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Learning Sequence: Improve Handling of Learning Progress Settings of Sub-Objects

1 Initial Problem

The Learning Sequence is a Container object like the Group, Category and Course. It bundles various subobjects that contain the actual learning content and adds a sequencing layer on top of these objects. The sequencing relies on the Learning Progress on the sub objects when the settings are made accordingly ("User may proceed" => "Learning Progress" in the subtab "Content > Manage" on the Learning Sequence).

This setting, however, does not mean that any appropriate setting for the Learning Progress was made on the subobject in question. It may be the case, for example, that the Learning Progress is simly deactivated for the subobject, so a user will never be able to proceed from that object.

This feature request aims to improve insight for the administrators of Learning Sequences into issues with the Learning Progress settings of subobjects of Learning Sequences and improves access to these settings from the Learning Sequence.

2 Conceptual Summary

The table of subobjects of Learning Sequences, presented on the subtab "Content > Manage" shall be extended with a column "Learning Progress Setting" that follows the column "User May Proceed". This column shall show the title of the Learning Progress Mode that is chosen for that object, as displayed in the subtab "Learning Progress > Settings" of the object in question. The column shall not be shown when the Learning Progress in the installation is deactivated.

The Action dropdown of each object shall be extended by a new option "Learning Progress Settings" that appears if a user has sufficient permissions to view these settings. If the user clicks on that action, she will be moved to the Learning Progress Settings of the object.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Learning Sequence > Content > Manage

3.2 User Interface Details

  • A new column "Learning Progress Setting" will be included in the "Content Management" table if the learning progress is activated on the installation. The colum will be included directly after existing column "User may proceed". It will show the Learning Progress Mode of the object.
  • The action dropdown of each object in the "Content Management" table will contain a new option "Learning Progress Settings" if the user has enough permissions to enter that settings on the object. When clicked, the option will refer the user to that settings on the object.

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


3.4 Accessibility Implications


4 Technical Information

The Learning Sequence uses the standard actions from the objects, as they are also used e.g. in the repository. The cleanest solution most likely will be, to include that new option "Learning Progress Settings" in the standard options of the objects. This means, that the according change might be mostly in Services/Object (or some other central service) and will affect other action dropdowns in the system as well. This is desirable, as users might grow to expect that option in other action dropdowns too.

5 Privacy


6 Security


7 Contact

8 Funding

No additional funding required.

9 Discussion

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 31 JAN 2023: Chap. 2 mentions 'sufficient permissions' for getting access to the LP settings of a sub-object. IMHO the necessary permission to see and to edit Learning Progress settings is the permission 'Edit Learning Progress Settings'. Will it be possible to jump straight to this screen when clicking on the related link in the Actions dropdown? Or will ILIAS direct a user to the content of the sub-object and the user has then to change the tab to enter the Learning Progress Settings subtab? In this case we run into problems with some objects like the ILIAS LM or SCORM LM because users need to change first from the presentation of the object to its edit view. And if they do not have 'Edit Settings' they won't even have the chance to get there... This is not a problem for all object types but for some that could be used within a Learning Sequence.

I don't know if my idea is easy to implement, but how about 'loading' the subtab 'Learning Progress Settings' of an object in a modal and just check 'Edit Learning Progress Settings'. In this case the user is not even leaving the Learning Sequence - and does therfore not need more permissions for sub-objects but 'Edit Learning Progress Settings'.

And a last question: will it be necessary to give LP Settings permissions to all sub-objects manually (when 'Edit Permissions' is given for them)? Or will the Learning Sequence administrator role get these permissions automatically when an object becomes a sub-object of a Learning Sequence?

Klees, Richard [rklees], 01 FEB 2023: As far as I'm concerned it should be possible to directly jump to the "Learning Progress Settings" without going to other screens first. In fact, this is at the heart of what this feature intends to do: giving faster access to these extremely relevant settings.

I like the idea with the modal, but I currently cannot see how we could implement that reliably in the Learning Sequence. Let's keep the general idea in mind when we work on the tabs and subtabs of objects.

Regarding the last question about permissions: This would be something for the role templates, right?

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 06 FEB 2023 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 9. Please add this new type of Actions menu entries to the known Action Menu Guideline. Stefan and Richard will revise the function to call the Settings tab from the Learning Sequence (because the current possible solutions should no longer be used according to Stefan Meyer.

Klees, Richard [rklees], 15 MAR 2023: In a discussion with Nils Arne Brockmann and Henrik Pruiskens we found that it is irritating for users that the "Learning Progress Settings" are displayed even if the settings are not relevant for the progression of the user in the LSO. We thus propose to only show the settings in the table when they are relevant for the progression and display the text "für Fortfahren aktuell nicht maßgeblich" and a similar text for english.

Brockmann, Nils Arne [Nils_Brockmann] 16.03.2023

Concerning the problem Richard Klees explains in the previous post Chris Potter and I suggest following texts:
German: Nur maßgeblich bei Auswahl von 'Lernfortschritt' in der Spalte 'Benutzer darf fortfahren'
English: Only relevant when ‘Learning Progress’ is selected in the ‘User May Proceed’ column

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 20 MAR 2023: We follow the maintainer's suggestion and accept the proposed change. Information about learning progress setting will only be displayed when relevant for learning sequence.

10 Implementation

The feature has been implemented as described above. A new column was added after the "User May Proceed" column to show the current LP setting.
The action menu contains a new action called "Learning Progress Settings" which leads directly to the LP subtab of the object.

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}


Information in privacy.md of component: no change required


Approved at 2023-03-15 by Brockmann, Nils Arne [Nils_Brockmann].

Last edited: 24. Apr 2023, 15:15, Bongers, Tim [tbongers-cat]