Feature Wiki

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Abandon Slots-Table

1 Reasons to Abandon Feature

The acute reason to abandon the feature is the refactoring to PHP 8: I will be able to lower my workload by not refactoring a feature that likely is of little use.

The general reason why this feature seems to be of little use is as such: The "Slots" table (in the Tab "Slots" in the administration of plugins) lists the plugin slots that are available in ILIAS. Most of the listed information that is displayed is derived automatically from the name of the slot and the component that the slot belongs to. If that information really is consumed by anyone, we would be able to provide a simple table of component, slot name and id along with a general direction where plugins need to be located and how ids need to be derived. Since this is something that won't be usefull on the ILIAS GUI anyway, we could provide that list as a simple markdown file (if at all).

The list in general seems to be of little use anyway: There are various subsystems (such as events and global screen) that every plugin can use, no matter of the slot. The ids of the slots, in turn, provide no information of how to use the slot. A simple `grep -r "extends ilPlugin" .` on the ILIAS codebase will provide more acurate and helpful insights. So I wonder: Is that table something that we need at all.

2 Technical Information


3 Contact

4 Funding

Removing the feature from the ILIAS code base might need funding. If you are interest in funding this request, please add your name and institution to this list.

  • ...

5 Discussion

Use the following discussion section to express your objections against this request or your consent to get rid of this feature.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 07 FEB 2022 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept to abandon the tab "Slots" in plugin administration with ILIAS 8.

6 Implementation

The table is simply removed: https://github.com/ILIAS-eLearning/ILIAS/commit/190be65fe4443637d461e9bf2814d425f90a25cb#diff-604dce445e326d952308addc99bd3d0e3ffb0ed9a455e4aa0190641fc5facccc

Removed Testcases

The following testcases have been removed from Testrail or modified because the feature is no longer part of the ILIAS core.

  • there never have been any...


Approved at 2022-05-03 by Klees, Richard [rklees].

Last edited: 3. May 2022, 15:10, Klees, Richard [rklees]