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Move Question Table in Question Pool Test to new UI Data Table

1 Initial Problem

Currently, the Question Pool Test uses the Legacy Table to show the questions within the pool.

2 Conceptual Summary

We want to move the actual table to the new UI Data Table and add also new columns:  "Taxonomies", "Nodes", "Feedback", "Hints". With the FR Abandon Working Time in Test Questions and ILIAS Tests, the "Working-Time" column is removed. We also would like to remove the "Statistics"-column, as the statistics are always available over the action menu and the icon does not create added value. We would also like, to remove the "Comments"-column.

  • The taxonomy column is empty, if there are no Taxonomies or a question is not assigned to one or more taxonomies.
  • If a question is assigned to one taxonomy, this one will be entered in the column.
  • If the question is assigned to more than one taxonomy, all taxonomies will be entered in alphabetical order into this column.
  • The taxonomy nodes will behave the same.
  • The feedback and hint column will only state if there are feedbacks or hints in the question. The JourFixe must decide if this should be presented by text (Yes/No/empty) or Icon (checked/unchecked/empty). Checked / Unchecked

These changes also include the filters. The Filter for Taxonomies should also have the option "No Taxonomy".

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

Question pool test --> Questions

3.2 User Interface Details

3.2.1 Action menu

The action menu per question will be the same, as in the legacy table. It has the following options:

  • Preview
  • Statistics
  • Edit Question
  • Edit Page
  • Move
  • Copy
  • Delete
  • Feedback
  • Hints
  • Comments

The action per table will have the same options as the actual dropdown:

  • Copy
  • Move
  • Export
  • Delete

3.2.2 Data table

Mockup of a new data table for the question pool test
Mockup of a new data table for the question pool test

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

  • UIComponent --> Table --> Data
  • The Data Table has currently no sum line, to show the overall points of a question pool test. This will be provided as separate PR and presented to the JourFixe before the implementation of this FR.
  • The filter will also be provided as a supplement to the existing components.

3.4 Accessibility Implications

We see no new implications.

4 Technical Information

{ The maintainer has to provide necessary technical information, e.g. dependencies on other ILIAS components, necessary modifications in general services/architecture, potential security or performance issues. }

5 Privacy

No new privacy implications with this feature.

6 Security

This feature does not decrease the security of ILIAS.

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 10 JUL 2023 : We highly appreciate the use of the new UI Data Table for the Question Pool Test and schedule the feature for ILIAS 9. We prefer to use the icons for checked/unchecked instead of a textual representation (yes/no) in the related columns.

UI-Clinic, 24 OCT 2023: For this request there were selected questions that were discussed in the UI Clinic of 24 OCT 2023 (see minutes):

Should we open DataTable's Actions to support Links, i.e. allow the changing of context and the triggering of JS directly?
If so, should we visually distinguish Links and "internal actions"?

  • We want to allow this support. But the distinction must be made visible.
  • We don't want to forbid actions that go to a new page, but we want to allow a quick return to the overview page of the table (directly or on own call).
  • A link can lead to individual aspects of the entry (e.g. resource for competencies), but this should be visually distinguishable from the other actions. If you leave the context (e.g. change from competencies to personal workspace), this should be visible in the actions in advance.

10 Implementation

Implemented with the merge of PR 6463.

Please note, that the new Filter does not open Links/Modals as the one before. Therefore, you can only select one node or taxonomy.
In addition, please note, that the sum line is not implemented yet, as there is no UI Component for this right now. We will ask the JourFixe to add this as a usability fix when it is available.

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 27 OCT by Strassner, Denis [dstrassner]

  • C36 : Taxonomien zum Filtern der Fragen verwenden (edited)
  • C44: Filter nach Taxonomie zurücksetzen (edited)
  • C24742: Fragen anhand von Kommentaren sortieren/filtern (edited)
  • C107: Frage kopieren (edited)
  • C108: Frage verschieben (edited)
  • C109: Frage exportieren (edited)
  • C110: Frage importieren (edited)
  • C111: Frage löschen (edited)
  • C113: Ausführen ohne Auswahl (edited)
  • C45: Fragen nach Titel, Autor, Beschreibung, Lebenszyklus, Fragentyp filtern (edited)
  • C48: Reiter "Fragen" nach verschiedenen Spaltentiteln sortieren (edited)
  • C377: Statistik aus der Liste des Fragenpools aufrufen (deleted)
  • C18732: Tabellenansicht der Fragen verfügt über ein Aktionsmenu (Dropdown) (edited)
  • C46 Weniger Fragen pro Seite anzeigen (edited)
  • C47 - Weniger/andere Spalten im Reiter "Fragen" anzeigen


no change required


Approved at 27 OCT by Strassner, Denis [dstrassner].

Last edited: 27. Oct 2023, 20:52, Strassner, Denis [dstrassner]