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File Upload: CC Selection as Modal

1 Initial Problem

When creating a file object, ILIAS presents the creation screen with upload possibility and re-directs after successful upload to parent object. If an author wants to set the file under a CC licence, the author needs to click on "Edit Content" in the Actions dropdown and then change to "Metadata" tab to set correct licence.

If the use of CC licences and correct copyright declaration shall be supported on an installation, a shorter and direct way is needed to assign the correct licence to each uploaded file.

2 Conceptual Summary

If Creative Content support aswell as the new function itself is enabled in Administration, ILIAS shall offer the user a new option to set the licence OF ALL FILES TO BE UPLOADED directly while uploading in the creation modal/on creation screen (depends on the way, the file is uploaded). The function shows the currently supported CC licences as well as the default "All rights reserved" option. The available licences should be displayed and sorted like the licence list in the Administration.

One can activate the Checkbox "set licence" and than chose one of the available licences. After selecting and clicking on Save, ILIAS uploads the files and redirects back to parent object. The chosen licence is than set to all new uploaded files.

If one doesn't activate the checkbox and clicks on Save, the default licence is set.

The function itself has to be activated in Administration >> Metadata >> Copyright. If its not enabled, no licence selection will be presented and the licence will be the default after uploading new files.

Option 1: Set Licence information for every single file to be uploaded

There already existing accordeon of every single file should be extended by a checkbox: set licence. If this is activated, you can choose one of the supported licences.

Option 1:

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • add new item - file - option 1: Upload files
  • Drag & Drop file in container - modal "Upload Files"

3.2 User Interface Details

in Modal:


Add new item: File 

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


3.4 Accessibility Implications

The extension of the form uses radio options from the UI framework: \ILIAS\UI\Component\Input\Field\Radio
The A11y implications of the corresponding UI component apply.

4 Technical Information

Technically, it is an extension of the form for creating file objects with the selection of licences. The licences are obtained from the Service/Metadata and converted into a \ILIAS\UI\Implementation\Component\Input\Field\Radio. At present, the ervice/Metadata does not yet offer an implementation for the UI\Inputs. 

5 Privacy Information

The file object does not store or process any new personal data, storage is the responsibility of the service/metadata, see PRIVACY.md

6 Security Implications

The feature does not create any new attack vectors, the storage and processing is in the service/metadata.

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt] 2022-10-05: I have some questions about this request: 

  • How will this deal with the upload of multiple files? Will the licensing be done individually in the modal?
  • Why have you dismissed the idea of using the accordeons? The licese selection coul,d be placed underneath the Description.
  • How will introducing a modul only for licensing file object accomodate a feature like Move Add New Item to Toolbar and into Modal?

Having mock-ups would be very helpful for me. 

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 10 OCT 2022: The upload of file objects has changed in ILIAS 8 and is now presented in a modal. Therefore, this FR has to be adapted to the new UI.

  • Extending the accordeon's content by adding all copyright options would be one option. This would allow to define a distinct licence for each file object. But I do not know if this is really needed. If I want to upload files with different licences I do several uploads.
  • Another option would be to add a checkbox "Add Licence Information". When activated all available licences with radio buttons are opened in the form and a user can define which licence is used for all uploaded files.

Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]: Majority of participants of OER-Workshop prefers bulk licensing. Please consider including the version number to the licensing, snce the difference between 3.0 und 4.0 is crucial

Schmid, Fabian [fschmid] 2022-11-17: Thank you for the feature request, which I generally support. The following adjustments would still need to be made to the FR and mockups:
- The feature resp. the additional options only appeared if licenses are also configured and activated in ILIAS. Only these licenses are displayed from Administration > Metadata > Copyright.
- The displayed licenses are shown as stored in the administration: The title and the description are displayed.
- The license selection must be displayed for each individual file dragged into the drop zone, not once for all files.
- The license selection is located within the accordion of a file in the upload dialog, see screenshot (sorry, I fail to upload a Screenshot here with the PageEditor, always return an error...) I'll send you the screenshot on Discord

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 21 NOV 2022: Thanks Fabian for your comment. An important factor in encouraging as many authors as possible to publish OER is the simplicity of licensing their content. It should therefore take as few clicks as possible to label uploaded files with a Creative Commons licence. In addition, projects and universities often have an OER policy that specifies the use of a particular licence for all published content, e.g. CC BY-SA. In practice, it will therefore be more common to always use the same licence when uploading multiple files than to select a different licence for each file.

If we require our users, when uploading five files to be published under CC BY-SA, to always select the same licence in the dropdown for each file, acceptance among authors will be lower than with a "one licence for all files" function. Would you be OK with an additional checkbox at the end of the form that allows one to assign one licence to all files with one click?

Concerning your other points mentioned above:

  • The extension of the upload form with a licence selector requires to have enabled licence support in Administration » Metadata » Copyright. If this is not enabled, no licence selection will be presented.
  • Title and description of the available licences are taken from the definitions in the Copyright administration.

And if you send me the screenshot I can embed it in the request.

Schmid, Fabian [fschmid] 2022-12-02: I understand the use case and that it would be easier to set this once for all files. However, the primeness with which the form appears here seems too blatant to me. Unfortunately, the UI\Forms do not currently allow the way you suggested with a checkbox at the end that applies a license with one click to all subforms.

However, since the requirement is very strong, we will go this way as you suggest.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 19 DEC 2022: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 9 with the following changes:

  • The radio-box-group to select a licence should be moved under the file selection.
  • The key "Set Licence for all Files" (sic!) should be left-aligned like "Upload Files".
  • There is no check-box to activate the licence selection because "All right reserved" is assigned anyway when no other licence is selected.

10 Implementation

The feature has been implemented as desribed, here some screenshots:

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 16/06/2023 by Schmid, Fabian [fschmid]

  • C58117: Lizenz für Dateien beim Upload festlegen
  • C58118: Lizenz beim Entzippen festlegen


Approved at 16 JUN 2023 by Seibt, Alina [alina.seibt].

Last edited: 25. Oct 2023, 10:14, Lorenz, Katharina [klorenz]