Feature Wiki

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Abandon (deprecated) SOAP-methods

1 Reasons to Abandon Feature

Some SOAP-methods are marked as "deprecated" and should be removed from the ILIAS code base.

  • loginStudIpUser()
  • getUser()
  • deleteUser()
  • saveQuestionResult()
  • getNIC()
The following SOAP-Methods do not provide additional functionality:
  • loginLDAP(): is an alias for login() and not required
  • loginCAS()
  • handleECSTasks(): not required / in use anymore since ECS tasks are implemented as cron job

2 Technical Information

No performance and security issues.

3 Contact

4 Funding

No funding required.

5 Discussion

Use the following discussion section to express your objections against this request or your consent to get rid of this feature.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 07 FEB 2022: We highly appreciate the suggestion of the maintainer and abandon the mentioned SOAP methods with ILIAS 8.

6 Implementation

The following SOAP-methods have been removed:

  • loginStudIpUser
  • getUser
  • deleteUser
  • saveQuestionResult
  • getNIC
  • loginLDAP
  • loginCAS
  • handleECSTasks

Removed Testcases

No test cases available for SOAP-based webservices.


Approved at 03. May 2022 by Meyer, Stefan [smeyer]

Last edited: 3. May 2022, 13:07, Meyer, Stefan [smeyer]