Feature Wiki
Improve Communication in Consultation Hours Service
Page Overview
[Hide]1 Initial Problem
If a consultation hour is booked, the lecturer (owner of the consultation hour) receives a copy of the mail to the user who booked the appointment in the users’ interface language (not in the language that the owner has chosen). This is also the case for the mail after a cancellation of a consultation hour.
The comment that the user can enter is not listed in the mail, it is only visible in the overview of the bookings (via Personal Workspace > Calender > Consulations Hours > Bookings).
In addition it is not easily possible to send a mail to the booking person. For this we created another Feature Request: Send Mail directly to bookers of consultation hours
2 Conceptual Summary
- Planned Mails:
- The owner of the consultation hour and Participant who booked the counsultation hour should receive different mails:
- The owner of the consultation hour should receive a confirmation mail with all appointment details including the comment the Participant who booked the counsultation hour entered and all names of participants that booked the same time slot (if possible also a link to the overview of the bookings).
- An identical mail should be sent to the manager of the cosultation hours if there is one.
- The Participant who booked the counsultation hour should get a confirmation mail with all appointment details including the comment he/she has entered.
- The owner of the consultation hour and Participant who booked the counsultation hour should receive different mails:
3 User Interface Modifications
3.1 List of Affected Views
- Confirmation mail after booking to participant who booked the consultation hour
- Confirmation mail after booking to owner (and manager)
3.2 User Interface Details
3.3 New User Interface Concepts
No new UI-concepts needed
4 Technical Information
{The maintainer has to provide necessary technical information, e.g. dependencies on other ILIAS components, necessary modifications in general services/architecture, potential security or performance issues.}
5 Contact
- Author of the Request: Wegener, Miriam [miriamwegener], Lowe, Simon [simon.lowe], Falkenstein, Rob [rob]
- Maintainer: Meyer, Stefan [smeyer], Killing, Alexander [alex]
- Implementation of the feature is done by: {The maintainer must add the name of the implementing developer.}
6 Funding
If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.
7 Discussion
Could this be accepted as a usability fix? see: https://mantis.ilias.de/view.php?id=16199
Gorgas, Martin [gorgas], 17-10-19: We support this idea.
Gorgas, Martin [gorgas], 26-11-19: We would do the funding for a future ilias version (7.0)
22 JAN 2024, Lowe, Simon [simon.lowe]: I have updated this FR in order to collect a few suggestions in one FR and bring this to the JourFixe another time.
JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 13 MAY 2024: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 10 / trunk.
8 Implementation
{The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible.}
Test Cases
Test cases completed at 2024-10-25 by Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]
- 77008 : Automatische Mails enthalten Kommentare
Approved at 2024-10-25 by Glaubitz, Marko [mglaubitz].
Last edited: 29. Oct 2024, 11:16, Elagamy, Ahmed [Ahmed]