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Test: Use Launcher to Start the ILIAS Test

Originally, this Feature Request was called "Test: «Info» tab can be switched off and new tab «Test»", but the intention has changed, so it was renamed.

As background information for the old intention for this request, please consult MOOC-like Look.

1 Initial Problem

  • For Tests the "Info"-tab serves vital funcitionality as a launching pad. Users have difficulties to unterstand that such vital functionality is to be used under the non-descript label "Info".
  • This form requires users to provide input and take in some important information before actually starting the interaction with the course content. Having the buttons above the form will fail for the same reason as in the survey bug for Success Criterion 2.4.3 Focus Order

  • We also need a proper place for the Access Codes in case of anonymous tests.
  • Another problem is, that the password input is already part of the Test.
  • Many test creators want their participants to accept special terms for a test, and now misuse "Compulsory Questions" or "Preconditions" for this.

2 Conceptual Summary


  • The "Info"-tab can be switched off in the Settings-tab
  • The "Show More Information"-Feature is eliminated
  • The Info-Tab always shows all test properties
  • The Info-Tab will no longer show "Introductory Message" or a "Start Test" button


We add a new "Test"-tab, which is the leftmost tab, left of the "Questions"-tab presented to those who can edit.

The link to the test, in the overarching container, leads to the new "Test"-tab. If a user with "read" permission clicks on the link/the title of a test, ILIAS presents the "Test"-tab displaying

  • the "Introductory Message" (if applicable) as Panel

and in the Modal:

  • The Exam-Conditions checkbox, which must be confirmed (if applicable),
  • then the password enter field (if applicable),
  • then (for anonymous tests) the access code enter field (if applicable)
  • then the checkbox for the use of "Previous Answers" (if applicable)

Clicking on "Start Test" will start the test, if no dependencies were set, i.e. there are no conditions, no password, no access codes, and the use of previous answers is not allowed; otherwise the modal is shown.

  • The "Test"-tab gets its own permanent link in the footer.
  • The "Test"-tab uses the launcher component.
  • If the "Info"-tab and the "Result"-tab are deactivated, only the Test page, without a Tab bar, is shown.

Any time limits and limits of test attempts are shown in the "Test"-tab.


  • Remove setting "Show all Test Properties"
  • Add checkbox "Exam Conditions" – Byline: "Participants must select a checkbox to start the test. Please use the introductory message to present the exam conditions to the participants if the label alone is not sufficient."
  • Add setting to deactivate the "Info"-tab

Currently, there is no "Modal-Launcher", so the action menu entry 'Start Test' will open the "Test"-tab.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Test > Info-tab and Action Menu
  • Test > Settings
  • New: Test > Test

3.2 User Interface Details

3.2.1 Info-tab switched off

Mockup Info Tab is switched off

3.2.2 Info-tab switched on 

3.2.3 Settings

Mockup Setting Exam Conditions
Mockup Setting Exam Conditions

Please note that the introductory message will be entered in another subtab after the implementation of Test: Move General Settings to UI Forms and use IPE.

Addition by Strassner, Denis [dstrassner], 29 JUN 2023: Please add the setting, to deactivate the Info Tab, analog to the Category, to the Additional Features of the Settings:

Screenshot of the Implementation of the setting at the Category-Settings
Screenshot of the Implementation of the setting at the Category-Settings

3.2.4 Modal with Password & Exam Conditions checkbox

Mockup Modal for Password & Conditions
Mockup Modal for Password & Conditions

3.2.5 Launcher with some settings and message

Mockup Launcher
Mockup Launcher

3.2.6 Action Menu

Mockup Action Menu as Test Owner
Mockup Action Menu as Test Owner
Mockup Action Menu as Test Participant
Mockup Action Menu as Test Participant

New Test-tab with new Entrance Form

After entering a access code, the "Start the test" changes to "Resume the test":

Mockup Test Entrance with Access Code Enter Field
Test Entrance with Access Code Enter Field & Resume the Test Button
amended Settings-tab

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

UI Component > Launcher

3.4 Accessibility Implications

We see no new implications.

4 Technical Information

{The maintainer has to provide necessary technical information, e.g. dependencies on other ILIAS components, necessary modifications in general services/architecture, potential security or performance issues.}

5 Privacy

No new personal data will be stored with this feature.

6 Security

From the security point of view, there is no change compared to before.

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

Seiler, Yvonne [yvseiler], 16th november 2017: Nice representation of changes, thanks a lot for the visualisations.

In our daily support we get some (not often, but we get them) "wishes" about your "Option 2: New button" at the end of the introductory message. So I can also imagine such a behaviour. But I do not know, what will happen with this button, if there isn't an introductory message. Will this "Option 2 button" go back to toolbar? And would it be placed on the left side or right?

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 20 NOV 2017: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.4. The tab where the test is started should not be named 'Questions' (already used for test question editing) but 'Test' (because that is what you get).

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 02 DEC 2018 : There is no longer the need to present the introduction message in the two-column style of the Info page layout. It could just simply be a one full width text area (a no empty grey column left). And we should get rid of this TinyMCE edited text and transform it to an ILIAS page editor content area (but that is another feature request ... ).

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 03 DEC 2018 : We highly appreciate this suggeestion and re-schedule the feature for 6.0. Please remove the 'Show More' link on the existing Info page (no more need for it), present the introduction message in a single column layout and extend the byline on the Settings screen for activating the Info page by a short hint that necessary information about the test run should be added to the intro message in case the Info tab is hidden.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe],, 20 JAN 2020 : We still like this feature request and re-schedule it for ILIAS 7. Please add the permalink to the footer of the "Test" tab. Otherwise no place for the permalink would be offered when the "Info" tab is deactivated.

Strassner, Denis [dstrassner] 23 MAR 2022: To be discussed:

  1. Wording on the Test Tab above the "Introductory Message" --> "Start Test" on the Mockup?
  2. Is there only a Start Button / Access Code Enter Field & Start/Resume Button, if the "Introductory Message" is disabled?

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 06 JUN 2023: The action menu of the test object needs to be extended, too. Maybe 'Start Test' would be a good label.

Strassner, Denis [dstrassner], 16 JUN 2023: I have extended the mockups. As we have no modal launcher, the action menu 'Start Test' will only open the "Test"-tab.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 26 JUN 2023: We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept the feature request for ILIAS 9. Please change the label on the modal (3.2.4) from 'Start' to 'Continue' to prevent a second (or even third) appearence of a start button.

Riebe, Katharina [kriebe], 04 JULY 2023: Thumbs up! Looks good!

UI Clinic, 26 SEPT 2023: For this request there were selected questions that were discussed in the UI Clinic of 26.09.2023. See minutes. On the question of the (1) order in which the buttons are displayed in the Inline Launcher Modal and (2) whether we want to allow primary buttons, we make the following recommendations:

  • The most important standard button SHOULD be first in reading direction if there are several buttons. "Cancel" button should always be on the far right of several buttons. Reasons: We already use this ordering in forms (f.e. settings), in interruptive and roundtrip modals and the tabbing order (accessibility) only leads to the most important action and you do not have to tab via a "Cancel" button first.
  • It should be able to use primary buttons. Reasons: Communicate more clearly to users which button confirms the action.

These rules should be added to the following places in the KS-Docu (formulation intended as a draft):

  • Button > Standard: Additional sentence "Ordering":  "The most important standard button SHOULD be first in reading direction if there are several buttons. Cancel MUST be the button on the right side."
  • Button > Primary: Additional rule in section "Ordering": "Primary button MUST be on the left side if there are more than one button".
  • Modal and Launcher > Inline: Explicitly include as a rule the order in which the buttons should be arranged (possibly reference to standard and primary buttons).

In addition: For SCSS it would be helpful to have a UI component "Button-Group", which defines that certain buttons belong together and only one of them can be a primary button, which is always on the left. (also useful for Markdown Editor formatting, Test Toolbar). If you see possibility to bring forward such a development, that would make us very happy.

10 Implementation

Implemented with the merge of PR 6298

Screenshot Tab "Test"
Screenshot Tab "Test"
Screenshot Modal Start Test
Screenshot Modal Start Test

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 27 OCT 2023 by Strassner, Denis [dstrassner]

  • C221: Testeigenschaften anzeigen und Info Reiter deaktivieren (edited)
  • C222: Start und Ende des Tests (edited)
  • C223: Testpasswort hinzufügen (edited)
  • C226: Anzahl von Testdurchläufen begrenzen  (edited)
  • C227: Bearbeitungsdauer begrenzen  (edited)
  • C236: Verwendung vorheriger Lösungen  (edited)
  • C245: "Test unterbrechen" anzeigen  (edited)
  • C12929 - Wartezeit zwischen Durchläufen erzwingen (edited)
  • C63625 - Prüfungsbedingungen aktivieren


No change required


Approved at 25 OCT 2025 by Strassner, Denis [dstrassner].

Last edited: 27. Oct 2023, 21:43, Strassner, Denis [dstrassner]