Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Multilingualism for Wikis

1 Initial Problem

By now (v5.4), multilingualism of content is only supported by the "ILIAS learning module". To extend this feature multilingualism on content should also be implemented for the ILIAS Wiki. To ensure consistency within ILIAS, properties of Wikis (Title, Description and Introduction) should also be able to be stored in several languages.

2 Conceptual Summary

In the Wiki settings the tab "Multilingualism" is introduced. On this tab users can activate multilingualism. To activate multilingualism, a default language must be set.

Afterwards additional languages can be added via the button "Add Language". For each language added, a start page is created. The start page is the starting point for the translation of the Wiki.

Newly created Wiki pages in other languages must also be available in the default language. For this reason, users must select one of the following radio buttons when creating a new page in another language:

  • Page already exists in the default language: If users select the radio button "Page already exists in the default language", an overview of all wiki pages is displayed in a dropdown and they can select the appropriate page.
  • Page does not exist in the default language: If users select the radio button "Page does not exist in the default language" the title can be entered in the default language via an input field and the page will be created in the default and in the language being edited. Once created, the page is displayed in the language that is being edited. 
In a second step, you can choose whether to create an empty page or use a template.

You can switch between the languages via an action menu at the top of the page. Only if a page is available in several languages, the action menu will be displayed.

The overview of all pages shows in which languages the pages are available.

To control who can create wiki pages and who can edit pages, the "Edit Content" permission is split into "Create Pages" and "Edit Pages".

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Wiki >> Settings >> Multilingualism
  • Wiki >> Edit Page
  • Wiki >> Insert New Page
  • Wiki >> Permissions

3.2 User Interface Details

Activate Multilingualism
Set Default Language
Add New language
Switch between languages
Create page >> Page already exists in the default language
Create page >> Page does not exist in the default language
Create Page >> Select Template

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


4 Technical Information

Killing, Alexander [alex], 24 June 2020

  • In a first step I would not support rating, comments or custom metadata. These would be separate projects.
  • Page templates and Wiki Navigation block should be supported.
Some general rules:
  • All pages must exist in the "master language".
  • Wiki links will only work "within the same language".
  • If a wiki link is clicked in a non-master language and the target page does not yet exist, ilias has to provide a confirmation dialog:
    • Is the new page a translation of an existing page?
    • Yes: Dropdown with all pages in the master language that are not yet existing in the current language. ILIAS will redirect to the editing of the selected page in the current language.
    • No: Form with Title field for the page title in the master language. ILIAS will create the new page with the entered title for the master language and immediately open the editing view for the current language.

There are no performance, privacy or security implications.

5 Privacy Information

No privacy implications, no additional personal data is stored 

6 Security Implications

No security implications

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

Killing, Alexander [alex], 23 Sep 2020: I support the idea. See my comments above.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 25 SEP 2020 : How about presenting the screens 2, 3 and 4 in accordeon "Create and Edit Pages" as roundtrip modal? This prevents to load the entire page just for making some choices.

Kergomard, Stephan [skergomard], 28 Sep 2020: For me this sounds like we are implementing Multilingualism on a per modul/object basis. This sounds like a really bad idea, leading to redundancies in code and inconsistencies in concepts. Shouldn't we takle this on a conceptual level before entering the discussion on the per object implementation?

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 28 SEP 2020 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS7. Unlike shown on the screenshot in section "Page Overview", all pages do always exist in master language. Having the workflow for creating a new page would be nice as modal if possible. And please clarify the use case of a wiki with pages in multiple languages to understand the need of the feature and distinct it from other approaches (like MediaWiki).

Killing, Alexander [alex], 20.3.2023: I still support the idea and the the comments of the last JF decision.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 20 MAR 2023: We highly appreciate this suggestion and re-schedule the feature for ILIAS 9. Please add related information about A11y in chap. 3.4

Bogen, Christian [bogen], 20 MAR 2023: Universität Stuttgart apperciates this very highly, too. (We’d use this eg. in our internal help and support wiki.)

10 Implementation

{The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible.}

Activate multilingualism

Set master language

Set default languange

Create translation page of existing page 1/2

Create translation page of existing page 2/2

Create translation page of non existing page

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • 63446 : Mehrsprachigkeit aktivieren
  • 63447 : Sprache hinzufügen 
  • 63448 : Standardsprache festlegen 
  • 63454 : Übersetzungsseite erstellen 
  • 63453 : Übersetzungsseite ohne bestehenden Seite in Basissprache erstellen
  • 63455 : Seite in vorhandenen Sprachen anzeigen 
  • 63449 : Sprache entfernen 


Approved at 2023-10-12 by Falkenstein, Rob [rob].

Last edited: 25. Oct 2023, 13:43, Spirou, Ilias [ispirou]