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IRSS: Resource Overview

1 Initial Problem

Since the introduction of the ILIAS Resource Storage Service, some components have already been migrated so that in the future they will no longer manage their uploaded files themselves, but will do so via this central service.
In the future, the IRSS will serve as a central point of contact for all files uploaded by users. This will make it much easier to implement new features related to uploaded files and make them available to all consumers of the service.
As a first step, we would like to provide a view of all resources stored in the IRSS in the ILIAS administration. 

2 Conceptual Summary

A new tab "Resource Overview" is introduced under Administration > general Settings > File Services.
This tab contains a list (as a data or presentation table) of all resources stored in the IRSS (see mockups below).

Each resource is listed with the title and size of the most recent revision (additional data possible). Further, each resource has the following actions:

  • Show revisions: Lists all revisions of a resource, with data such as the title, size and MimeType.
  • Show Stakeholder: Lists all components or stakeholders that use a resource.
  • Delete: Delete a resource completely and inform all stakeholders about it. These can then trigger deletion processes themselves if necessary.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • fils: New Tab "Resource Overview" at first position
  • fils/resource_overview: A Presentation-table (or DataTable if available in UI-Service until then) with UI-Filters and a Pagenation

3.2 User Interface Details

Mockup 1: Overview of Resources
Mockup 2: Overview of Revisions (Headline = [Filename] Revisionname)
Mockup 2 with different Headline "File Services"
Mockup 2 with different Headline (only Revisionname)
Mockup 3: Delete Resource

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

Only existing UI components are used.

3.4 Accessibility Implications

Only existing UI components are used.

4 Technical Information

No technical specialities.

5 Privacy

No new user-related data is collected. Only the user ID and an associated user name of the owner of a resource are processed and displayed, if applicable.

6 Security

The view in the administration must be secured via RBAC, whereby a distinction is made between read access and write access. Deleting a resource is only possible with write access.

7 Contact

8 Funding

9 Discussion

Kergomard, Stephan [skergomard], 8 AUG 2022: I like this overview very much. I'm a little bit worried about the functionality to delete resources from this overview, though. With the short description it sounds like a recipe for desaster, as we are lacking a more overarching process. Maybe it would be an option to limit the ability to delete to orphaned resources in a first step.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 08 AUG 2022 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 9 with the following changes:

  • A "Delete" button should only be shown if there is no (more) stakeholder of a resource. Deleting resources with stakeholders (still in use) should not be allowed.
  • An "Open Resource" button should be offered to allow to go to the place where a resource is used – in case the stakeholder provides a related link.
  • A pagination of items for the page "Overview of Revisions" would be highly appreciated.

10 Implementation

Resource Overview in Administration (CSS Bugs as in Filters due to state in trunk)
Detailed Infos of Resource and Actions
Listing of Revisions of a Resource

The Query which collects data for this overview is optimized for large installations as well (tested with ~1'000'000 Resources)

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • C53166: Datei-Ressource suchen 
  • C53171: Informationen zur Datei-Ressource anzeigen 
  • C53167: Abänderungen der Datei-Ressource aufrufen 
  • C53168: Datei-Ressource öffnen 
  • C53169: Datei-Ressource herunterladen
  • C53170: Datei-Ressource löschen (Anm., Kruse, Fabian [Fabian], 07.03.2024: Testfall in Rücksprache mit Fabian Schmid gelöscht, da der Fall "Datei-Ressource ohne Stakeholder" nicht für Tester produzierbar ist. Der Fall kann daher nicht getestet werden.) 


Approved at 17.1.2022 by Amstutz, Timon [amstutz].

Last edited: 7. Mar 2024, 10:47, Kruse, Fabian [Fabian]