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Confirmation Mail to Sharer after Sharing a Portfolio

1 Initial Problem

Generally students experience sharing processes of portfolios as difficult and bewildering. Especially students become confused during/after sharing their Portfolios since they are missing a final confirmation, that their sharing was successfull. In many cases creating a portfolio and sharing it with lecturers in a specific time period is mandatory, therefore students want and need to be 100% sure about a successfull sharing process. Although students have the chance to look up sharings with others on each of their portfolios, experience shows that they rarely do that and tend to contact lecturers directly via mail to doublecheck if sharing was successful which should be avoided.

2 Conceptual Summary

To address this problem we suggest to implement an ILIAS confirmation E-Mail that is sent to the sharer of the portfolio after he/she successfully shared his/her portfolio.
 This confirmation mail is sent to the sharer automatically and every time

The confimartion mail shall contain the following information:

Betreff: Bestätigung der Freigabe Ihres Portfolios "[Title des Portfolios]"

Sehr geehrte/r [Anredeinformationen],

Sie haben Ihr Portfolio "[Titel des Portfolios]" erfolgreich freigegeben für:

Ausgewählte Benutzer:

Benutzername:   Vorname:    Nachname:
testnutzer1          Ramona       Haas
testnutzer 2         Max              Mustermann





Alle registrierten Benutzer


Internet/WWW mit Passwort

If this suggestion is technically not feasible, we alternatively suggest to integrate a green notification box into the screen after sharing the portfolio which says "Portfolio has been shared.". This solution could look like this:

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Personal Workspace > Portfolio > Share tab -> after choosing people/groups/courses for sharing and before confirmation of sharing
  • Administration > Personal Workspace > Portfolio > Settings

3.2 User Interface Details

  • Mail Text (see above)
  • Confirmation Message Box (see above)
  • There shall be a checkbox with text "Bestätigungs-E-Mail der Freigabe an mich senden" next to the "Share"-Button, default status of this checkbox is "ticked" resp. within Portfolio Administration default setting forr the checkbox can be set. User is able to untick checkbox with one simple click/tap on the checkbox and checkmark disappears.
  • Alternative b): A general setting in Portfolio Administration > Settings: "Enable Confirmation Mail When Sharing" (checkbox).

Killing, Alexander [alex], 29 Aug 2022: There is no technal way to place a checkbox "Bestätigungs-E-Mail der Freigabe an mich senden" in this screen (third suggestion above). From the UI point of view and also on the technical level (since this screen is provided by Service Contact / ilMailSearchGUI). I would drop this part of the feature.

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

No new user interface concepts.

4 Technical Information

No technical issues (except checkbox integration in user/group search context, see above).

5 Privacy Information

For the current privacy state see existing README.md.

This feature will expose the "shared to user" state and the shared users name (first and last), if published and account name via e-mail to the sharing user.

6 Security Implications

No security implications.

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

  • University of Cologne

9 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 19 SEP 2022 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 9 - but without the configuration for sending a notification mail. Users who share their portfolio should always be notified about a successful sharing process. In addition, a success message should be shown too (and notify also about the sended confirmation mail).

10 Implementation

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2023-10-11 by Spirou, Ilias [ispirou]

  • 1675 : Portfolio-Freigabe hinzufügen


Approved at 2023-10-11 by  Giebeler, Ina [igiebel1].

Last edited: 26. Oct 2023, 12:33, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]