Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Test-archive without PDF

1 Initial Problem

With the removing of the PDFService with ILIAS 9 (see JF decision from 2023-09-18), it will be impossible to create proper ILIAS Test archives with user solutions. Therefore the PDFs in the Test Archive File can no longer be created.

2 Conceptual Summary

We will remove the PDF generation from the creation process of the ILIAS Test 'Test Archive File'. We will replace the PDF with the HTML file that was previously the starting point for PDF creation. Therefore, the media-files of the test questions, who were integrated within the PDF in the archive file, should now become part of the archive file, so after the extraction, they could be linked in the HTML-file and are locally accessible.

Replaced are

  • test_result.pdf (of a single participant/attempt)
  • best_solution.pdf (of all questions in the respective test) - current best_solutions.html needs to be improved because it does not show all relevant data.
  • participant_pass_overview.pdf

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

There are no views affected in ILIAS, only the Test Archive File is modified.

3.2 User Interface Details

All PDF-files are replaced with HTML-files, the titles are not changed.

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

No new User Interface Concepts needed.

3.4 Accessibility Implications

No additional implications.

4 Technical Information

{ The maintainer has to provide necessary technical information, e.g. dependencies on other ILIAS components, necessary modifications in general services/architecture, potential security or performance issues. }

5 Privacy

No additional data will be collected

6 Security

We do not see any security implications.

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 23 NOV 2023 : Suggestion to substitute the pdf export files by HTML files is accepted to keep the test archive feature functioning.

10 Implementation

Screenshot of an example for the Test Archive File in ILIAS 8
Test Archive File ILIAS 8
Screenshot of an example for the Test Archive File in ILIAS 9
Test Archive File ILIAS 9

Test Cases

No new Testcases / Edited:

  • C7125 : Testergebnisse exportieren
  • C50080 : Testergebnisse exportieren


no change required


Approved at 10 NOV 2023 by Strassner, Denis [dstrassner].

Last edited: 27. Nov 2023, 14:13, Strassner, Denis [dstrassner]