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New Glossary Presentation for «Flashcards»

1 Initial Problem

It would be very helpful to have an aid in memorization. Flashcards bear a term on one side and a definition on the other.
Flashcards are often used to memorize vocabulary, historical dates, formulas or any subject matter that can be learned via a term-and-definition.

2 Conceptual Summary

  • The glossary gets a new Presentation Option "Flashcard Training".
  • Depending on how often a learner has flagged a term/definition pair as "correct" in a row, the pair will be in one of five boxes. Please consult Leitner system
  • Goal is to be correct on each pair four times in a row.
  • The learner starts with selecting a box. Initially all pairs are in box one.
  • ILIAS will present all pairs of that box, that have not been presented on the same day to the learner yet, starting with the one having the oldest "last presentation" timestamp.
  • The box run is finished,  if all selected pairs have been presented. This is visualised by a progress bar.
  • Correct terms are moved to the next box. Incorrect terms are moved to box one.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Glossary > Settings
  • Glossray > Terms 

3.2 User Interface Details

Glossary Settings

There are two ways (modes) to enable Flash Cards in a glossary. It is an additional presentation setting.

In both cases, the flashcards can be activated via the settings. Subsequently, it can be determined whether the definitions or the terms are to be displayed first.

Start Flashcard Training

The flashcard presentation is started in the toolbar of the usual glossary presentation. Please note that this mockup uses the suggested KS presentation of Move Full Definitions Presentation to UI Framework.

For this proposal here, only the button in the toolbar will be new.

Start Button

Introduction / Overview

This screen contains

  • A "Reset all Boxes" button. This will present a confirmation message box, asking the user whether to really reset all boxes. If cofirmed, all items will be moved to the first box.
  • A Panel containing an introduction explaining the training mode (text comes from language files).
  • A Listing Panel containing Items for all boxes that currently hold item pairs (up to five boxes).
  • Each box shows the current number of items and the date of the last presentation of the box (x days ago).

Starting a box may show a confirmation message, if the box contains items that have been presented already today.

Example: "The box contains 7 items already presented today. Do you want to include only the remaining 5 items or all 12 items?

The message box would contain two buttons "Use remaining items (5)" and "Use all items (12)".

Introduction / Overview

Flashcard Training

Depending on the mode, ILIAS will present the term without the definition or the definition without the term.

The learner has the option to show the corresponging definition/term or to quit the box.

"Quit the Box" will return to the Box Overview.

After clicking "Show Definition/Term" ILIAS will prestent the full pair and the learner has to indicated whether she knew the solution or not.

After clicking "I was (not) correct" ILIAS will present the next term without definition / definition without term.

Additionally the view contains a (legacy) Progress Bar and a KS Panel containg the term as title, the definition and two KS buttons.

Term without Definition
Definition without Term
Presentation of solution

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

No new UI concepts are introduced. The proposal uses the legacy Progress Bar which might be moved to the KS.

3.4 Accessibility Implications

The proposal does not contain new UI elements. If the Progress Bar is moved to the KS as well, accessibility should be taken into account. Please note that the Bar is not updated dynamically per JS.

4 Technical Information

No technical issues.

5 Privacy

See glossary PRIVACY.md.

This feature will store the following personal data:

  • If a user works through a flashcard training ILIAS will store for each term and user the number of subsequent correct marks and the timestamp of the last access. This data is needed to provide the core functionality of the feature.
  • Additionally ILIAS will store the last access to each box. This data is needed to provide the core functionality of the feature.

Data Presentation

The data will be only presented in the screens above to provide the contribution of the terms to the different boxes and to present the date of last interaction with a box to the learner.

Data Deletion

  • The term related data will be deleted if the glossary, the term or the user is being deleted.
  • The box related data will be delted if the glossary or the user is being deleted.
  • Both the term and box related data will be deleted if the user invokes "Reset all Boxes".

6 Security

No security implications.

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt] 2022-06-02:

  • Please label the Button [Start Flashcard Training], since Buttons need verbs.
  • Please consider showing all 5 boxes from the get-go: Thus  users can form a clear mental picture of what is about to happen. 
  • Please remove the "(x added)" infotext I do not reckon users understand it. 
  • Please consider to present "X days ago" instaed of a dd-mm-yyyy stamp, this would be more leitner-apt. 
  • Please remove "<Back" from presentation of flashcard.
  • Please add a successmessage on top of box overview to celebrate the complextion of  a box
  • Please move the [Quit Box] Button from the toolbar to the other buttons underneath the definition: Only the two Actions for the definition mus be shown. 
  • For the other views the [Quit Box] Button is remoded from the toolbar and is planced right of the other button. 

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 10 JUN 2022 : I am bit confused about the settings of this new feature. Is it right that the flashcard training can present terms and definitions in table form as well as fully displayed (Full Definitions)? Or has the flashcard training it’s own mode of presentation (and the settings for „Presentation Mode“ do only affect the „normal“ glossary?

And if I check „Flashcard Training“ can I still use the glossary in the usual way? Or are terms and definitions only accessible via flashcard training?

Seiler, Yvonne [yvseiler], 13 JUN 2022

Thank you for the request. I think the possibility of practising terms as flashcards is a helpful function for learners. While going through the feature request, some thoughts crossed my mind that I would like to record here:

  • Introduction/Overview: The button "Reset all Boxes" gets a high prominence, although in my opinion it is a "dangerous" button (analogous to "Delete"). From a workflow point of view, it would be helpful for me as a user to have a "Start Training" or "Continue Training" instead of "Reset all Boxes" at the same place where I previously had "Flashcard Training". Would it be possible to add something like a "Start" button here or is that not possible from the flashcard teaching system?
  • Flashcard Training: I was confused at first by the "..." inside the card. I expected to be able to unfold something here, because something can't currently be displayed due to lack of space. So I would very quickly click on "Show Definition" before realising that I should think first before clicking on this button. The same applies in reverse for the "???" in the title of the panel when asked for terms.

    I am not sure how quickly users realise that the term is displayed as the solution at the top of the panel title, while the solution is displayed in the panel content area when "Show Definition" is clicked. Have you discussed other display options here (e.g. large term in content area)?

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 13 JUN 2022 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 9. We keep the discussion open about the position and presentation of the "Reset all Boxes" button on the screen. Also other suggestions for presenting the feature are welcome. Please provide mockups here / to Alex. We also suggest to mention the current box (e.g. Box 1) as description text under the glossary title to show the user from which box cards are currently presented.

Famula, Thomas [tfamula], 18 JUL 2022 : I started with the implementation of this feature. If there are change requests, please let me know soon.

Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt] 2022-10-12: Feedback from HS Bremen, requesting two changes of the specification:

Specificed and Implemented

Currently boxes of flashcards that can only be started by an action in a drop down. Most objects or subtitems however can be opened by clicking on their titles.

Requested Change

The title of the box should thus be linked in addition to the action. The KS element allows for linking the title. 

Specificed and Implemented

The above specification adds a button to launch the flashcards above the set glossary presentation: Content presentation and content rehearsing are mixed on the same tab. 

The Flashcards are not the landing page. However the flashcard plugin offers the box-view as the landing page.

Screenshot of Implementation

Requested Change

If Flashcards are activated in the settings tab, ILIAS presents an additional tab "Flashcards" as the landing tab. Very much so as in the plugin.

The Terms tab becomes the second tab and remains as it alsways was, no new Flashcard button.

Content presentation and content rehearsing happen on separate tabs. 

Mock-Up of Requested Change

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 17 COT 2022: We accept the suggested changes as follows:

  • Display of the box content is started by clicking on the box title. Action dropdown with one action "Start Box" is not necessary.
  • The new tab "Flashcard" is accepted as suggested by the maintainer.

10 Implementation

{ The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible. }

Activate Flashcards

Flashcard presentation

Term presentation

Term and Definition presentation

Test Cases

Test cases completed at by {user}

Test cases completed at 2022-09-21 by Spirou, Ilias [ispirou]

  • 50089 : Bestehendes Glossar auf Lernkarten Training setzen
  • 50090 : Präsentationsansicht des Lernkartentrainings öffnen
  • 50091 : Lernkartentraining durchführen
  • 50093 : Lernkartentraining in einem Fach mit ausschließlich bereits am selben Tag angezeigten Lernkarten
  • 50096 : Fach zurücksetzten
  • 50095 : Lernkartentraining in einem Fach mit teilweise bereits am selben Tag angezeigten Lernkarten


Approved at 2022-10-24 by Riebe, Katharina [kriebe].

Last edited: 25. Oct 2023, 15:37, Spirou, Ilias [ispirou]