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Main Menu Item - Default Proposal V3

This page collects a former version of the default proposal of the Default Configuration of Main Bar Items (ILIAS 6) proposal.

This following version 3 (as at february 06th) is a revision based upon the discussion postings below and is the base for discussion from 06th february 2018 and later.

(green = biggest changes from v1 to v3)

see: https://app.milanote.com/1EIXMW11m9Xi8i


1. Help / Hilfe

2. Notificationtool / Benachrichtigungstool

3. User / Benutzer (Avatar)

  • Account und Privatsphäre (ehemals Persönliche Daten und Profil)
  • Einstellungen
  • Abmelden


1. Explorer / Explorer
explorer-like character, points to elements in the repository with special distinction

  • Magazin - Einstiegsseite
  • Zuletzt besucht
  • --
  • Favoriten (auf Schreibtisch legen, Bookmarks)
  • Kurse
  • Gruppen
  • --
  • Eigene Magazin-Objekte
  • Ressourcen von anderen
  • --
  • Suche
2. Personal Workspace / Persönlicher Arbeitsraum
  • Portfolios
  • Personal Repository (all "Workspace" elements like blog, folder, files,...)
  • --
  • Notizen
  • --
  • Kalender
  • --
  • News ( News-Archiv and Archiv von Benachrichtigungstool)
  • Background Tasks (Archiv von Background Tasks)
3. Achievements / Leistungen
  • Lernfortschritt
  • Kompetenzen
  • Badges
  • Zertifikate
4. Communication / Kommunikation
  • Wer ist online?
  • Unterhaltungen (ehemals Konversationen)
  • Mail
  • Kontakte
  • Kommentare
5. Organisation (Staff-Functionalities)
  • Mitarbeiterliste
  • Einschreibungen
6. Administration



Help / Hilfe

Placed in top bar due to

  • need of parallel use: Has to explain the main navi (tab bar),
  • can’t be hidden in tab bar

Notificationtool / Benachrichtigungstool

Placed in top bar due to

  • external consistency to other web applications and
  • majority opinion

User / Benutzer

Placed in top bar due to

  • external consistency to other web applications and
  • majority opinion


Explorer / Explorer

Placed in tab bar as group for 

  • explorer-like character, points to elements in the repository with special distinction

Calendar / Kalender

Placed in slate of tab bar item “Personal Workspace” due to

  • big personal character of item.


Explorer / Explorer

Label unsure

Personal Workspace vs. Personal Repository

Label unsure. "Workspace" is the label of an other concept in ILIAS at the moment. Is it better to use "Personal Workspace" for a bigger context as now and relabel the "My Ressource" tab in "Workspace" element (ILIAS 5.3) to "Personal Repository"? Or do we have an other label for this top menu and reuse "Workspace" for the "My Ressource" element?

Placing of Search

Should "Search" be a top menu item in top bar or a sub menu in tab bar on the left side?

Organisation vs. 
Staff / Mitarbeitende

In our opinion it’s a communication tool, but we are uncertain about content and use of this option. Options could be to add a "Staff" menu in "Achievements" and "Communication" or have a top menu entry "Organisation".

Community uncertainties

Placing of Who-is-online

At the moment placed in tab bar menu "Communication". Does it need to be in top menu bar?

Placing of Administration

Top menu item or menu in tab bar on the left side?

Last edited: 28. Oct 2019, 12:55, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]