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Abandon Virtual Modes of Glossaries

1 Reasons to Abandon Feature

Glossaries have Modes, allowing to gather terms and definitions from other glossaries in the same container or from subsequent containers. 

This adds a lot of complexity and should be dropped. 
All glossaries will be set to normal mode and could be empty. People would have to decide what to do with it.

Removed Option

2 Technical Information

No technical issues.

3 Contact

4 Funding

Removing the feature from the ILIAS code base might need funding. If you are interest in funding this request, please add your name and institution to this list.
  • ...

5 Discussion

Use the following discussion section to express your objections against this request or your consent to get rid of this feature.

Edith Mechelke-Schwede from Anwendungszentrum (AWZ), DHBW:
The DHBW and all universities that use the optes materials (> 20) rely on the virtual glossary in ILIAS.
Our glossaries are structured in such a way that we have one glossary for the basic curriculum and a separate glossary for each of the 5 other courses. The virtual glossary (we call it a collective glossary) combines all 6 glossaries. This way, those who only use the basic curriculum can easily access the glossary for the basic curriculum.
In our 42 learning modules we refer to the collective glossary at the bottom of each page. And in the individual learning modules, when a glossary term is called up, the links to the individual glossaries are set.
At the moment we have about 580 terms in the mathematics glossary for the basic curriculum and another 420 terms in the 5 other glossaries for the extended curriculum.
If the feature is removed, this would mean that we would have to copy all 420 terms from the 5 glossaries into the base glossary (moving them is not possible). This would also mean that the links in one glossary term to other glossary terms would no longer work and would have to be recreated. Much worse, however, would be that all links from the learning modules to the copied glossary terms would be lost and have to be reset. This then affects hundreds (if not thousands) of links that we would have to set manually in our 42 learning modules.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 13 JUN 2022 : We support the maintainer's wish to reduce the complexity of the glossary feature and agree to remove the option in ILIAS to have glossaries that have own terms and definitions and collect glossary terms from other glossaries (of the same node or also of sub-nodes).

Concerning the idea of removing the "collection" behaviour of the glossary in total, we would like to know from more universities if they use this feature and need it for their scenarios. If you are using these virtual glossaries, please let us know here!

Nevertheless, if we keep this "collecting" behaviour, it will be only offered as an unchangeable mode. So a glossary can have either own terms and definitions _or_ collect them from other glossaries.

Final decision of this request to abandon is scheduled for 08 August 2022. In case this behaviour is removed in total, a plugin could be implemented to collect glossary terms.

, 22 JUN 2022: Ich möchte Ihnen nur kurz mitteilen, dass auch wir als Hochschule für Forstwirtschaft Rottenburg OPTES verwenden und somit das Sammelglossar. Deswegen fänden wir es ebenfalls nicht gut, wenn das Sammelglossar komplett abgeschafft würde.

Vielleicht kann ja wirklich eine abgespeckte Version, wie von Ihnen vorgeschlagen, in ILIAS verbleiben.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Bemühungen.

Viele Grüße aus Rottenburg

Andreas Luig

Michael Menzel, UB Tübingen, 9.8.2022:
The OPTES project is quite successful and a lot of ressources were put in it. As mentioned above, it uses the collective glossary as others might too. Therefore imho, the feature should remain in ILIAS.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 22 AUG 2022: We prefer to keep a (new) mode of a glossary that is only collecting terms from other glossaries but does not allow to add own once and to abandon the option that such virtual glossaries can collect _and_ have own terms.

  • For existing glossaries of mode "virtual (this level only)" and "virtus (entire subtree)" the migration to ILIAS 9 will remove all glossary terms that have been made in these glossaries. Only the terms from "normal" glossaries of the same level will be kept.
  • The product manager will specify the future behaviour of the glossary in a dedicated feature request and present the result again on one of the next JF.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 28 OCT 2022 : I have created the requested FR Revision of Collection Glossaries where I suggest how the future behaviour of Collection Glossaries should be.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 31 OCT 2022 : We abandon the virtual mode of glossaries with the automatism of collecting terms from other glossaries of the same repo level or the entire subtree with this request. The option to collect terms of Standard Glossaries in a Collection Glossary will be kept and revised with the request "Revision of Collection Glossaries for ILIAS 9. This will allow to continue to offer glossaries consisting of terms from other glossaries - as requested by several institutions above.

Removed Testcases

The following testcases have been removed from Testrail or modified because the feature is no longer part of the ILIAS core.

  • Integrieren Sie Begriffe aus anderen Glossaren in Ihr eigenes Glossar. 


Approved at 2023-02-02 by Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]

The old feature was abandonned and replaced by Revision of Collection Glossaries

Last edited: 27. Oct 2023, 15:45, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]