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Global Dashboard Settings of Presentation and Sortation for all Dashboard Sections

1 Initial Problem

At the moment there is no option to set the display of Learning Sequences, Study Programme and Recommended Content.
These sections appear "suddenly" on the dashboard as soon as a section has a first entry.

2 Conceptual Summary

Adaption of Configuration for "Learning Sequences", "Study Programme" and "Recommended Content" by Pattern of "My Courses and Groups" and "Favorites".

  • Available Presentations [Check Boxes]
    • List [checked is default setting]
    • Tile [checked is default setting]
  • Default Presentation [Radio Group]
    • List [default setting]
    • Tile
  •  Available Sortations [Check Boxes]
    • Sort by Location [checked is default setting]
    • Sort by Type [checked is default setting] [only for Recommended Content]
    • Sort by Alphabet [checked is default setting]
  • Defaiult Sortation [Radio Group]
    • Sort by Location [default setting]
    • Sort by Type [only for Recommended Content]
    • Sort by Alphabet

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

Subtabs in Dashboard Settings in Administration:

  • Section ‘Learning Sequences’(Selected)
  • Section ‘Study Programmes’
  • Section ‘Recommended Content’

3.2 User Interface Details

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

Nothing new.

3.4 Accessibility Implications

no special accessibility aspects

4 Technical Information

Nothing to add technically here, just some addition to the approach of using modals for management operations.

I Basically endorse this but feel obliged to mention presentation issues if the number of items gets to big here.
But since the purpose of the Dashboard is imo to display the most important content easy accesible and not "everything" this is more an issue of concept than of programming/design.

Therefore i would appreciate to use this change to limit the number of items in general wich can be displayed inside a dashboard block, since that would stricten its purpose an solve some minor design and perfomance issues.

5 Privacy

no privacy aspects

6 Security

no security aspects

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 22 JUN 2022 : Do we really need distinct settings for sorting the items for every service/component? Wouldn't it be much easier and user-friendly to have one sortation setting so that every list works the same? And do we really need a sub-tab for every component?

IMHO we could reduce the many views to two screens:

  1. "General"/"Allgemein" with settings for
    • Main Panel:
      • Favourites
      • Recommended Content
      • My Courses and Groups
      • Study Programmes
      • Learning Sequences
    • Side Panel
      • Calendar
      • News
      • Mail
      • Tasks
    • Sortation
      • Available Sortations
        • Sort by Location
        • Sort by Type
        • Sort by Alphabet
      • Default Sortation
        • ort by Location
        • Sort by Type
        • Sort by Alphabet
  2. "Presentation" with settings for
    • Favourites
      • Available Presentations
        • List
        • Tile
      • Default Presentation
        • List
        • Tile
    • Recommended Content
      • Available Presentations
        • List
        • Tile
      • Default Presentation
        • List
        • Tile
    • My Courses and Groups
      • Available Presentations
        • List
        • Tile
      • Default Presentation
        • List
        • Tile
    • Study Programmes
      • Available Presentations
        • List
        • Tile
      • Default Presentation
        • List
        • Tile
    • Learning Sequences
      • Available Presentations
        • List
        • Tile
      • Default Presentation
        • List
        • Tile

Kergomard, Stephan [skergomard], 24 JUN 2022: I believe this to be a very valuable contribution and would very much support Matthias' suggestion to reduce the subtabs.

Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila], 24 JUN 2022: Thanks for Feedback again.

I have taken the feedback as an opportunity to once again create mock-ups in this version of the forms. Please feel free to take a look.

Because there should be another FeatureReuest anyway that allows a global setting of the sorting order of the blocks, I am also very much in favour of this forms layout. 

Two more bits of feedback:

  • It makes no sense to activate Recommeded Content in the view, as the block is only displayed if there is content for my role. Deactivating it makes no sense because then the assigned content would no longer be displayed anywhere.
  • For "My courses and groups" exists another sorting "Sort by Start Date". This could not be available for other blocks.

Seiler, Yvonne [yvseiler], 27 JUN 2022: Thanks for your new mockups @oliver.samoila. I would recommend to shorten the title of forms sections (in subtab "Presentations") to "Favorites", "My Courses and Groups" (without "Presentation of") like the suggestion from mkunkel.

What happens when you activate the sorting "Sort by Start Date" but haven't activate this option in "Main Panel"?

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 27 JUN 2022 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept the feature request for ILIAS 9. We follow Yvonne's suggestion and prefer to reduce the title of sections in Presentations to the component name (and not to repeat "Presentation of..." for every section.

DevIssue 1) Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]: Process of removing multiple objects or memberships

For a) 'Favourites' and b) 'Recommended Content', the action menu offers an option to 'remove multiple objects'. For c) 'My Course and Groups' and d) 'Learning Sequences', the action menu offers an option to 'unsubscribe multiple'. Both processes for all four dashboard section are identical in their operation.

For a more modern design and to keep the context from where the action is called, we would like to run these two-step processes in a roundtrip modal. Possible contexts from where the dialogue could be called up are a) the dashboard, b) the own view of My Courses and Groups and c) the Favourites in the slate.

DevIssue 2) Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]: Composition of the Subtabs and Form Sections

During the implementation, it became clear that the integration of the settings for Sortations in the "General" subtab is inappropriate. The menu design with the exception "Sort by Start date" for "My courses and groups" and the possible exception for the default sorting for this section is difficult to understand.
Furthermore, the option "Default Sortation" with "Sort by Type" for the panels "Learning Sequences" and "Study Programmes" is pretty nonsense.

In addition, the positioning of the form section would make it impossible to sort the dashboard blocks in ehis screen. By rule, tables and forms cannot be on the same screen. With Global Sorting for Dashboard Sections, a more precise definition of the layout of the dashboard should be possible.

We would like to ask the JourFixe to make it possible to define the sorting  in the same way as the presentation in a separate subtab for all dashboard sections.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe]: We highly appreciate the suggestions for both dev issues. Please implement the modals and the sub-tabs as suggested.

10 Implementation

Screenshots will follow as soon as the upcoming UI changes for Release 9 are implemented. The screenshots should reflect the development as well as possible.

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 20 JUL 2023 by Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]

  • C54895 » Aktivierung von Blöcken im Hauptbereich und Seitenbereich
  • C54896 » Deaktivierung von Blöcken im Hauptbereich und Seitenbereich
  • C54897 » Bestimmung nur einer Präsentation für Blöcke des Hauptbereichs
  • C54898 » Bestimmung von zwei Präsentationen für Blöcke des Hauptbereichs
  • C54899 » Änderung der Präsentation eines Blocks auf dem Dashboard
  • C54900 » Bestimmung nur einer Sortierung für den Block "Favoriten"
  • C54901 » Bestimmung von mehreren Sortierungen für den Block "Favoriten"
  • C54902 » Bestimmung nur einer Sortierung für den Block "Empfohlene Inhalte"
  • C54906 » Bestimmung von mehreren Sortierungen für den Block "Empfohlene Inhalte"
  • C54903 » Bestimmung nur einer Sortierung für den Block "Meine Kurse und Gruppen"
  • C54907 » Bestimmung von mehreren Sortierungen für den Block "Meine Kurse und Gruppen"
  • C54904 » Bestimmung nur einer Sortierung für den Block "Meine Lernsequenzen"
  • C54908 » Bestimmung von mehreren Sortierungen für den Block "Meine Lernsequenzen"
  • C54905 » Bestimmung nur einer Sortierung für den Block "Meine Studienprogramme"
  • C54909 » Bestimmung von mehreren Sortierungen für den Block "Meine Studienprogramme"
  • C58223 » Entfernen von Objekten aus dem Block "Favoriten"
  • C58224 » Entfernen von Objekten aus dem Block "Empfohlene Inhalte"
  • C58225 » Entfernen von Objekten aus dem Block "Meine Kurse und Gruppen"
  • C58226 » Entfernen von Objekten aus dem Block "Lernsequenzen"


Approved at 20 JUL 2023 by Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila].

See also approvals on PR: https://github.com/ILIAS-eLearning/ILIAS/pull/4941

Last edited: 30. Aug 2023, 14:15, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]