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Revamping Exam View with List of Questions

1 Initial Problem

There are some aspects in which the Exam View of Tests isn’t implemented state-of-the-art.
This feature request offers proposals for modernizing and streamlining it.

2 Conceptual Summary

2.1 Settings

  • Renaming “Dashboard” view in the test pass:
    The “Dashboard” term is used in three different ways in ILIAS (main bar item, Test object tab, “Dashboard” as referred to here). Thus, it would contribute to disambiguation to rename the “Dashboard” option for the test GUI. Proposal: “Test Pass Overview” (German: “Übersicht Testdurchlauf”)
  • Separating activation of „List of Questions” and “Dashboard” (then: “Test Pass Overview”):
    • Activation of „List of Questions” (Checkbox)
    • Activation of “Test Pass Overview” (Checkbox) with sub-options (“Show prior to the first question” s.o.)

2.2 Test Pass

  • Move „List of Questions“ to Slate:
    Instead of displaying the “List of Questions” in the ‘tst_left’ div, it’s displayed wihtin the slate. Like with Learning Sequences, the slate is hidden by default but may be showed by participants by clicking a main bar item (here: “List of Questions”). The menu item shows the test icon.
  • Remove “Hide/Show List of Questions” button:
    There is no need for this button anymore as the “List of Questions” can be displayed via the main bar item.
  • Use the “WorkflowListing” UI element for the display of the “List of Questions”:
    “WorkflowListing” can identify the currently processed question and differentiate between questions which were processed and those which weren’t.
  • Remove question flag from “List of Questions”:
    The only things “WorkflowListing” cannot do is to show the “flag” of questions that were “marked” by participants.As this would contribute to unclutter the view, we suppose it being a gain for the Exam View.
  • Move test title, participant name and test pass ID to top whitespace not used by now:
    In doing so, we suggest to show the installation logo as well.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Settings > General
  • Test Pass

3.2 User Interface Details

3.2.1 Settings

Splitted setting:

Language variables:



new variable




Participants can switch on a list of test questions on the left of the actual question. Additionally, they are presented with a button ‘List of Questions’. On that screen the overall status of all questions will be displayed.

Participants are presented with a button ‘Test Pass Overview’. On that screen the overall status of all questions will be displayed.

Participants can switch on a list of test questions on the left of the currently displayed question.


Teilnehmer können sich links neben den Testfragen eine Fragenliste anzeigen lassen. Mit dem Button 'Bearbeitungsstand' rufen die Teilnehmer eine Übersicht auf, die zeigt, welche Fragen sie jeweils bereits bearbeitet oder markiert haben. Das Verhalten der Übersicht 'Bearbeitungsstand' können Sie noch weiter konfigurieren:

Mit der Schaltfläche 'Übersicht Testdurchlauf' können Teilnehmer eine Übersicht aufrufen, die zeigt, welche Fragen sie jeweils bereits bearbeitet oder markiert haben. Das Verhalten der 'Übersicht Testdurchlauf' können Sie noch weiter konfigurieren:

Teilnehmer können sich links neben den Testfragen eine Fragenliste anzeigen lassen.



Only if all compulsory questions are answered ths test can be finished. Compulsory questions can be defined in the ‘List view’. For participants the option ‘Show List of Questions’ should be activated.

Only if all compulsory questions are answered this test can be finished. Compulsory questions can be defined in the ‘List view’. For participants, the option ‘Test Pass Overview’ should be activated.


Nur wenn alle verpflichtenden Fragen beantwortet wurden, kann ein Test abgegeben werden. Autoren definieren verpflichtende Fragen in der
'Listenansicht'. Für Teilnehmer sollte die Option "Fragenliste und Bearbeitungstand anzeigen" aktiviert sein.

Nur wenn alle verpflichtenden Fragen beantwortet wurden, kann ein Test abgegeben werden. Autoren definieren verpflichtende Fragen in der
'Listenansicht'. Für Teilnehmer sollte die Option 'Übersicht Testdurchlauf' aktiviert sein.



Participants get the option to flag a test question for some purpose. The flags are shown in ‘List of Questions’, provided that it is activated.

Participants get the option to flag a test question for some purpose. The flags are shown in ‘Test Pass Overview’, provided that it is activated.


Teilnehmer erhalten die Möglichkeit, Fragen für sich zu markieren. Die Markierungen werden auch in der Übersicht 'Bearbeitungsstand' angezeigt, sofern diese aktiviert ist.

Teilnehmer erhalten die Möglichkeit, Fragen für sich zu markieren. Die Markierungen werden in der 'Übersicht Testdurchlauf' angezeigt, sofern diese aktiviert ist.

3.2.2 Test Pass

Language variables:






Test Pass Overview



Übersicht Testdurchlauf

Language variables that should be streamlined in English:




Mark this question

Flag this question


Remove this mark

Remove this flag

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


3.4 Accessibility Implications


4 Technical Information

{ The maintainer has to provide necessary technical information, e.g. dependencies on other ILIAS components, necessary modifications in general services/architecture, potential security or performance issues. }

5 Privacy

This feature does not change anything in terms of privacy.

6 Security

This feature does not change anything in terms of security.

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

Strassner, Denis [dstrassner]:2022-02-11: I like the suggestions and support the ideas.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 07 MAR 2022 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept the feature for ILIAS 9. It would be great if the UI Workflow would keep the focus on the actual question, esp. when using tests with a lot of questions.

10 Implementation

Implemented by merging PR 6148

Screenshot Questionlist with Mainbar
Screenshot Exam View with closed Question List
Screenshot Exam View with opened Question List

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 25 OCT 2023 by Strassner, Denis [dstrassner]


Approved at 19 OCT 2023 by Strassner, Denis [dstrassner].

Last edited: 25. Oct 2023, 15:13, Strassner, Denis [dstrassner]