Feature Wiki

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Streamlining Participants and Statistics View

1 Description

The presentation of user's test result data differ between the Statistics and the Participants view and needs to be streamlined:

  • Participating Users:
    • Move name column to front and login at second place
    • Column to be removed:
      • Test Started
      • Passes Already Completed
      • Finished
    • New columns:
      • Status with values: "Invited", "Started"
      • Answered Questions (from Statistics > Evaluation for All Users; with same values...)
  • Statistics (Evaluation:
    • Ordering of Answered Questions needs to be fixed
Additionally, a filter is offered that allows to select users:
  • All users
  • All users answered at least one question
  • All users answered all questions

ToDo: We need to clarify when the following stati are reached:

  • Test started
  • Finished

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: your name / your e-mail

4 Discussion

AT, 2014-12-03: Please do not tweak these views to marry up. Please take a bolder approach to rectify this mess: Extract Test Results from the Participant tab and make a separate Tab of it

5 Follow-Up

Last edited: 3. Dec 2014, 16:15, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]