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Improve Content-Style-Editor

This request is part of the project for a New Page Editor.

1 Initial Problem

The CSS-Editor is by equal measure powerful and difficult to work. 

2 Conceptual Summary

2.1 Tabs: Media Queries | Settings | Export

Separate "Export" Tab 

  • The export should be extracted from the "Settings"-tab and become a separate tab like everywhere else in ILIAS. Then one would have an Export-table to save serveral versions of one's work. 
New Order of Tabs 
  • 'Media Queries' tab should be moved to left of 'Templates'.
  • New order would be: Style Classes | Colours | Images | Media Queries | Templates | Settings | Export    » see JF decision from 23 OCT 2017

2.2 Images

  • In the tab 'Images' the column 'Thumbnails'  should always display a thumbnail, regardless whether it prexisted or was just uploaded. 
  • Formats .png, .jpg, .gif and .svg should be supported. 

2.3 Type of Style Class

  • Adding a Style Class in 'Media' should allow to select the 'Type' of 'Media Container' or 'Media Caption'. Thus it is possible to create more different looks for Media. 
  • Types should be selectable which is not always the case. 

2.4 Style Attributes

  • Background »»  Adding a by-line to Style-Attributes that the background image has to be uploaded before being available for selection here. 

2.5 Copying

  • We should be able to copy a style class a) within one and the same style and b) to another style with options to overwrite existing styleclass or add the copied styleclass to existing style.
  • Option to overwrite an exisitng styleclass in the same style while copying should abandon. That makes no sense. 
  • Select style via checkbox and select "Copy" via multi-action and click "Execute".  (Status quo)
  • Green message box: "The style classes have been copied. Please switch to the desired target style and select "Paste style classes". (Status quo)
  • Option 1: Click "Paste style classes" within the same style.
    • Call a new page with form or a modal with form.
    • Enter a technical title "class name" and a meaningful title "Title" for the new style class.
      • If the "class name" is already used, ILIAS reports this via a red message box and indicates that another "class name" must be entered.
    • Click on "Save" at the end of the form.
    • The new style class is created. ILIAS confirms with a green message box "The style class was copied successfully.
  • Option 2: Click on "Insert style class" in another style.
    • Call a new page with form or a modal with form.
    • Radio Group: "create new style class | overwrite existing style class".
    • Case 1: "Create new style class" shows two input fields on the second form level: 
      • The two input fields "class name" (for the technical title) and "title" (for the meaningful title) must be defined for the new style class....
      • Click on "Save" at the end of the form.
      • The new style class is created. ILIAS confirms with a green message box "The style class was successfully copied.
    • Case 2: "overwrite existing style class" shows a dropdown of all existing classes on second form level.
      • Select the style class to be overwritten.
      • Click on "Save" at the end of the form.
      • The existing style class is overwritten. ILIAS acknowledges with a green message box "The style class has been successfully overwritten."

2.6 Changing titles

Adding an additional title of a style class should be possible. Titles should tolerate spaces without being kaputt. 

  • The current Names are actually the classes technical name and cannot be changed without breaking it. We would like to add an additional title which can be changed , entail spaces and can carry translations. 
  • The technical title is presented to users as "class name", this must not be changebale because it would break. However users can add a Title which is changeable. 

2.7 Translation

  • The titles can be maintained in several languages. This is made in the specific style class. 
  • When a style is created initially, the titles from the language file are used for the default style classes. 

2.8 Deprecate / Outdated

The deprecated status allows for deprecating Style Classes.

  • It should be possible to set a certain Style Classes of a style to "Deprecated". 
  • There should be a multi-action for setting the "Deprecated" Action. 
  • If a Style Class is set to "Deprecated" it is no longer offered to users to be applied. 
  • The Style Class set to "Deprecated" is still applied to the content element and the content does not revert to Standard or similar. If a content element is assigned with another Style Class the deprecated one is no longer offered. 
  • If users roll back to old states in the history-tab ILIAS will also present any deprecated Stlye Classes that were applied at that state. 
  • If an object is copied along with its stlye and a deprecated Content Style Class applied to a content element will just stay this way. 
Killing, Alexander [alex], 2 June 2021: Instead of "deprecated" I am using the term "Outdated" (German "Veraltet") since this is common in ILIAS for similar life-cycle related states (e.g. in the competence management).

2.9 Sorting 

  • The sub-tabs for the Style Classes where users have an "Add Style Class"-Button in the Toolbar get an extra column for sorting the style classes. The so used sorting is shown in the user interface in the page editor.

2.10 Resizing Images

  • It would also be helpful to be able to resize images in the Content Style Editor. So far, it is not possible to edit images in the Content Style Editor. If you have not estimated the right size of an icon correctly, you have to delete the uploaded image file, rescale the image with an image editor and re-upload the file.

2.11 More than one List Entry

  • It should be possible to have more than only one "List Entry" (de: Listeneintrag). We want an option to create an alternative type of list entry in "List".
    It requires an additional button in the toolbar, which then provides the formatting options for the list entry.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

Content-Style with its tabs and sub-tabs

3.2 User Interface Details

2.1 Tab Order 'Media Queries' and extracted Export-tab
2.1 Extracted Export-tab
2.4 By-Line 'Backgroung Image'
2.6 Activating certain Style Classes
2.7 Sorting For items that will be presented in a Drop Down in the Page Editor

Killing, Alexander [alex], 7 June 2021: I deactivatated a very misleading mockup here that included things not mentioned and specified (description for style classes, a "deactivated" status). It was also missing the translated title feature.

Killing, Alexander [alex], 7 June 2021: I replaced another misleading mocktup here that included (copy paste from media object) lots of properties which are note existing for style class images (URL, titles, caption, ...).

Resize Image
2.11 more than one list item

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


4 Technical Information

Killing, Alexander [alex], 29 July 2020

  • When spaces should be supported in style names they need to be transformed into a different character during output.
  • Renaming style classes will break all references in content to the style class, do we want this? It will be impossible to update masses of content in the background when a class is renamed.
Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila], 02 Feb 2021
  • Both comments are reflected in the revised article.

5 Privacy Information

No privacy implications.

6 Security Implications

No security issues.

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

  • Funded by: DHBW Karlsruhe, but in the meantime extensions have been added to the request.
More Informations: Page Editor Revision - Step 2 (Crowdfunding for ILIAS 8)

9 Discussion

Killing, Alexander [alex], 2 Oct 2017: I support the request.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], October 16, 2017: Great suggestion that will bring our page editor forward. Could we please offer a better support of defined colour schemes? It would be great if these colours could be easy be accessible everywhere where now a colour picker is placed. Because if you define colours for your skin you want to use them easily (and not working with two open tabs as workaround).

Kiegel, Colin [kiegel] 2017-10-23: Hooray :-)

  • **confetti** Changing the title of a style class should be possible. **confetti**

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], Oct 23, 2017: We highly appreciate this suggestion to improve the layout style editor. But we would like to have the following changes / extensions before scheduling this request:

  • ad 2.1: The sorting of tabs should be "Media Queries | Settings | Export"
  • ad 2.2: We accept .svg files as background images. But we do not expect the maintainer to fix presentation problems that result in different rendering implementations of browsers.
  • ad 2.3: Please draw your suggestion for the copying process of style classes within a style, incl. renaming of style class.
  • ad 2.4: We do not want to get rid of the link to external background images. But an additional byline would help to understand the input field.
  • ad 2.5: We accept the input of spaces, underlines and hyphen in style class titles. Empty spaces will be substituted by underlines.
  • ad 2.6: We accept that every style class can be hidden (deactivated). But hidden style classes still exist and can be used in templates for example.
  • ad 2.7: Support of sorting style classes should also be possible in all sections.
  • Concerning Matthias' suggestion to implement a picker of the defined colour palette, we ask for an additional feature request and a KS suggestion. Please consider the following feature request: New Page Element »My Badges« for Portfolios

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], Nov 22, 2017: It would also be helpful to be able to resize images in the Content Style Editor. So far, it is not possible to edit images in the Content Style Editor. If you have not estimated the right size of an icon correctly, you have to delete the uploaded image file, rescale the image with an image editor and re-upload the file.

Other improvements that I noticed during the revision of the Default Content Style:

  • If you change the title of a color, this change should be applied to all Style Classes. At the moment the change is not applied and all Style Classes lose their color. Users have to adjust the color values for each Style Class.
  • When deleting images from a Content Style, a confirmation dialog is missing.

AT, 2017-12-18: Enrico did adress the issues raised by the Jour Fixe and the article is fit for reconsideration. 

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 10 JAN 2018: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.4. Please change the second label on the screen 2.5 "PASTE STYLE..." from "Keep Existing" to "Create a new style class as copy" and append "_COPY" to the inserted style class name.

10 April 2020
Hi, can you tell me if and when this will be implemented?

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 16 APR 2020 : This feature request hasn't made it into the core of ILIAS yet – due to missing resources. But we have started the Page Layout Revision for ILIAS 7. And hopefully, we can improve the use of the content style editor as well (at least in the second step for ILIAS 8).

Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt] Th following feedback / requirements were gathered by Denis Strassner and Yvonne Seiler

  1. Lables in component and style editor are not the same: In the tab Styleclass in the sub-tab Questions the lables of the variables do not map to the actual settings in the question editor i.e. in the test. This should be corrected. 
    • in the question editing form the lable is Question.
    • in the style editor the lable is title. This is misleading / obscure to users who want to style questions. 
  2. relative Sizes in Default Content Style: Question title, Question text and Answer options may get an even better visual balance. Maybe Answers sould be bigger but not as big as Question Text (we have been there and it was bad). If the Content Stlye is to be changed please make sure to get the Jour Fixes blessing.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 29 JUL 2020 : Some comments and questions:

  • ad 2.2: I am missing .gif as supported format.
  • ad 2.3: I guess it is not sufficient to offer "Text Block" or "Headline" but also to offer the headline hierarchy, e.g. 1, 2, a.s.o. Therefore the dropdown options are: Text Block | Headline 1 | Headline 2 | Headline 3 (assumed we do not want to support all existing hierarchy levels up to 7).
  • ad 2.3: This would be the perfect moment to introduce the option for multiple link styles. If you use white or light text colours on dark backgrounds you cannot use links in the text at the moment.
  • Ad 2.5: In my experience you often want to duplicate an existing style to modify it within the same style sheet. How about offering an additional option "Duplicate" that does copy and paste in one step within the same stylesheet? Like for the "copy" way, the style class title is extended by "_copy".
  • ad 3.2 » 2.8: Why do we need both the options "Adjust Size" and "Adjust Size and Constrain Proportions" for images / background images? Why not only offer the option "Adjust Size" and add a byline "Fill out only one value when proportions should be kept."?

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 17 AUG 2020 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 7.

Seiler, Yvonne [yvseiler], 16 DEC 2020: I know this article has already been accepted by the JF several times. Nevertheless, I would like to briefly revisit the copy/duplicate procedure and make a slightly adapted suggestion:

  1. Vote for "Duplicate" action: I vote for a "Duplicate" action and to simplify the Copy-Process. Worfklow could be: "Duplicate" is available in the multiaction-dropdown. You select a style class, choose "Duplicate" > "Apply" and ILIAS creates a new style class with the same properties as the selected one. "Paste" is no longer necessary. The new style class should be inserted directly below the existing one (with "_copy" at the end of the title). A message indicates that the style has been duplicated => see comment mkunkel 29 JUL 2020, Ad 2.5
  2. Copy (Chapter "3.2 User Interface Details" > Screenshot 2.5 "Does this make sense? Can this be removed?"): You select a style class, choose "Copy" > "Apply", ILIAS shows a hint message. Wouldn't it make sense now to show a new page with the question "Do you really want to overwrite the style" with the two action buttons "Cancel" and "Paste" or "Overwrite" (like when you delete an object) instead of this table-like page?

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 18 DEC 2020 : It would be great if we could get an improved style sheet editor. I have tried to tackle one open pain point and complete an open task by the JF: a better colour picker that also supports defined colours from the colour scheme of a content style, see New Colour Picker. It is a different feature request and does not have to be decided with this request. But I would like to take the opportunity to point you on my suggestion...

Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila], 21 DEC 2020 :
Thanks Yvonne. Thanks Matthias.
The request to copy styles is very understandable. According to my memory, the problem with copying is exactly the "_copy" you suggested, which carries the class permanently. The copies could foreseeably be called "title_copy" as well as "title_copy_copy_copy" at some point. With the improvements for the Content Style Editor, translations (Chapter 2.7) are made possible, but the unattractive titles of the classes remain in the code.
An alternative could be to enable the adaptation of values from other style classes after creating a new class. (Click "Add Style Class" »» Insert Title »» Click "Adapt other class".)

The status with scheduling from the JourFixe on 17 AUG 2020 has funding from DHBW Karlsruhe. Any extensions would need additional funding.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 25 JAN 2021: I am missing the option to create an alternative type of list entry in "List". There is no related button for this. Only different list styles are supported currently. Shall we address such issues in this request? Or shall this be added to requests for the page editor revision?

Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila], 25 JAN 2021:
For me, there is nothing against this addition
An extension would need additional funding. DHBW funded status of 17 Aug 2020. 
As I have interpreted Matthias, this would result in the following change:

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 25 JAN 2021: We still want this feature request very much. But before scheduling the request finally we need one final description of the request in chap. 2 that adapts the several changes, modifications and extension made and decided since the very beginning of the request in 2017. Please present the request again when this feature page has been updated accordingly.

Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila], 02 FEB 2021
In the accordion above, all previous discussions and scheduling are included.

  • Included in the current state of the article are:
    • copying of style classes (inside and outside the original style)
    • To be able to create more list items
    • The deprecate status for style classes
  • The New Colour Picker is dealt with in a separate request.
  • Not included at the moment are the following items, the relevance of which I am not sure about:
    • several classes for links, as it is not clear to me where I should be able to select this format in editing
    • Problems with change of the title of a colour
    • Deleting images from content style without confirmation dialogue. (Bug or Refactoring?)

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 08 FEB 2021: We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept the feature request for ILIAS 8. Concerning 2.11: there should be two buttons in the tool bar labeled as "Add List Style" and "Add Item Style".

10 Implementation

Killing, Alexander [alex] 7 June 2021: The implementation is missing the "more than one list item" part, since it is a) not part of the funded offer and b) not specified how the editor should offer these additional classes.

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2022-01-12 by Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]

  • 49268 : Content-Style exportieren
  • 49269 : Bilder hinzufügen (eigentlich nur Miniaturansicht) : Styleklasse für Medien hinzufügen
  • 49271 : Styleklasse kopieren und im gleichen Content Style einfügen
  • 49272 : Einzelne Styleklasse kopieren und in anderem Content Style einfügen
  • 49273 : Titel einer Styleklasse ändern
  • 49274 : Übersetzung zum Titel einer Styleklasse hinzufügen
  • 49275 : Styleklasse auf "veraltet " setzen
  • 49276 : Styleklassen sortieren
  • 49277 : Bildgröße ändern

Following test cases were created for community testing, but strictly speaking they do not belong to this project

  • 49264 : Content-Style anlegen
  • 49265 : Content-Style importieren
  • 49267 : Content-Style kopieren


Approved at 2022–01–26 by Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila] as agreed with DHBW Karlsruhe.

Last edited: 16. Nov 2023, 17:00, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]