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Page Editor » Text Editing on small devices

This request is part of the project for a New Page Editor.

1 Initial Problem

With the introduction of ILIAS 6 the saving and formatting options of the text element have been moved to the slate. For small screen sizes this results in the problem that formatting cannot be done parallel to text creation. This means: You cannot see the direct effect because the editor slate is overlaying the content screen.

Problems to be solved

  • Text should be selected and formatted (str, emp, ...)
  • If a formatting is selected, you can see directly how the text changes

Saving and formatting while typing is far away on mobile devices
The formatting used is not visible.

2 Conceptual Summary

In order to make the written text and the corresponding formatting function available in parallel on small screens, both the text input field and the formatting should be available simultaneously in the editor slate.

This variant is supported by the fact that properties and contents of other page elements are also changed in the slate (e.g. media). This behaviour is used on small screens where there is a text input field in the page editor and where the slate cannot be displayed parallel to the content (e.g. datatables).

2.1 What happens when you edit or add text?

When clicking on an existing text paragraph (or when adding a new text paragraph) the editor-slate will be opened to fill the page. There you will find a text input field of fixed size and the actions (formatting).

  1. Editor Slate opens.
  2. Slate shows save buttonsformatting buttonstext area, mainbar (depends on device system) and keyboard of the device.
  3. Cursor/focus directly in the text area.
Only the current text field (with text content if already present) and formatting options are visible in the Slate, not the content above or below it.

2.2 What happens to the formatting buttons?

We want to show a maximum of 2 lines of buttons to create enough space for the text area.
For this purpose, the formatting buttons are to be combined into dropdowns. All dropdowns should have a fixed label.

On a small device (mobile screen), the buttons should be combined as dropdowns:

  • First row:
    • "Save and Return" / "Speichern und zurück"
    • "Cancel" / "Abbrechen"
  • Second row:
    • "Paragraph" / "Absatz"
      • Headline 1,
      • Headline 2,
      • Standard
      • ...
    • "Character" / "Zeichen"
      • str
      • emp,
      • imp,
      • x2,
      • x2,
      • Accents (several),
      • delete formats
    • "More" / "Mehr" (Dropdown Example 5 With divider with label)
      • Lists: Unordered, Ordered, Indent, Outdent
      • Links: Wiki Page (Dialog), [ [ Wiki Page ] ], External Link, Internal Link, User Profile
      • More: LaTeX, Footnote, Anchor
    • "Section" / "Block"
      • None
      • Additional
      • AdvancedKnowledge
      • ...

The "More" dropdown displays the content as simple text. The following dropdowns show the actual formatting (colour, size, background,...)

  • Paragraph
  • Character
  • Section

2.3 What happens on the content screen?

The text input field in the slate and on the content page should display the same.

2.4 How do we present the autosave?

To be decided, depending on how autosave is displayed on desktop (current discussions are still ongoing).

If the text in the text input field has not yet been saved, a note should be displayed in both the slate and content areas indicating that it has not yet been saved. Possibly adapted Message Box to place a hint message at a text input to show that it has not yet been saved (see Page Editor » Auto Save)

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

This behaviour is used on small screens (where mainbar ist located at the bottom of screen):

  • Customize Page > Insert Text or Edit Text
  • Customize Page > Insert Datatables or Edit Datatables
  • Customize Page > Insert Code or Edit Code

3.2 User Interface Details

Note: The use of icons on the buttons instead of labels was discarded after review. We prefer to combine more buttons together and use clear labels to help the user recognise what they are about, rather than introducing new icons that may need to be learned.

The text options are grouped together in dropdowns.
Dropdown "Paragraph"
Dropdown "Character"
Dropdown "More"
Dropdown "Section"

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

no new UI concepts.

Standard Dropdown with divider with label should be used. 

4 Technical Information

There may be plenty of technical issues. The input field needs to be "moved" and resized depending on the screen size (small screen mode). It must be possible to detect (events) if the slate is currently the main view or not.

5 Privacy Information

No privacy implications.

6 Security Implications

No security implications.

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this project, please add your name and institution to this list.

More Informations: Page Editor Revision - Step 2 (Crowdfunding for ILIAS 8)

9 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 22 FEB 2021: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 8. It would be very helpful to indicate the selected section and paragraph style in the shown dropdowns above. This needs to be discussed and decided in the Kitchen Sink. In addition, the additional icons on screenshot 5 before the different list styles and other formattings would be helpful to. But at least there is already a fallback, see screenshot 4. Both topics should be decided in the KS and the ported to the page editor.

10 Implementation

{The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible.}

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 16. Nov 2023, 17:00, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]