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Implement General Kiosk Mode for Files

1 Initial Problem

Currently, although I can insert files into an LSO, they have to be opened "outside" the LSO. Users must first click on "Open file" so that the info page opens in a new tab. Only here they can download the file, close the tab again and have to update the other tab in which the LSO is active. This is cumbersome and error-prone. Therefore, the kiosk mode for the file is to be implemented and used in the LSO.

2 Conceptual Summary

The General Kiosk Mode should allow to directly download a file on the corresponding page. It should use the info page of the object.

In general:

More details:

  • If the file type allows it, users can open a preview (pdf, images)
  • If enabled in the settings of the file, users can rate the file on top of the page
  • If in the LSO the setting „user may proceed“ is set to "learning progress", the „next“ button is clickable after using the download button OR after the user has marked the file as finished

The Description should not be listed inside the kiosk mode, as it is already listed below the title and in the content.

Mark as Finished - New LP status for File Objects

  • the file object should get a second LP mode:
    1. "Visited" (maybe rename to "Download", as "visited" includes at least to open the file?)
    2. "Users Monitor and Set Status Themselves"
  • if 2. is activated, the LSO shows a "Set Completed" button in its toolbar
    • if "user may proceed" is set to "learning progress", the user can click on next after clicking on "Set completed" first
  • wording for this option should be accoring to the LP implementation of the Content Page:
    • Users Monitor and Set Status Themselves
    • (byliine) Users decide themselves if they have accomplished the object. Once they are done, they have to set their status to ‘Completed’ on the 'Info'-tab.
  • this new LP status can be used in every file object, not only files within a LSO

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Learning Sequence » Show » Start » General Kiosk Mode of a file 

3.2 User Interface Details

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


3.4 Accessibility Implications

In this feature, only existing UI components are used, and the accessibility is derived from them. 

4 Technical Information

The features implements the Kiosk-Mode defined in https://github.com/ILIAS-eLearning/ILIAS/blob/trunk/src/KioskMode/README.md

5 Privacy

This feature does not collect, store or process any new user-related data. It still applies: PRIVACY.md  

6 Security

The implementation of this feature does not create any new attack vectors. 

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 26 JUN 2023 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 9. Like known from the ILIAS LM and the Content Page, the button to set the LP progress manually is called 'Set Completed'.

10 Implementation

The feature has been implemented as described:

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 07/09/2023 by Zehnder, Lukas [lzehnder]

  • C63461: Lernfortschritt manuell (zurück-)setzen
  • C63462: Lernfortschritt durch Öffnen/Herunterladen
  • C63463: Darstellung im Kiosk-Modus
  • C63464: Datei-Bewertung im Kiosk-Modus
  • C63465: Fortfahren gemäß manuell gesetztem Lernfortschritt
  • C63466: Fortfahren gemäß durch Öffnen/Download gesetztem LernfortschrittPrivacy

Information in privacy.md of component:  no change required


Approved at 20 OCT 2023 by Wolf, Fabian [fwolf].

Last edited: 24. Feb 2024, 14:43, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]