Feature Wiki
Transfer of competences into a reporting panel
Page Overview
[Hide]1 Initial Problem
- The recommended learning materials/assigned magazine objects are very hidden. Users don't see the materials very quickly. This prevents many learning scenarios.
- In some cases, users may need to perform a Self Evaluation to see their Profil Target Level. However, users are not informed of this "precondition". So it's pure coincidence when users do the self-assessment.
- In ILIAS 5.4 no Page Titles are displayed to users on Personal Desktop >> Achievements >> Competences >> Assigned Profiles. Which competence profile is displayed to a user can only be identified by the small selection menu at the top of the page.
2 Conceptual Summary
- In order to present the learning materials more clearly and to present the competences with a kitchen sink element, the competences are to be transferred to the reporting panel.
- If the setting Hide Profile without Self Evaluation is activated, users should be notified of this precondition. For this purpose, a hint is to be introduced in the reporting panel card area.
- In order to make the competence profile more recognisable, the name of the competence profile is introduced as a page title.
3 User Interface Modifications
3.1 List of Affected Views
- Acievements >> Competences >> Assigned Profiles
- Acievements >> Competences >> Selected Skills
3.2 User Interface Details
The mockups originate from the overall plan and already represent Separation of Self-Evaluation and other Types of Formation, Introduction of a show more-function for competence entries, Hide profile selection if only one profile has been assigned and Adaptation of the filter to the current Kitchen Sink Element.

3.3 New User Interface Concepts
- Hint/Message Box for Reporting Panel-Element Card
- Display ILIAS Object in Reporting Panels-Element Card
4 Technical Information
No technical issues.
5 Privacy Information
6 Security Implications
No security implications.
7 Contact
- Author of the Request: Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]
- Maintainer: Famula, Thomas [tfamula]
- Implementation of the feature is done by: Famula, Thomas [tfamula]
8 Funding
9 Discussion
Killing, Alexander [alex], 24 July 2019: I support this improvement.
JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 29 JUL 2019 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for 6.1.
- to have one message box below the page title that notifies users in case a self-evaluation is missing for at least one competence,
- to present a text for each competence that notifies users that they have to make a self-evaluation first before seeing recommende material, and
- to offer a link to the self-evaluation in the provided text of the competence.
- We would like to revert the JF decision "offer a link to the self-evaluation in the provided text of the competence".
- Chapter 3.1: The view "Achievements >> Competences >> Selected Skills" should not be affected by this feature because it makes no sense.
- We would like to extend the feature by hiding the competence levels in an accordion when looking at competence entries (see screenshots).

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe]: We accept suggestion 1 and 2. Concerning suggestion 3 we ask Thomas if he couldn't use the KS Presentation instead of the legacy accordion. If the legacy accordion needs to be included for ILIAS 8 we ask for a statement how this situation can be resolved for ILIAS 9 by improving or introducing UI components that solve the problem.
10 Implementation

For ILIAS 8, the legacy accordion had to be used, because there is currently no appropiate KS element. The usage of the Presentation Table, where accordions can be used, would be semantically wrong for a competence. For ILIAS 9, we will endeavour to find an according KS solution instead of the legacy accordion.
Test Cases
- C18552: Vorgeschlagene Lernmaterialien bearbeiten
Approved at 09 DEC 2021 by .
Last edited: 22. Apr 2022, 11:18, Famula, Thomas [tfamula]