Feature Wiki

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Study Programme: Manually Add Users from Organizational Unit Subtree

See also Study Programme: Automatically Add Users from Organizational Unit Subtree, a related page, however, specific to study programmes while this one refers to all objects in which users can be search in order to make them members.

1 Initial Problem

By now (v7.x), the user search in objects can only find members of exactly one level of organizational units at a time (i.e., the selected one).
In case you want to add users from an entire tree (below a specific node, or below it and including it), you need more than one pass through the search process.

2 Conceptual Summary

When searching for users in order to make them members/participants of an object (button is most commonly called "Seach Users"), the option "Search for Organisational Unit" offers a "Select" button that opens an OU picker.
The process of adding users from organisational units is optimised so that it becomes possible to also select the subnodes of an organisational unit without having to activate each checkbox individually within the tree.

3 User Interface Modifications

  • In the tab "Assignments" ("Automatic Assignment" view), the table of automatisms also has a column "Includes Subnodes".
    A positive graphic symbol appears in this column if an automation includes underlying nodes of the selected organisational unit.
  • When an automatism is added using the option "Search for Organisational Units", an additional checkbox "Include Subnodes?" appears below the ShyButtons "Select" and "Reset".
    The checkbox can be selected before or after the selection of an organisational unit (in the case of "before", the setting is retained throughout the selection process).
  • When an existing automatism is opened via "Actions > Edit", again the checkbox "Include Subnodes?" appears below "Select" and "Reset", ", with the previously selected specification.

3.1 List of Affected Views

The intent of this feature request covers:

  • Study Programme > Members > Edit Members > Search Users > Search for Organisational Unit

However, the UserSearch is also used in the follwing screens:

  • Course > Members > Edit Participants > Search Users > Search for Organisational Unit
  • Group > Members > Edit Participants > Search Users > Search for Organisational Unit
  • Learning Sequence > Members > Edit Participants > Search Users > Search for Organisational Unit
  • Test > Dashboard > Search Participants > Search for Organisational Unit
  • Exercise > Submissions and Grades > Search Users > Search for Organisational Unit
  • Survey > Participants > Invite Participants > Search for Organisational Unit
  • Individual Assessment > Participants > Search Users > Search for Organisational Unit
  • Survey (360°) > Appraisees > Search Users > Search for Organisational Unit
  • Forum > Moderators > Search Users > Search for Organisational Unit
  • Booking Pool > Participants > Search Users > Search for Organisational Unit
  • Competence Management > Competence Profiles > Assigned Roles and Users > Add Roles / Members

3.2 User Interface Details

1) Members Tab >> Edit members >> Search Users >> Search for Organisational Units

2) Modal (Tree) opens, user selects one or several organizational units without  selecting sub-units and clicks "Save"

3) After selecting organizational unit(s), user activates new checkbox "Involve sub-units" and clicks "Search".

4) Search Results will present users of the selected unit(s) AND its/their sub-units. User can select users and add them to study programme via "Add" button.

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


4 Technical Information

This will be added as a general feature of the user search, hence it will be available for user user searches as well.

5 Privacy Information

The assignment of users to organizational units will be processed to search accordingly.

6 Security Implications


7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 02 OCT 2023: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 9.

10 Implementation

{The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible.}

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 2. Oct 2023, 14:53, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]