Feature Wiki
Administrating and Minuting Employee Talks
Page Overview
[Hide]1 Initial Problem
There is currently no option to manage talks between ILIAS users. However in staff development talks are very important and typically scheduled: performance review talk, a series of on-boarding talks, quarterly sales review talks.
Talks should be scheduled, invidet for and have minutes.
2 Conceptual Summary
- Talks are conceptualised as a meeting between employee(s) and superior (derived from Organisational Units). Superiors with authority over employees can add talks with their employees.
- Talks are derived from Talk Templates managed in the global Administration.
- Talks put an appointment in the participant's calenders.
To activate Talks open the settings of the Organisational Units and activate Positions in Employee Talk and make sure the Postitions have the relevant authorities.
Preparing and managing Talk Templates gets a new node in Administration > Organisation > Talk Templates. This new node has the two tabs Content (Talk Templates) and Permissons.
The tab Talk Templates comprises list with all created talk templates and a button to add new Templates.
Creating a Talk Template
- Clicking on Add New Item opens a form New Talk Template with the textinputs Title, Description.
- Clicking on a templates name opens the editing page of that template.
- In the tab Setting the Title, Despription, Online-Status and Metadata can be selected. These are the normal Custom Metadata defined in the Administration. The metadata is supposed to be used for minuting.
- Editing a Template will change the Template and but not the Talks derived from it.
- In the list Talk Templates entries offer the action Info, Delete and Move.
- Deleting a Template will remove the Template but not delete the Talks derived from it.
Organization > Staff List gets new Action
In the existing table in Organization > Staff List a new action Talks is offered for an employee. Clicking upon Talks opens underworld with table of talks of that specific employee.
Organization > Talks (new)
In the Main Menu Organization gets a new entry Talks. The new view Talks comprises a table of talks with filters and toolbar.
- Clicking Add new Talk shows all available Talk Templates.
- Upon selecting a template ILIAS presents the form for creating a talk with the selected template.
- The New Talks form comprises Title, Description, Date/Time, Calender, Location and Employee.
- After creating a talk an mail will be send to the employee with the superior in cc.
- Clicking on the talkes name opens its content.
- If the person signed in has the permission to edit the talk (either the person is the owner of the talk or the talk can be edited by higher supperiors) information can be changed and saved.
- When saving the changes a mail will be send to the employee with the superior in cc to inform about the changes.
- If the person signed in is not the owner and "Lock editing for others" is activates for the talk information can only be viewed and can't be changed.
- If the person signed in has the permission to edit the talk (either the person is the owner of the talk or the talk can be edited by higher supperiors) information can be changed and saved.
- Available Actions are Edit and Delete. (If the person signed has editing permission.)
- Available Actions are View and Delete. (If the person signed in has no editing permission.)
- If the talk is deleted a mail will be send to the employee with the superior in cc to inform about the cancellation.
Organization > Talks (Minuting)
Clicking on the name of a talk or editing it over the Actions-menu lets supperiors enter information into the metadata fields which are meant for minuting.
Appointment and Mail
- Once a Talk is added and saved, ILIAS creates an appointment in the personal calendards of the employee and superior.
- Automatically a Mail is send invitation to employee and superior.
Employee scan only see the appointments in their ILIAS calender. They have no access to the minutes. The superior perpares the minutes and is the only person that has access to it.
3 User Interface Modifications
3.1 List of Affected Views
- Administration > Organisation > Talk
- Organisation > Talks
3.2 User Interface Details
3.3 New User Interface Concepts
4 Technical Information
{The maintainer has to provide necessary technical information, e.g. dependencies on other ILIAS components, necessary modifications in general services/architecture, potential security or performance issues.}
5 Privacy Information
First Name, Last Name, Mail are used in this feature. Talk appointment dates and locations. Evaluation of the talk. Parts of hiearchy structures like direct superior.
6 Security Implications
We do not see any security implications.
7 Contact
- Author of the Request:
- Maintainer: Studer, Martin [mstuder]
- Implementation of the feature is done by: {The maintainer must add the name of the implementing developer.}
8 Funding
If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.
- …
9 Discussion
Studer, Martin [mstuder] I like the idea very much and would like to apply for maintainership as maintainer of Staff.
Studer, Martin [mstuder] Ror the use in (reporting) plug-ins I suggest that we introduce a public service as we have for the organisational units: https://github.com/ILIAS-eLearning/ILIAS/tree/release_6/Modules/OrgUnit/PublicApi
JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 07 DEC 2020 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 8. Please make "Access to talk" a permission that can be given to positions (chap. 2 - Employees). Martin will take over the maintenance of this service.
Klees, Richard [rklees], 15 DEC 2020:
Hi Studer, Martin [mstuder], hi !
I think the section "Privacy Information" needs some serious enhancement here. The initial comment in the section says "Please list all personal data that will need to be stored or processed to implement this feature. For each date give a short explanation why it is necessary to use that date.". Currently only "First Name, Last Name, Mail" are listed, this is not everything that would be considered "personal data" from a privacy perspective. As far as I understand this feature, at least the dates for the appointments, but most certainly also other fields you are planning to store related to these appointments, would considered to be "personal data" from a privacy perspective.
The new section in the FW was introduced to help our users to assess privacy impact when they use new features and adjust their according documents for new releases. Let's try to be thorough here. Feel free to contact me if you need some input or a sparrings partner to improve the section.
Best regards!
10 Implementation
{The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible.}
Test Cases
Test cases completed by Morgunova Anastasiia (qualitus.morgunova)
- 49461: Create a new talk template (Management of talk templates)
- 49463: Edit existing talk template (General) (Management of talk templates)
- 49469: Expend talk template with metadata (Management of talk templates)
- 49470: Make a talk template online/offline (Management of talk templates)
- 49472: Copy an existing talk template (Management of talk templates)
- 49473: Delete an existing talk template (Management of talk templates)
- 49474: Create a talk (check an availability of talk templates) (Management of talks)
- 49475: Create a talk (interrupting the creation) (Management of talks)
- 49476: Create a talk (not all required fields are full filled) (Management of talks)
- 49477: Create a talk (no recurrence, all day event) (Management of talks)
- 49478: Create a talk (weekly recurrence) (Management of talks)
- 49479: Create a talk (yearly recurrence) (Management of talks)
- 49480: Create a talk for an employee from subordinated org.unit (Management of talks)
- 49481: Edit a talk (General) (Management of talks)
- 49482: Edit a talk (Metadata) (Management of talks)
- 49483: Make metadata for a talk template and talk active/inactive (Management of talks)
- 49484: Edit a talk (Change date of talk) (Management of talks)
- 49485: Edit a talk (Change date of talk series) (Management of talks)
- 49486: Delete a talk (Management of talks)
- 49487: Set a talk as completed (Management of talks)
- 49488: Lock editing talk for other (Management of talks)
- 49494: Manage list of talks: Filter (Management of talks)
- 49495: Manage list of talks: Pagination function (Management of talks)
- 49496: Manage list of talks: Sorting (Management of talks)
- 49471: Global Permissions (Permissions)
- 49489: Access: type of authorities "Everyone in Same and Subsequent Organisational Units" (Access to talks based on positions)
- 49490: Access: type of authorities "Employees in Same Organisational Unit" (Access to talks based on positions)
- 49491: Permissions for employee talk (read) (Access to talks based on positions)
- 49492: Permissions for employee talk (create and edit your own talks) (Access to talks based on positions)
- 49493: Permissions for employee talk (edit) (Access to talks based on positions)
Approved at 28. April 2022 by Bromberger, Norbert [bromberger]
Last edited: 22. Nov 2022, 11:09, Mix, Eva [emix]