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Separate Training Acknowledgement From General Update Function

1 Initial Problem

Trainings linked into a study programme might already be completed when a user is assigned.
In this case, ILIAS offers in an intermediate step to acknowledge the completed training(s).

However, this problem doesn't only occur while assigning users but every time his/her progress is newly calculated at several occasions (e.g., node turns active or deadline is changed).
By now (v8), you only have the option to "Update From Current Settings" which includes the lokup for completed trainings.
You cannot update the progress without acknowledging completed trainings and vice versa.

2 Conceptual Summary

A separate action "Acknowledge Completed Trainings" is offered by the multi-actions menu:

  • If started, it presents all courses linked into the study programme or its sub-programmes which have already been completed by users who have an assignment with status "In Progress".
  • This list (like the one you see when assigning users with already completed courses) is subdivided by user in alphabetical order of username.
    In each division, completed courses are listed in alphabetical order, offering a checkbox each.
    There are options to submit or cancel the action.
  • When submitted, ILIAS recalculates the status of assignments based upon the learning progress status in selected courses.

The "Update From Current Settings" action will no longer recalculate the status of assignment based upon the linked courses but do anything else it has done before:

  • Reset relevance, deadline, necessary points, validity, expiry date according to the settings
  • Undo individual plan

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Study Programme > Assignments

3.2 User Interface Details

Another menu option "Acknowledge Completed Trainings" is offered by the multi-actions menu.
Choosing it and executing, the lookup for completed trainings is started.

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


3.4 Accessibility Implications


4 Technical Information


5 Privacy


6 Security


7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 18 SEP 2023 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept it for ILIAS 9.

10 Implementation

The functionality is implemented as described. When courses are ackknowledged for single users, a list of courses to chose from is presented, just as when users are first added on the stidy programme. For multiple users we merely ask for confirmation.

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2023-10-26 by Suittenpointner, Florian [suittenpointner]

  • C51249: Multi-Befehl "Mit aktuellen Programmeinstellungen überschreiben" für Zuweisungen ausführen (Stichtag, Gültigkeit) (updated, completed courses aren't acknowledged anymore)
  • C63605: Multi-Befehl "Bestandene Kurse anerkennen" (new, only completed courses are acknowledged, no other recalculations)
  • C51363: Zuweisung "mit aktuellen Programmeinstellungen überschreiben" nach Änderung der Struktur (neuer, bereits bestandener Kurs (updated, completed courses aren't acknowledged anymore, only after using the new action "Acknowledge Completed Courses")


No PRIVACY.md is available atm. Sadly, the Study Programme never received funding for this documentation effort, as other components did. If you are interested to contribute here, feel free to contact Klees, Richard [rklees].


Approved at 2024-02-21 by Zimmermann, Markus [markus.zimmermann].

Last edited: 21. Feb 2024, 13:24, Zimmermann, Markus [markus.zimmermann]