisiert
  • 63490 :  Portfolio ohne Vorlage 
  • 5535 : Blog hinzufügen
  • 5622 : Rückmeldung per Text


Approved at 2023-10-12 by Falkenstein, Rob [rob].

Last edited: 26. Oct 2023, 19:58, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]