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Changed language entries for ILIAS 9

This is not a feature request but a general information on changes in the English and German language file for ILIAS version 9. These changes are part of the project for gender mainstreaming funded by ILIAS.nrw.

1 Planned Language Entries

The following changes have been made for ILIAS 9 to improve the usability of ILIAS:

1.1 Booking Tool

The Booking Tool Object has been given a general overhaul and had many unintuitive labels changed. The underlying idea was to make sure that all labels accurately reflect their content.

The Main Changes

a) Booking Object > Bookable Item / Buchbares Objekt > Angebot

b) Reservations > Bookings / Reservierungen > Buchungen

c) Aktion menus - replaced the slighty cryptic  (and in English, misleading)  'assigns' with simple labels that accurately reflect what happens when you click on them, i.e. 'Book for Participant'. 

d Changed labels that were totally incorrect. For example: when trying to create or edit a schedule, the label 'Weekdays' ('Wochentage' in German) was incorrect and a therefore detriment to usability. This label is now called 'Timeslots / Zeitfenster'.

e) Decided on one term for each function and harmonised the uses across the Booking Pools tool (for example 'Bookings').

Detailed List of Changes - for translators into other languages

1.2 File Object

No changes to basic terminology. Suggestions were based on ILIAS8, so currently re-examining suggested changes and new language variables for ILIAS9.

a) English Language: General correction of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, as well as making sure that sentence and title case are used properly in the correct places.

Detailed List of Changes - for translators into other languages

1.3 Mail Language Files

No changes to basic terminology. 

a) English language: General correction of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, as well as making sure that sentence and title case are used properly in the correct places.

b) Correction of unsatisfactory bylines and incorrect notification messages in both German and English.

c) Small changes to remove the gender binary from certain bylines in English, i.e. rephrasing sentences to avoid ‘his or her’.

d) Pull requests (planned) to change misuse of terms like ‘assign’ and ‘adopt’ in English (replacing them with ‘add’ and ‘attach’ where appropriate) and also to ‘remove’ members of mailing lists rather than ‘deleting’ them.

Detailed List of Changes - for translators into other languages

1.4 'Item' vs 'Object'

The indescriminate use of the terms 'Item' and 'Object' in the English languages files was indentified as a problem. With 'Add New Item' as the starting point and original irritant, references to 'Items' (when actually referring to ILIAS Objects) have been replaced with 'Object'. Other relevant changes have also been made within the language modules 'common', 'cont', 'cntr' and 'obj' to replace terms like 'Content Item' and make things generally clearer.

Detailed List of Changes - for translators into other languages

1.5 'Info' Tab

All cases of the term 'Infoseite' in the German language file have been changed to 'Reiter „Info“'.
'Infoseite' should not be used anymore when it refers to the tab.

1.6 Changes due to Gendermainstreaming of German Language File

The following terms have been modified to get a more genderneutral language file for German:

  • Kursadministrator → Kursadministration
  • Gruppenadministrator → Gruppenadministration
  • Kurstutor → Kursbetreuung
    • this is a substantial change, we are aware. It has thoroughly been discussed and pondered on: Who gets this role, what are they actually doing?
    • We consider the new term more up-to-date and comprehensive in the sense that Tutor, presumably, implicated a university context.
  • Tutorielle Betreuung → Kontaktperson / Kontaktpersonen
    • in courses, groups and sessions
    • with this, we wanted to clearly differentiate it from 'Kursbetreuung' (former 'Tutor') and we consider it more accurate
  • Tutor (in Learning Progress) → Kursadministration oder Kursbetreuung
    • here and in other course contexts: consider who has permissions to make decisions, grade, edit, be notified - most of the time it is actually both of the roles.
    • Mode in Exercise → Manuelle Bewertung
  • Tutor (in Blog) → Blog-Redaktion
  • Tutor (in Exercise) → no Tutor anymore
    • use of passive, stating the specific permission or setting that is needed, e.g. forming teams
    • Notiz für Tutoren → Interne Bemerkung
  • Tutor (in Ind. Assessment and Learning Sequence, in Notes and Comments) → no Tutor anymore
    • use of passive, stating the specific permission or setting that is needed
  • Administrator (as global role) → Administration
  • Administrator, Systemadministrator (as support, available in footer) → technische Betreuung
  • Administrator (describing the people behind) → ILIAS-Administration
  • Lernsequenzadministrator → Lernsequenzadministration
    • it was a long word, it stays a long word
  • Administrator (in Session and Poll) → Administration
    • stating the specific permission or setting that is needed can be more accurate

  • Teilnehmer (in Session) → no Teilnehmer anymore
    • permissions, roles and role templates: "Teilnahme an Sitzung", "Sitzungsteilnahme" or something similar
    • tab: "Teilnahmen", table header is in progress (Mitglieder aus "%Kurstitel")
    • shortened terms or phrases without Teilnehmer
    • "angemeldete Personen", "alle Personen, die sich angemeldet oder teilgenommen haben" for mails
    • "Personen auf der Warteliste" while waiting to be allowed to participate
  • Teilnehmer (in Survey) → no Teilnehmer anymore
    • "Befragte"
    • omission, mostly, use of passive
    • former "Invite": see https://mantis.ilias.de/view.php?id=40385 in progress ("Als To-Do eintragen" / "Add to 'Tasks' of User")
    • "Personen, die an der Umfrage teilgenommen haben", results "Pro Person"
    • Teilnehmerdaten → Datensätze, Datensatz löschen etc.

2 Contact

3 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

4 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 30 OCT 2023: Kendra notified us about the changes based on the improvements for gendermainstreaming of the German language file. We highly appreciate these changes and accept them for ILIAS 9.

5 Implementation

All changed language entries were committed to trunk.

Test Cases

No test cases necessary. Only changes in language file will be made.


Approved at 31 OCT 2023 by Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel].

Last edited: 9. Aug 2024, 15:19, Grotz, Kendra [kgrotz]