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Abandon User-Tab in Learning Progress in Main Bar

1 Reasons to Abandon Feature

The Main Bar entry Achievements > Learning Progress shows two tabs to those who have access to the Learning Progress of other users in objects in the Repository.

This requests adresses the second tab "Users", only. 

  • This feature is very little known and used. Presumably even less use the filter and fish out speicif objects from the past. Courses from current academic years are on their Dashoboards anyway. 
  • For those course admins  wo teach a lot of coureses for mans years this list takes quite some time to load. 
  • Moving This view to the KS would be costly, yet required. 

Thus this view should be abandonned. 

Screenshot of User-tab

2 Technical Information

{The maintainer has to provide necessary technical information, e.g. dependencies on other ILIAS components, necessary modifications in general services/architecture, potential security or performance issues.}

3 Contact

4 Funding

Removing the feature from the ILIAS code base might need funding. If you are interest in funding this request, please add your name and institution to this list.

  • ...

5 Discussion

Use the following discussion section to express your objections against this request or your consent to get rid of this feature.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 10 JUN 2024: We highly appreciate this suggestion and abandon the tab (and view) with ILIAS 10.

6 Implementation

Implemented as described (see commit), the 'User' tab was removed from Achievements > Learning Progress. The only thing shown in Learning Progress is now the user's personal learning progress. If the user does not have access to that, then Learning Progress is not shown in Achievements.

Removed Testcases

The following testcases have been removed from Testrail or modified because the feature is no longer part of the ILIAS core.

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Approved at 2024-08-07 by Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]

Last edited: 7. Aug 2024, 17:20, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]