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Abandon CTM

1 Reasons to Abandon Feature

Due to the lack of resources, the low interest of the community and the catastrophic state of the test cases in Testrail, we currently see no other option as to remove the continuous testing mode.
The current ILIAS test is extraordinarily complex. To get it running, we need funding, time, well-developed test cases in Testrail to understand the individual functions and test them accordingly.

This is not the case with CTM.

With ILIAS 8, the ability to create new CTM tests is to be removed. Due to the deep code integration of the CTM, only the functions for this will be deactivated in a first step.

2 Technical Information

{The maintainer has to provide necessary technical information, e.g. dependencies on other ILIAS components, necessary modifications in general services/architecture, potential security or performance issues.}

3 Contact

4 Funding

Removing the feature from the ILIAS code base might need funding. If you are interest in funding this request, please add your name and institution to this list.

  • ...

5 Discussion

Use the following discussion section to express your objections against this request or your consent to get rid of this feature.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 17 MAY 2021 : I fully understand and support the intention of this request. A bad test case coverage of several versions is not acceptable in our understanding of quality management of ILIAS. Nevertheless, abandoning this feature that is used by some ILIAS users intensively is a hard decision. And if I understand this request correctly, we would only remove the option to choose the CTM mode for new tests in the GUI but not remove related code from the T&A component - which only would reduce complexity of the code IMHO. Instead of just removing the option to create a CTM test, I see two alternatives to deal with this issue:

  1. Replacing the old CTM by a new test player: There is already a request for ILIAS 8 to implement a Test Player « CTM ». But this requires the integration of the Assessment Question Service in ILIAS, the development of a new Test Question Pool that is able to deal with these new type of questions and a migration of existing questions into AQS based questions. Once this new test player is available it could substitute the old one. And this CTM mode in the legacy T&A could easily be removed.
    • Facing the fact that neither the ASQ has been accepted for trunk yet, nor a new test question pool is sufficently specified, I have reasonable doubts that replacing the old CTM by a new test player is feasible for ILIAS 8.
  2. Improving the test cases: We set a deadline to August 31, 2021 to improve the quality of test case coverage of this T&A mode. This is also an investment into the planned test player as this new implementation needs test cases as well and having a good coverage of the old CTM helps to check if the new CTM fulfills existing requirements.
    • Improved test cases will help us to identify CTM related bugs easier and earlier and improve the component's quality with certainty. And it will give us suffient time to realise a new CTM test player for ILIAS 9.

Therefore, I suggest to improve the test case coverage of the CTM mode for ILIAS 8 and abandon the CTM mode not until ILIAS 9.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 17 MAY 2021 : To improve the code quality of the legacy T&A we decided to abandon the CTM mode with ILIAS 8. A number of bug reports are only related to this specific feature. Removing it from the T&A will be a significant improvement of this component. This does not only tackle the option to create and run a test in CTM mode. It will allow to remove also specific CTM related code during the refactoring or bugfixing of the component.

6 Implementation

{The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and possible consequences for existing installations.}

Removed Testcases

The following testcases have been removed from Testrail or modified because the feature is no longer part of the ILIAS core.

  • Auswahl der Testfragen ändern: Wiedervorlagenmodus - alle Fragen eines Fragenpools
  • Test anlegen
  • Einstellungen für Test im Wiedervorlagemodus vornehmen
  • Fragenpool zuordnen
  • Alle Schaltflächen an, die sich auf den gesamten Test beziehen
  • 'Fragenliste' und 'Bearbeitungstand' nutzen
  • Wiedervorlagemodus: Reihenfolge der Fragen in der ‚Fragenliste‘ ohne Taxonomie
  • Schaltflächen zum Beantworten der Frage prüfen
  • Im Wiedervorlagemodus werden nicht-beantwortete von falsch beantworteten Fragen unterschieden
  • „Antwort einreichen“ schreibt Antworten fest und löst Rückmeldung aus
  • Festgeschriebene Antworten wieder freigeben
  • Test mit Einstellung "Automatische Rückmeldung" und "Antwort nicht festschreiben" erstellen
  • Taxonomie des CTM-Test überprüfen
  • Sortierung der Fragen überprüfen
  • Fragenauswahlfilter und Unterbrechungsfunktion überprüfen
  • Import CTM-Test ohne Ergebnis/-Teilnehmerdaten
  • Mit Autosave: Frage nur anstarren
  • Mit Autosave: Antworten eingeben, nicht einreichen, dann abstürzen, dann nicht speichern
  • Mit Autosave: Antworten eingeben, nicht einreichen, dann abstürzen, dann einreichen
  • Mit Autosave: Gegebene Antworten ändern
  • Ohne Autosave: Antworten eingeben, nicht einreichen, dann abstürzen, dann futsch
  • Ohne Autosave: Antworten eingeben, dann einreichen

Strassner, Denis [dstrassner]  2021-12-16: All test cases related to the CTM are deleted


Approved at 2022-05-02 by Strassner, Denis [dstrassner].

Last edited: 2. May 2022, 17:05, Strassner, Denis [dstrassner]