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Transferring Taxonomies in sub-tab Taxonomy of glo, qpl and cat to Listing Panels

1 Initial Problem

Taxonomies to be managed are displayed in a table in the object types

  • Categories: Metadata > Taxonomy Definition (& Metadata > Taxonomy Settings)
  • Question Pools: Settings > Taxonomies 
  • Glossaries: Settings > Taxonomy 

Display via table is especially in glossaries inappropriate since there can only be exactly one taxonomy employed.

In categories you can see up to three subtabs for categories (Taxonomy Definition, Taxonomy Settings, Taxonomy Assignments). The first and second one both are located in Question Pools and Glossaries in the tab Settings (= different behaviour).

Furthermore, tables are not responsive and not a part of the Kitchensink, yet.

These aspects are the reason for this FR, that wants to streamline the Taxonomy Settings in all three object types and transfer them to the Kitchen Sink.

in Categories:

2 Conceptual Summary


  • Subtabs "Taxonomy Definition" and "Taxonomy Settings" are to be merged (function of subtab Taxonomy Setting should be included in subtab Taxonomy Definition)
  • this new subtab should be moved to tab Settings
  • it's new name should be "Taxonomies"
  • The table is to be replaced by standard listing panels for each Taxonomy. The Listing Panels directly indicate whether the respective taxonomy is displayed in the side block or not (key-value pair: Presented in side panel: yes / no)
  • in the actions menus of the listing panels, the presentation in the side block can be de-/activated
  • a blue message box above the Listing Panels and potential Toolbars outlines the purpose of this page.
    • Text de: 
    • Taxonomien in Kategorien klassifizieren und filtern die in der Kategorie enthaltenen Objekte. Nach dem Hinzufügen von Taxonomien können über die Reiter „Metadaten“ und die Unterreiter „Taxonomiezuordnung“ der jeweiligen Objekte Klassifizierungen vorgenommen werden. Taxonomien können zusätzlich im Seitenblock des Reiters „Inhalt“ der Kategorie angezeigt werden, um ein direktes Filtern der zugeordneten Objekte zu ermöglichen.
    • Text en:
    • Taxonomies in categories classify and filter the objects contained in the category. After adding taxonomies, classifications can be made via the "Metadata" tabs and the "Taxonomy Assignment" sub-tabs of the respective objects. Taxonomies can additionally be displayed in the side block of the category's "Contents" tab to enable direct filtering of the assigned objects


  • The table is to be replaced by a standard listing panel for the Taxonomy. The Listing Panel directly indicate whether the Taxonomy is displayed in the presentation view or not (key-value pair: Presented in Presentation View: yes / no)
  • in the actions menu of the listing panel, the presentation in the Presentation View can be de-/activated
  • a blue message box above the Listing Panels and potential Toolbars outlines the purpose of this page.
    • Text de: 
    • Eine Taxonomie im Glossar klassifiziert und filtert die Begriffe. In der Bearbeitungsansicht steht sie immer zur Verfügung. Für die Präsentationsansicht muss die Darstellung der Taxonomie zunächst aktiviert werden. In einem Glossar kann genau eine einzige Taxonomie genutzt werden.
    • Text en:
    • A taxonomy in a Glossary classifies and filters the terms. It always is available in the editing view. For the presentation view, the taxonomy must first be activated. In glossaries, only one taxonomy can be used.

Question Pools

  • The table is to be replaced by standard listing panels for each Taxonomy. 
  • a blue message box above the Listing Panels and potential Toolbars outlines the purpose of this page.
    • Text de: 
    • Taxonomien in Fragenpools klassifizieren und filtern die Fragen. Sie werden im Filter im Reiter „Fragen“ angezeigt. Zudem können sie in Regeln für zufällig ausgewählte Fragen in Tests genutzt werden.
    • Text en:
    • Taxonomies in question pools classify and filter the questions. They are displayed in the filter in the "Questions" tab. In addition, they can be used in rules for randomly selected questions in tests.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • category » metadata » taxonomy definition
  • category » metadata » taxonomy settings
  • glossary » settings » taxonomy
  • question pool » settings » taxonomies

3.2 User Interface Details

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


3.4 Accessibility Implications

No accessibility implications.

4 Technical Information

No technical issues.

5 Privacy

Current taxonomy privacy docu: https://github.com/ILIAS-eLearning/ILIAS/blob/trunk/Services/Taxonomy/PRIVACY.md

This feature does not add any privacy related changes.

6 Security

No security implications.

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

Strassner, Denis [dstrassner], 24 MAR 2023: We (Alina, Matthias, Max, Stephan and I) had a small chat about this FR and I support the part for Question Pool Test. In addition to this FR, we propose the removal of "Taxonomy Filter as Navigation Tree" in a separate request.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 17 APR 2023: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 9.

10 Implementation

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2023-09-27 by Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]

Amended Cases for Categories

  • 5806 : Taxonomien für Kategorie aktivieren 
  • 5807 : Taxonomien hinzufügen
  • 5808 : Taxonomieknoten anlegen
  • 5809 : Taxonomieknoten löschen
  • 5810 : Sortierungsart der Knoten bestimmen
  • 5815 : Taxonomie löschen
  • 18705 : Taxonomie im Seitenblock darstellen

Amended Cases for Glossary

  • 5773 : Taxonomie aktivieren und hinzufügen
  • 5775 : Taxonomieknoten erstellen
  • 5782 : Taxonomieknoten löschen
  • 5774 : Bestimmen Sie die Sortierart des Knotens
  • 5799 : Anzeige der Taxonomie aktivieren
  • 5786 : Taxonomien löschen

Amended Cases for Question Pools


Approved at 29 SEP 2023 by Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]

Last edited: 26. Oct 2023, 22:50, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]