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Changed language entries for ILIAS 8

This is not a feature request but a general information on changes in the English and German language file for ILIAS version 8. These changes are part of the project for gender mainstreaming funded by ILIAS.nrw.

1 Changed Labels in English Language File

The following changes have been changed for ILIAS 8 to improve the usability of ILIAS:

1.1 Staff

Triggered through Mantis report 31312 we have changed the label for "Enrolments" within the Staff component to "Course Memberships". This allow the use of the term "Enrolments" in the component "Study Programm", see FR Change Ambiguous Wording in Study Programme.

2 Changed Labels in German Language File

The following changes have been changed for ILIAS 8 as part of the gender mainstreaming activities.

2.1 Dozent(en)

We have changed the German term "Dozent(en)" to "Leitung", which concerns the ECS module.

2.2 Besitzer, Eigentümer, Inhaber

We have changed the term "Besitzer" to a more neutral phrase, preferably "im Besitz von" or "Besitzangabe" where appropriate.
The first solution applies to the term "Eigentümer", too.
"Inhaber" was only a very rare synonym and should not be used.

2.3 Moderator, Zensor

We have changed the term "Moderator" to "Moderation" in most cases, apparent in the Chatroom and Forum. What's also feasible is a phrase like "Person für die Moderation", whatever appropriate within the context.
The same applies to the term "Zensor".

2.4 Vorgesetzter

The term "Vorgesetzter" has been changed to "Vorgesetzte Führungskraft".

2.5 Ersteller

Where not originated from or affected by a standard like LOM, we have changed the term "Ersteller" to the more neutral phrase "erstellt von".

2.6 Autor

For the term "Autor", we have come up with a range of neutral phrases, depending on each context: "beitragende Person", "Autorenschaft", "Mitwirkende" or "(erstellt) von".
Again, does not apply in the case of LOM etc.

2.7 Absender, Sender

We have changed the terms "Sender" and "Absender" to phrases like "absendende Adresse", "absendene Person" or simply "Von". This appears mostly around mails and respective addresses.

2.8 Empfänger

We have changed the term "Empfänger" to more generic phrases like "senden an..." (ausgewählte Personen etc.), "Angaben", "Daten" or simply "An". This appears mostly around mails and respective addresses.

2.9 Benutzer

The term "Benutzer" (as well as "Nutzer", "User", "Anwender") appears in a lot of contexts and, in terms of terminology, in a few different compound nouns. We aim at appropriate solutions in each case.
Work in progress!

2.9.1 Benutzername

"Benutzername" has been changed to "Anmeldename" in most cases. In the context of the Chat, it is "Chat-Name" or "gewünschter Name".

2.9.2 Benutzerprofil

Investigating all cases of "Benutzerprofil" has shown that "Profil" is sufficient. If profile actually means account, it should be labelled accordingly.

2.9.3 Benutzerkennung

We have changed "Benutzerkennung" to "Zugangskennung" or "(ILIAS-)Konto".

2.9.4 Benutzerkonto, -account, -zugang

"Benutzerkonto", "Benutzeraccount" and "Benutzerzugang" all become "(ILIAS-)Konto", or "Anmeldekonto".
Please note that we have agreed on not deleting users, it is always "Konto löschen", "ILIAS-Konto wurde gelöscht".

2.9.5 Benutzer-ID

The term "Benutzer-ID" refers to an account and thus has been changed to "ID des ILIAS-Kontos".

2.9.6 Benutzerdaten

Within the course or group context, "Benutzerdaten" have been changed to "persönliche Angaben", "personenbezogene Angaben" or "Daten".
In the survey and assessment, we have considered "Datensätze" or "Angaben zu Personen" more suitable.

2.9.7 Benutzerverwaltung, -administration

We have changed the category / org units tab "Lokale Benutzerverwaltung" to "Lokale Konten" and modified all references to it accordingly.
The admin node "Benutzerverwaltung" becomes "Konten" and "ILIAS-Konten"; "Benutzeradministration" as a rare synonym likewise.

2.9.8 Benutzerrecht

The term "Benutzerrechte" had only one occurrence in the blog, where we considered "Rechte" clear enough within the context.

2.10 Redakteur

We have changed the "Redakteur" to "Redaktion", like its rare occurence on the Blog.
Again, does not apply in the case of LOM etc.

2.11 Betreuer

We have changed the term "Betreuer" to "Betreuung", as in "technische Betreuung" or "Lernsequenzbetreuung".

2.12 Manager

The term "Manager" only appeared in four modules. The file manager and the SCORM offline player were abandoned anyway; in the calendar, "Sprechstunden-Manager" remains to be decided.
Again, in metadata (LOM etc): does not apply.

2.13 Prüfer

The existence of this term, "Prüfer", had been limited to individual assessment, where we have changed it to "Bewertet von".

2.14 Partner

We have identified the term "Partner" as chatroom-only ("Chat- " or "Konversationspartner") and replaced it mostly with sth. along the lines of "andere im Chat".

2.15 Lokales Stylesheet

The former label "individual stylesheet" / "individuelles Stylesheet" has been changed to "local stylesheet" / "lokales Stylesheet". Reason for this change is that the stylesheet is not individual in the sense of "for every person different" but an only locally available and compared to the global stylesheet changed stylesheet at this node in the repository.

3 Contact

4 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 24 JAN 2022 : When online/offline is changed to published/not published, language IDs should also be changed accordingly and no longer use "online" or "offline" to get a consistent vocabulary, see also Strategy of TB. This affects also web services. Matthias will discuss this with Stefan Meyer and other developers who might have change code accordingly.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 28 APR 2022 : The topic "online/offline" has been moved to Changed language entries for ILIAS 9.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe]: Grotz, Kendra [kgrotz] presented the list of changed terms and gave a short explanation on the procedure of the team and why existing labels have been changed and how.

In addition, she asked how the terms that should be used and those that should be avoided should be documented so that all developers can quickly access this info. A md file with these terms should be made available in the /languages folder of ILIAS. Kendra and Matthias (as language maintainer) will provide a related file.

Last edited: 8. Aug 2023, 23:02, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]